Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 535 Chen Shiqi's Voting Certificate

Chapter 535 Chen Shiqi's Voting Certificate

Charlie received the money, and the favor he sold to Chen Shiqi also fell through. This time he led the marine police to dispatch, besides losing some face, it can be said that he earned blood.

"Chen Sir, the boat has to be towed to the dock for repairs, and I have to report to the superiors. I still have work to do today, so I'll go first." Charlie wiped his mustache and said to Chen Shiqi.

Chen Shiqi was full of helplessness, and he could only smile wryly. When he sent Charlie away, he saw Huang Dawen turn around and wanted to get into the car, so he hurriedly chased after him and stopped him.

"Huang Dazhuang, stay a step, I have something to discuss with you."

"Chen Sir, what's the matter? Are you going to sue me?" Huang Dawen deliberately smiled.

Chen Shiqi sighed, and was ordered by his superiors not to allow Ding Yunfeng to intervene in the case. Now, the thief in the money robbery case has not been caught, but owes a big favor to the marine police, and he can't explain it when he goes back...

Seeing that Chen Shiqi almost shed tears, Huang Dawen shook his head, took a puff of second-hand smoke, and puffed on the other party's face: "I said Old Chen!
You and I have known each other for three to five years, right?

How many times have I warned you that you must never do this kind of fence-sitter!

As long as you can listen to it once, you will not end up like this today, will you? "

"Huang Daxiang, this is so imminent, what's the use of talking about it?

And for the sake of you and I having spent so many nights together, at least give my brother a hand, help me get offline, and let me see Brother Feng. "Chen Shiqi grabbed Huang Dawen's sleeve and begged bitterly.

Huang Dawen smoked two cigarettes, put on airs, and waited to blackmail a rich man for a week. He finally let Chen Shiqi get into the car, then kicked the accelerator, and the Mercedes-Benz drove to Repulse Bay and stopped outside Wang Xia's villa.

"Lawyer Huang, what are you here to do?" Dasha asked while holding the oyster knife in one hand and opening the door with the other.

Huang Dawen took out the cigarette case, knocked out a camel and stuffed it into Dasha's mouth, then smiled and took out the lighter to light it for him: "Brother Dasha, are you here to help Brother Feng open oysters again today?"

"Isn't this obvious? The screwdriver can't open oysters, so can it be used to brush abalone? What's wrong with you!" Big smirked and cursed, and looked at Chen Shiqi standing behind Huang Dawen: "Hey, this Which way is the bit on?"

"Chen Shiqi, the chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station, he wants to find Brother Feng for something."

"Oh, Sir Chen? Please come in, please come in, Brother Feng will not be back in about half an hour." Dasha gave way, and shouted towards the villa: "Sister Xiaoxia, Sir Chen from the Causeway Bay Police Station is here." .”

Wang Xia raised her head and said yes, and continued to look through the account book. When Huang Dawen brought Chen Shiqi over, she got up and pointed to the sofa and said, "Chen Sir, sit whatever you want, Uncle Dawen, I can't move my hand, you make tea." Bar."

"Okay! Dasha, go find a can of good tea and come over." Huang Dawen didn't show up, took off his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves and sat on the tea seat. He took a can of narcissus thrown by Dasha, and skillfully took out the Kung Fu tea set and started playing with it.

Chen Shiqi was secretly surprised when he saw this, looking at the situation, the relationship between Huang Dawen and Ding Yunfeng was unusually close, and he knew exactly which drawer the tea set was placed in.

"Uncle Dawen, I'm going to have a birthday with Uncle Liansheng recently, I originally wanted to give a red envelope of 6 as in previous years.

However, Brother Feng said that the price of goods has risen recently, and this human relationship must be raised a little bit.

It just so happens that you come today, you see, how much is appropriate? "

"Oh, it's a mess, this old guy is very supportive of Brother Feng recently!
According to the outside market, you have to add 2 anyway. However, since the package has reached 8, why not add 8 more, and just make up a whole number of 1. "Huang Dawen replied while heating the cup.

Wang Xia nodded: "Okay, let's set 10. Uncle Chuanbao added it, and Lao Leng will also add a little later..."

Watching Wang Xia write and draw on the notebook, each stroke is up and down in units of [-], Chen Shiqi's eyes twitched. It is rumored that among Ding Yunfeng's women, Shi Shi is in charge of official occasions, and Wang Xia is in charge of clubs In this area, there is also a Bobo who is as beautiful as a flower, who accompanies him to various receptions and dinners.

When I saw it today, the rumors turned out to be true!

The amount registered in Wang Xia's notebooks is probably a surprising amount!

"Forget it, forget it, forget it, these numbers every year give me a headache every time." Wang Xia closed the book with the winning streak label written on it, rubbed her forehead and said with a smile.

Huang Dawen pointed at the tea tray and said with a smile: "Don't forget about the headache, wait for Brother Feng to come back and let him have a headache."

"Okay, Huang Dawen, I haven't taken off my shoes when I go home, and I've already heard you speak ill of me in front of Xiaoxia." A laughing curse came from the door, and Ding Yunfeng handed the suit jacket to the servant, and put it on. Slippers came in.


"Brother Feng, you are back."

"Dasha, don't send oysters every time, you can have some lobster sashimi." Ding Yunfeng patted Dasha on the shoulder,
"Brother Feng, I'll go back to school, and for a month at most, I will definitely let you eat lobster sashimi."

"Very good! By the way, over there in Tsuen Wan.

You arrange for your younger brother to send some fresh seafood over every day.

Especially seahorses and sea dragons. In addition, you can collect some wild ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and other powerful medicines from the smugglers in Korea at a high price.

I estimate that several seniors will also use it. "

Ding Yunfeng was so stupid, turned around and looked at Chen Shiqi who was standing up awkwardly: "Chen Sir? A rare visitor! You came to find me suddenly, do you have any advice?"

"Brother Feng, you must save me this time!" Chen Shiqi said simply.

Now that he decided to come to the door and bow his head, he would directly persuade him to the end.

Straight to the point, he made it clear that he wanted to discuss with Ding Yunfeng whether he could release a few robbers so that he could go back and deal with Cai Yuanqi.

Hearing the intention of the other party's visit, Ding Yunfeng had to re-examine the chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station. To a certain extent, he is a smart man.

However, this kind of guy who is good at speculation.

It can be used, but it cannot be trusted. The other party is not worthy of his resources to support.

"Oh, Chen Sir is offended when he said this.

Among colleagues, at work, of course they can help.

The problem is, I didn't catch these robbers either, so where can I find someone for you? "Ding Yunfeng laughed.

Chen Shiqi's eyes dimmed when he heard the words, and he regretted it a bit. Last time Huang Yaobing called to ask the two police stations to cooperate in handling the case, but he was worried about Cai Yuanqi's hint, so he rejected it on the spot.

Although, on the phone, he gave Huang Yaobing the clue of Tianyang Qizi;
But it was obvious that the kindness that day was not enough for Ding Yunfeng to let go of his grudges and accept him. At this time, if he wants to switch to the D department, it seems that he must have something to offer.

"Chief Superintendent of the North District, they want to push Guan Chun up. If Brother Feng wants to step into this position, you still have a chance now."

(End of this chapter)

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