Chapter 533 I Will Pay You Back Ten Times

With grace, she lights a lady's cigarette.

Gong Ruomei looked out the window and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Ding, I don't know, but have you ever heard of a term——National fortune?"

"I heard about it." Ding Yunfeng recalled the story of his hometown being sealed off, and replied solemnly.

"Well, then what I'm going to talk about next, Mr. Ding shouldn't be too difficult to accept..." Gong Ruomei snorted, and rarely showed a smile to Ding Yunfeng: "Speaking of it, it's a long story..."

Cooking smoke billowed out from the wooden window of the kitchen of the old ancestral hall, sniffing the smell of rice, and the pheasant, who was naked and practicing knives in the courtyard, looked at Inspector Robin with some concern: "Robin, tell me, Brother Feng, can he accept it?"

"Do you accept it or not?" Robin rubbed his two legendary revolvers, his hands moved quickly, not like an old man over eighty years old at all.

Picking up the barrel of the gun and taking a look, Inspector Robin replied speechlessly: "Practice your knife! Ah Feng's knowledge is not as narrow as you imagined, it's not that there is no national oppression on Hong Kong Island, and some ghosts and snakes will appear in the near future. Is the one who ran out a mess, don't worry."

"Oh." Pheasant scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and immediately returned his attention to the eight-cutting knife in both hands.

The sword was flashing, and the wooden dummy placed in front of the pheasant made a sound.

Pieces of sawdust jumped out quickly as the pheasant practiced its sword moves.

If the prince was present at this time, he would definitely be shocked again.

Because the front part of this wooden dummy is already covered with knife marks, so you don't need to use a ruler to measure it, just rely on your eyesight to measure it, and you can see it even if you are not blind.

The two eight-cutting knives in Pheasant's hand did not actually touch the stake...

Gong Er said that he asked Ding Yunfeng to come in and cut the lotus root, but this arrogant old lady, as soon as she opened the chat box, she just smoked a cigarette to remember her deceased father. Instead, Ding Yunfeng listened to the ancients while cooking, and prepared a table of four dishes and one soup.

"Probably this is the case, unless my hometown takes back Hong Kong Island.

Otherwise, during this period of time, there will definitely be a lot of ghosts, ghosts, monsters and ghosts in this land. "

As expected, Gong Ruomei grew up in the capital. She has studied opera, and the rhythm of storytelling is very good.

Here, after talking about Gong Yutian's reading on the Ouchi secret file, about the national destiny; over there, Ding Yunfeng just cooked a pot of good soup.

Still pinching the rim of the tripod with five fingers, Gong Er mentioned the pot of rice that Ding Yunfeng had stuffed.

Just as Gong Er came out of the kitchen, Yi Yitian walked out silently from the flower alley of the ancestral hall. With a dark face, he took the tray that Ding Yunfeng was holding in both hands, followed Gong Er out after keeping a distance of three steps.

Lick the dog!

Ding Yunfeng held back his laughter, and walked behind the two of them with a soup pot in his hand. Once he entered the central hall, he found a young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with a straight hairstyle.

"Eat first, what's the matter, let's talk about it after eating." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Tian Yangsheng who was beaten into a pig's head, put down the soup pot, and said calmly.

Pheasant Zhiqu went over to help everyone with food, and Yixiantian sat side by side with Robin.

The latter hummed a little song and opened a bottle of XO, and Gong Er lit a lady's cigarette.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved slightly. Before the environment changed, Gong Ruomei gave up opium under the persuasion of Yixiantian and Liu Kui in order to cure the disease.

Seeing that she can't leave her cigarette now, Ding Yunfeng reckoned that with the improvement of her cultivation base, the old lung injury that killed Ma San at the train station in exchange for her life had already healed.

Pheasant helped everyone fill up the rice, and sat next to Big D by himself.

Tian Yangsheng was covering his right rib, and he looked at Ding Yunfeng stubbornly.

Before coming to Tsuen Wan today, he was very confident that he could bring the five brothers back with these fists.

But who would have thought that the strong man in a denim vest sent by the other party to guard the gate outside the ancestral hall could subtly overwhelm him.

Even, if it wasn't for the other party's concerns.

Tian Yangsheng believes that even if he fights with his life, he may not be able to enter this ordinary ancestral hall.

Just when Tian Yangsheng didn't know how to ask Ding Yunfeng for someone.

Ding Yunfeng waved his chopsticks: "Hey, what are you doing standing up? Sit down, it won't hurt so much that you can't even grab the bowl, right?"

Tian Yangsheng was taken aback when he heard the words, his lips twitched, and he struggled to finish the draft, which finally turned into a thank you.

Tian Yangsheng's face turned pale, and he endured the pain to accompany a group of enemies, after eating this delicious home-cooked meal.

What surprised him was that during the meal, nine out of ten sentences Ding Yunfeng talked with Robin and Pheasant completely subverted his three views.

For example, that dwarf with a weird figure kept talking about the time when the Japanese occupied Hong Kong Island.

The enemy country once sent onmyojis to Hong Kong Island to do a lot of rituals in some places. Recently, there should be some inhuman things coming out of those places to cause trouble...

The Arabian Nights!
The more Tian Yang Sheng listened, the weirder his face became.

Because, he found that Ding Yunfeng and the others not only did not stop the dwarf's crazy words, but also echoed them from time to time.

Even, that old lady with a cold temperament actually let out a bold statement that when necessary, she and the lonely old man in a white coat can help...

For this meal, Tian Yangsheng endured the pain and was full of doubts from beginning to end.

"Everyone, drink tea!"

After the meal, Ding Yunfeng started to brew Gongfu tea, Gong Er and Yi Yitian drank a cup, got up and left.

Inspector Robin smiled and pointed at Tian Yangsheng: "Young boy, you can bear it! After being interrupted by the prince with two ribs, you can still stay silent until now. No wonder Ah Feng values ​​you so much."

"Mr. Ding, I robbed you of your money this time, and it was all planned and led by me alone.

You are angry at me, I only have one request, let my brothers go, they just obey orders..." Tian Yangsheng endured the severe pain and tried to maintain a calm tone.

Ding Yunfeng raised his hand to stop him: "Peasant, help him deal with it first."

"Okay, Brother Feng." Pheasant got up and fetched the medicine box.

Tian Yangsheng showed vigilance, and before he could resist, Pheasant had already passed the Wing Chun listening bridge, predicted his movements, and wrapped his torso with a pair of bamboo slices.

"Cooperate, if you really want to do something to the seven of you, do you have the life to walk in front of me, Ding Yunfeng today?" Ding Yunfeng said dissatisfied, his eyes coldly swept the sky for a while.

Tian Yangsheng buried his head and replied: "I know, it's just that I'm not used to being approached by strangers..."

"Choose! I'm a doctor. If I don't come close to you, how can I help you?" Pheasant, who was about to use silver needles to help the sky reduce swelling and stasis, was speechless.

Tian Yangsheng managed to squeeze out a smile: "Thank you."

"Oh, forget it, you look like this, smiling is uglier than crying, turn around! Let's talk about it first, the consultation fee must not be less, a total of 2000 yuan."

"I don't have it now, but if I still have it in the future, I will pay you ten times more."

"Stupid hey! Brother Feng told me to treat you, but you are still worried about whether there will be a future..."

(End of this chapter)

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