Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 532 The environment has changed

Chapter 532 The environment has changed
"Robin! Long time no see!"

Seeing Inspector Robin with a better complexion than back then, Ding Yunfeng held back his doubts, stood up and greeted him with open arms, and gave him a bear hug.

Inspector Robin patted him on the back vigorously: "Little boy, we talked about it on the Fugui Wan, and I want to come over to find me for fishing when I have time!
You see, several years have passed in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for Ms. Gong, the environment on Hong Kong Island seems to have changed a little recently, and the strength of our old guys seems to have a chance to go further.

This time you come here, you will almost burn paper on my grave. "

Robin laughed and cursed, revealing a lot of important information.

Ding Yunfeng stared in astonishment at Gong Er who was squatting beside the patio washing lotus roots.

Exactly at this time!

A wasp buzzed over.

Yi Yitian moved his right hand slightly, the silver light shone and closed again!
About two steps apart, the hornet flying towards Gong Ruomei in the air has become two parts!

A thousand gold can't buy a sound, old and bloody, Yi Yitian, who was supposed to go downhill, took a breath to protect Gong Er.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the day, the world has changed, and even further in his later years! ! !
In today's Yixiantian, I am afraid that even if Ye Wen is alive, it will be difficult to hear his voice again...

After all, Ding Yunfeng has seen the movie and knows the strength of Yixiantian, the masters of the Republic of China.

Today, if the other party goes further, he can accept it somewhat, but in the eyes of the prince, the distance of more than one meter is enough, and the hornet can be cut off by the wind of the knife alone, which ruins his three views a bit.

Clench your hands into fists and tense your muscles.

The prince has been out for so long, today he regrets for the first time, he has become the boss, and he didn't bring a gun when he went out.

"Zitai, you are all on your own. Relax." Ding Yunfeng glanced at the prince, and beckoned him to Gong Ruomei and Gong Ruomei: "Seniors, this young boy, his name is Gan Zitai, please take a look. Take a look, is this kid worthy of cultivation?"

Hong Xing God of War will also have a day when someone asks if he can be cultivated?
If he had heard these words before, the prince would definitely blow his hair, but what he saw today made him have to accept it.

Back then, at the age of 16, he went to the "Fishermen's Children Association" to study Chinese martial arts with the famous teacher Shao Baijian.

Later, although he also worshiped the former Yau Tsim District speaker Poh Wah as his teacher, he learned Karoken and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu successively.

However, Gan Zitai has a good eye for spreading martial arts.

The old lady who washed the lotus root was the way, and the other party hadn't made a move yet, so he couldn't be sure.

But this uncle dog licking in a white coat just now made his hair stand on end with Liu Sanyin saber technique.

Lowering her head and carefully washing the lotus root, Gong Ruomei said slowly: "Mr. Ding, you know it.

In my life, I will not marry, have children, or pass on my skills.

Look, I won't read it, wait a minute, come and help me cut the lotus root, I have a few words to tell you. "

As he spoke, he pinched the edge of the pot with his five fingers.

The old lady picked up the clay pot with a diameter of one meter filled with lotus roots and well water only by grasping with five fingers, and then she walked towards the kitchen with a calm expression.

The prince's Adam's apple rolled, and the half basin of well water plus the lotus root and the basin would weigh tens of catties. If it were him, he would naturally be able to do it with two hands.

But what the hell is holding the edge of the pot with five fingers!
Even if the finger strength, wrist strength, arm strength, and waist strength are sufficient, if the strength is not well controlled, the bottom of the basin may not be off the ground, and the sides of the pottery basin will break first.

"Senior Gong's father is the famous Mr. Gong Yutian." Ding Yunfeng smiled and reminded.

When the prince heard this, his complexion changed drastically, Gong Monkey!

Isn't this the martial arts version of the female prince?

At this time, Yi Yitian watched Gong Ruomei walk into the kitchen.

He moved his eyes back, and glanced at the prince: "Since we have decided to throw away the things of our ancestors, what is there to talk about, whether to cultivate or not?
roll!Otherwise, I don't mind cleaning you up for your teacher! "

"Brother Feng, I'll wait for you outside." The prince was so ashamed that he cupped his fists and saluted, turned around and ran out of the ancestral hall with his head buried.

He knew that the Baji master in front of him had already seen that he had practiced martial arts before, and then gave up halfway, and changed to other martial arts.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Ding Yunfeng took out his cigarette case and walked around: "Foreign devils, most of their martial arts methods can be used by ordinary people to participate in actual combat after a short period of practice.

To pass on martial arts, you need to train your heart and mind, and you need to practice for many years.

Young and Dangerous guys like Zitai are eager to make their mark, who has the patience to delve into it slowly?Of course, with the eyes in mind, learn something first, so that you can get a position in the club inside, and you can kill friends on the street to save your life outside. "

"Hmph! One of my apprentices, San Jiangshui, is also a hooligan."

"Then you old man, can you really teach him something?"

"Teach him? That's something that ruins the ancestors." Yi Yitian glared at Ding Yunfeng, then shook his hands and wanted to go to the kitchen.

Ding Yunfeng held back his smile and shouted on purpose: "Hey, senior Gong asked me to cut lotus roots, you have to keep an eye on this matter too?"

Yixiantian's footsteps paused, then suddenly sped up, passed the kitchen door, and disappeared behind the ancestral hall.

Robin and Pheasant stood aside and watched the whole show, seeing Yixiantian run away by Ding Yunfeng, the former silently gave him a thumbs up.

Everyone is half buried in the soil!

You volunteered to be a licking dog and circle around Gong Er all day long, at least you should consider the feelings of your neighbors!

Really, you don’t feel embarrassed yourself, the embarrassment is the people who watch it, right?
Shrugging his shoulders, Ding Yunfeng walked into the kitchen and found that Gong Er was washing rice for cooking, and a dozen or so lotus roots were neatly stacked on the cutting board on the stove.

Rolling up the cuffs of his shirt, Ding Yunfeng picked up the kitchen knife, and Duoduodao began to cut the lotus root washed by Gong Er into slices of uniform thickness.

Gong Er always had a calm and desolate expression on her face. After putting the rice into the pot, she pulled up a low bamboo stool and sat down to choose a handful of green beans: "Mr. Ding, my father was called into the palace at the age of 27 to serve as the head of the guard. Add a fourth-rank guard with a knife.

According to the script, before my father resigned and re-entered the arena, he could be regarded as the last head of the imperial guards in the previous dynasty. "

Recall that in "The Grandmaster", Gong Yutian is the president of the Chinese Samurai Association.

In order to promote the northern and southern martial arts, he abandoned sectarianism and worked together to serve the country.In the Foshan Jinlou, Ding Yunfeng was very touched by the scene of giving his lifetime reputation to Ip Man: "There are north and south in boxing, and north and south in the state?
Mr. Gong doesn't care about power and position, he resigned from office and left the palace, combining Xingyi and gossip..."

No matter Huo Yuanjia or Gong Yutian.

In that special era, as warriors, their greatest wish is to create martial arts, strengthen the country and breed, work wisely and courageously, and swear to avenge the national humiliation!
Gong Er interrupted Ding Yunfeng in a cold voice: "Mr. Ding, what I want to tell you today is not what happened after my father resigned from office, but what he saw in a secret file while working in the palace..."

 I originally wanted to write 3 chapters, but the state is not very good, so I can only write 1 chapter.This plot not only needs to combine historical archetypal characters, but also integrates with the plot of the movie, and also pulls out the unblocking of Hong Kong Island and the unblocking of the hometown. It is a bit difficult to do, and everyone will just watch it.

(End of this chapter)

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