Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 536 Police Constable Chen Jin

Chapter 536 Police Constable Chen Jin
Chief Superintendent of the North District, Guan Chun?

It seems that this is the villain in "New Police Story", Guan Zu's father.

"Old Chen, there are no people, but money can be arranged!"

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, and changed his name: "These Burmese child soldiers are too cunning, and my people can't catch them at all!
We only found a suitcase containing banknotes in their old den.

The people below have counted it, and there is about 100 million Hong Kong dollars. Since you have spoken, it is up to you to take it back and close the case. "

This has shrunk by more than a hundred times!
Chen Shiqi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and Huang Dawen saw him open his mouth to speak, and hurriedly coughed a few times.

Chen Shiqi, who came back to his senses, glanced gratefully at his friend Yepu.

He looked at Ding Yunfeng solemnly: "Thank you Brother Feng for your understanding, it's getting late, I'll go back first, and wait for the good news."

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements." Ding Yunfeng picked up the teacup, Chen Shiqi got up to leave, Huang Dawen sent him out, and patted his shoulder partingly: "Hey, I helped you twice today.

In the next half month, Lan Kwai Fong will treat you to guests, is there any problem? "

"I choose, those two coughs you just coughed are worth a week's worth of wine?" Chen Shiqi was laughed angrily by Huang Dawen.

Huang Dawen winked: "If I hadn't reminded you in time, you would have done something wrong!

Take the robbers back, take 100 million back, what is the difference between the two?

Do you think Cai Yuanqi can't see that you are dealing with it?

Now that you have decided to join Brother Feng, I don't understand why you hesitated just now? "

Chen Shiqi was suddenly at a loss for words, he had no choice but to cup his fists, cupped his hands at Huang Dawen, then turned on the ignition and stepped on the accelerator, turning the steering wheel and leaving.

Thinking of extorting half a month's worth of wine money with just a few words, Huang Dawen rubbed his chin with a wretched smile.

At this time, Dasha opened the oyster and came out.

Seeing him standing at the door, Dasha went over and patted him on the shoulder: "Hey, barrister, is Dianjie standing here? I remember, didn't you drive here?"

"That's right! That's my car, pick that star, my car!" Huang Dawen came back to his senses in astonishment, pointed at the direction where Chen Shiqi was leaving, jumped and cursed.

Dasha scratched his head speechlessly, and opened his Ferrari: "Get in the car, barrister, I will give you a ride."


Ding Yunfeng was eating oysters, and Wang Xia snuggled up to him, helping him pick up vegetables from time to time: "Brother Feng, Dasha is here today, as he said, the fog that shrouded my hometown seems to have begun to dissipate recently.

He planned to send a few small boats to take a look in two more months. "

"Yes, pay attention to safety, if there is a problem, please tell me in time." Ding Yunfeng had expected it, and replied calmly.

Next, Wang Xia mentioned some friendships with Lian Sheng's uncles. After hearing about the birthday celebration, Ding Yunfeng suddenly said: "Shuangfandong, Huoxingu and Shaogou, these three will be avoided in the future."

"Okay Brother Feng, I've written it down." Wang Xia heard that Ding Yunfeng's tone was wrong, so naturally she didn't dare to ask for details.

When the two of them calmed down in the evening, Ding Yunfeng put his arms around Wang Xia and told her that he wanted to buy Le's shadow line. When the three of Shuangfandong heard that the money had been robbed, they took the lead in withdrawing the shares.

"Hmph, these three shameless old bastards! Brother Feng, I think we should arrange someone to teach them a lesson." Wang Xia raised Ding Yunfeng's hands to her chest, turned her head and said.

Ding Yunfeng lowered his head and gnawed at her: "Don't worry, I have arrangements. These three people are still useful, don't make up your own mind and disrupt my plan."

"Understood Brother Feng..."


The next day, Causeway Bay Police Station, inside the commissioner's office.

Cai Yuanqi's face was dark, and he raised the previous report: "Chen Sir, are you sure that the report handed in this morning did not write the wrong amount? The amount involved in this street money robbery case is only 100 million Hong Kong dollars?"

"Sir! Before I hand in this report, I checked it four or five times. The number of 100 million is correct, and the physical evidence is also..."

"Chen Shiqi! Do you know what you're talking about? 100 million? I'll ask you to lead the team personally for the 100 million case?" Cai Yuanqi was so angry that he slammed the report on Chen Shiqi's face, each A4 paper It fell to the ground with a crash.

Chen Shiqi held back his anger, and replied sternly: "Why didn't Cai Sir kill him for 100 million? Could it be that Cai Sir was also at the scene on the day of the crime?"

"Stop changing the subject!

I can tell you clearly that you still have the opportunity to rewrite this report and hand it in before you get off work.

But if you continue to kill only 100 million people, what will be the consequences, I believe you probably know it in your heart. "

"This is the truth of the case!" Chen Shiqi answered blankly.

Cai Yuanqi sneered again and again, and he pointed at Chen Shiqi with his index finger: "Okay! The police force on Hong Kong Island most lacks a pragmatic policeman like Sir Chen."

As soon as the words fell, Cai Yuanqi slammed the door and went out. Chen Shiqi squatted down and picked up the reports one by one.


After coming to Causeway Bay, Cai Yuanqi was so angry that he returned directly to Tai Kwun in the special car of the police commissioner.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw the head of the Guan family, Guan Chun, sitting on the sofa making tea. Judging from the cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table, the other party had been waiting for a while.

"Guan Sir, why are you here? Why don't you let my secretary call me back?" Cai Yuanqi was very polite to Guan Chun.

The Guan family is an evergreen tree of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. There are middle-level leaders and grassroots employees. I don’t know how many people have the surname Guan. to the opponent's hands.

With a square face, Guan Chun put down the newspaper and stood up.

He shook hands with Cai Yuanqi first, and then replied with a smile: "It's nothing important, I'm here to deliver a report at the Tai Kwun today, I thought I haven't met Cai Sir for a long time, so I'll go upstairs and wait for you."

"Needless to say, since we're here, we have to have a meal and a drink. That's it. I'm going to ask someone to do something. This time, we must not get drunk!"

"Okay, call a few more colleagues, let's find a place to get together." Guan Chun meant something.

Cai Yuanqi didn't say that he saw through it, but today he was furious with Chen Shiqi, and he was worried that he had nowhere to vent it!
Now it seems that Guan Chun must arrange the small dessert after dinner.


Last night, Ding Yunfeng arranged for enthusiastic citizens to send 100 million stolen goods to the entrance of the Causeway Bay Police Station. Inside the bag containing the money, there was a card with the whole process of the robbery written on it.

Today, Brother Feng came to work at the Guantang Police Station. As in the past, he first went to the Criminal Division on the second floor to brag about Cao Liang, Dog Wang Lun and others. , suddenly blended into a Nicholas face.

"Good morning Sir, police officer Chen Jin is reporting to you! This is my order."

"Chen Jin?" Ding Yunfeng was a little speechless.

Tian Yangsheng and his group were subdued by him not long after their debut, and now they are going to change careers and become instructors in the security company registered by Li Jie.

Unexpectedly, the part in the original plot where Chen Jin's fiancée was accidentally killed during the robbery was missing.

The protagonist who was dubbed by netizens as having the highest blood bar still appeared in front of him.

 The same author group is a writer who writes Hong Kong TV series, everyone supports a wave!
(End of this chapter)

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