Chapter 534

Ding Yunfeng waited until Pheasant helped Tian Yangsheng to heal his wound, and then gave him two choices.

First, do one thing for yourself, as compensation for this robbery and winning streak of more than 1 million cash;
Second, bring the other 6 brothers and sisters to work for him, receive a salary, and be directly responsible to him.

Tian Yangsheng thought about it for a moment, and vaguely felt that if he chose the first path, he might help Ding Yunfeng finish that matter, and there would be a high probability of being wiped out.

Recalling the painful experience of being pushed to the battlefield as cannon fodder by the local warlords in Myanmar when the seven were young.

Tianyangsheng decided to choose the second path pretendingly.

The lion immediately opened his mouth and offered seven people, with a total annual salary of 5000 million US dollars per year!

He was going to take a look, Ding Yunfeng would not open a third road.

But it turns out!
He is too naive!
"Okay! You said it yourself!
5000 million is 5000 million! Ding Yunfeng threw a cigarette over and said, "Big D, you ask someone to arrange a car, and first take Tian Yangyi and the others back to Mui Wo." "

"Okay, I'll ask Mawei to do it right away." Big D nodded in response.

Seeing that Tian Yangsheng didn't bring a lighter, he threw out his own.

Tian Yangsheng caught it with a stiff expression, he was not only surprised at Ding Yunfeng's generosity, but also ashamed that Big D was injured by them earlier.

Enemies before, colleagues later.

In the future, if you look up and see you down, it's best to let go of this festival, but who knows, before he can express anything, Big D has already offered to show his favor, which makes him really embarrassed!

After the big D finished ponytail with his big brother, Tian Yangsheng said solemnly: "We will pay you back for that shot."

Big D haha ​​waved his hand: "We gangsters came out to mess around, with a police car and a hearse.

Don't say that I was only shot once, even if I missed it that day, I was embarrassed by your guns, it's just my big D's short life!

Everyone is under Brother Feng's subordinates. You can see it by saying this. "

Tian Yangsheng's eyes remained unchanged, and he didn't say anything more. He has a cold temper, and today's performance is considered extraordinary.

Ding Yunfeng knocked on the coffee table and brought the two of them back to pay attention: "Ah Sheng, you should stay here in Tsuen Wan to recuperate during this time.

When Pheasant says you can fight people, you take everyone to this place to find a man named Li Jie.

He is my personal bodyguard, and he will arrange for you to do things. "

"Okay!" Tian Yangsheng took the note from Ding Yunfeng, which only had an address and a phone number on it.


Name: Tian Yang Sheng
Identity: A Burmese native, who was trained as a child soldier by the Burmese warlord in his childhood, and was pushed to the Annan battlefield as cannon fodder.

Goodwill: 68% (you have established initial trust with this person, if the value of this item is lower than 60, this subordinate may have a chance of rebellion)

Skills: Kickboxing (top level)
Gun Proficiency (Intermediate)

Mlay Technology (Intermediate)

Vehicle Driving (Intermediate)
Camouflage Technology (Advanced)



Turning off the system interface with his thoughts, Ding Yunfeng sipped a cup of tea, and was in the kitchen before dinner. When Gong Ruomei told him about the national fortune and the supernatural appearance in the Hong Kong Island area in the near future, the system that he had been immersed in for a long time finally responded again.


This time, compared with the previous ones, there are many more functions in the profile interface, among which the [Goodwill] column is the most practical, allowing you to judge at a glance whether your subordinates have a different heart.

Turning to Robin, Ding Yunfeng resisted the urge to use the system to observe the other party's information: "Robin, if you have time to persuade those two, it's a pity not to pass on your skills."

"Understood, I'll mention it when I have the chance. In fact, Yixiantian has assumed that the pheasant is his heir. Miss Gong, why do you hold on to it?"

"The 64 moves of the Gong family are the painstaking efforts of Mr. Gong's whole life, and they can be called the treasure of Chinese martial arts!

It would be a pity if it was lost because of the run on those old coffin clappers. "Ding Yunfeng deliberately raised his tone.

In the inner room, there was a cold snort.

Ding Yunfeng didn't give the other party a chance to let the dog go, he got up and walked out of the ancestral hall first, took the prince into the car and ran away.

Yi Yitian came out with a dark face, saw that no one was there, and shouted at the pheasant: "If Ding Yunfeng comes over in the future, you can say it's inconvenient, you know?"

"Understood!" Pheasant nodded honestly, and Robin played with a revolver: "Oh, if I remember correctly, this place seems to belong to Ah Feng."

"Move tomorrow!"


On the other side, above the pier.

Chen Shiqi, chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station, had waited for a long time, but instead of Ding Yunfeng, he waited for Huang Dawen, who drove a Mercedes-Benz.

"Huang Dazhuang, what's the wind blowing today? You are a busy person, and you actually came to the pier. Don't say, these coolies have money and ask you to file a lawsuit to ask for unpaid wages!" Chen Shiqi is a smooth-faced person. Immediately took the initiative to greet him.

Huang Dawen always had that smiley expression on his face. He took the cigarette handed over by Chen Shiqi calmly and lit it with the lighter that the other party took out: "Sir Chen, stop joking, and help the coolies to file a lawsuit? Then Why don't I just give them one or hundreds of thousands of dollars as a good deed to accumulate virtue!"

"Haha, Huang Dazhuang is Huang Dazhuang, and the unit of doing good deeds is [-] yuan!" Chen Shiqi joked with a smile.

Huang Dawen smiled and waved his hands: "I can't help it, I've been working with my boss for the past few years, and I've saved a little money!
I'm a litigator, in the eyes of you guys, I'm just a wicked ghost who gave birth to a child and has no asshole?
Whether it's seeking peace of mind, fooling ghosts and gods, or building bridges and roads, when do you think I'm falling behind? "

"Huang Da's words are serious, Chen has never thought about it that way." Chen Shiqi waved his hands quickly.

"Okay. I'll be serious first, and I'll talk about it later." Huang Dawen pulled his tie and strode towards the two boat bosses who were handcuffed by the ghost Charlie.

Chen Shiqi was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly chased after him, but before he could introduce to Charlie, the latter saw Huang Dawen approaching, his face was already ugly, and he urged his men to unlock the lock.

"Sir, may I ask my client..."

"Stop! Mr. Huang, there is no need to say too much!

Whatever you say today, so be it. OK? "Charlie felt dizzy when he saw Huang Dawen.

This Queen's barrister is one of the few Chinese who are recognized in the ghost circle and should not be provoked casually.

"OK, of course OK. Sir, you have to save face, and I, the two parties, have to be polite. The loss of your company's ship will be fully borne by us." While Huang Dawen was speaking, a check had already been put into Charlie's marine police uniform. pocket.

Money in your pocket.

Charlie looks much better.

He exchanged a few words with Huang Dawen, and soon announced that he would close the team and leave.

Chen Shiqi could only watch the whole process with a wry smile. At this moment, he didn't know—who called Huang Dawen?
(End of this chapter)

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