Chapter 537
Calling Chen Jin to follow, Ding Yunfeng took him upstairs to the office.

Seeing the two of them coming in, Zhu Su'e quickly handed a brown paper bag to Ding Yunfeng: "This is Chen Sir's personal information and related transfer orders."

"Well, Ah Jin, sit down wherever you want, don't be restrained!
Sister E, go and make two cups of coffee and come in. By the way, make a phone call and urge Chen Xiaosheng, who is rushing down the street, to tell him to deal with that big brother quickly.

How come a few low-level scammers, plus a lousy guy who puts money away, haven't settled down for so long?
When this case got out, it was embarrassing to me. "Ding Yunfeng opened the kraft paper bag and sat down.

Zhu Su'e retreated awkwardly, Chen Xiaosheng's marksmanship was good.

However, his personal handling ability is quite satisfactory.

Although she knew that the other party had worked hard recently, Ah Tou was dissatisfied and there were outsiders present, so she did not dare to intercede for Chen Xiaosheng directly.

Ding Yunfeng quickly read Chen Jin's file, he knocked on the table and said with a smile: "Ah Jin, to be honest, did you offend someone?

Although the Kwun Tong Police Station is a small police station, with me, Ding Yunfeng, I am not just an ordinary police officer who can apply for transfer. "

"Report! No! Ding Sir, I personally admire you very much, so I specifically applied to my superiors to be transferred to the Kwun Tong Police Station." Chen Jin stood up immediately with a solemn expression.

Ding Yunfeng jokingly shook his head: "You don't want to talk about it? That's fine!

Now I have a subordinate, his name is Chen Xiaosheng, who is in charge of investigating a fraud case. I went to ask Sister E for his contact information, so I can go and be his deputy for the time being. "

"Yes sir!"

"Well, you can go." Ding Yunfeng waved his hand casually, and opened the newspaper to read it.

Before Zhu Su'e finished making the coffee, she saw Chen Jin coming out of Ding Yunfeng's office: "Chen Sir, why don't you chat with Brother Feng?"

Chen Jin tried his best to force a smile: "Brother Feng sent me to assist Brother Xiaosheng with the case, and he asked me to come out and find your contact information."

"Ah? That's it... Oh, wait a minute, I'll write to you immediately." Zhu Su'e gave Chen Jin a weird look, took out a card, and wrote down Chen Xiaosheng's contact information for him.

Chen Jin took it with a cool expression, put it in his pocket, said thank you, and walked out silently.

After Zhu Su'e finished making coffee, she put a cup in front of Ding Yunfeng with a gossipy face: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng, why did you throw Ah Jin to Xiaosheng? With Xiaosheng's material, how can he lead people?"

Ding Yunfeng continued to read the newspaper without raising his head, "I asked him if he offended someone and was dispatched to Kwun Tong by his superiors, but he refused to tell the truth.

So, how do you want me to believe him?

Put it under the hands of your boy first.

After a while, if he still looks like he doesn't answer when he meets people, I still want to throw him to guard the pond! "

"Oh, this Sir Chen, what is he thinking?" Zhu Su'e was completely speechless to Chen Jin after hearing this.


The Kwun Tong Police Station is not big, and the real power positions are all Ding Yunfeng's people.

Everyone soon heard from Zhu Su'e that the new Chen Jin was sent by Brother Feng to be Chen Xiaosheng's deputy just after reporting for duty.

"Wow, did you make a mistake!

Brother Feng asked him like that, clearly giving him a chance.

What is going on in this kid's mind? "The dog Wang Lun came out to defecate with two black backs. Hearing everyone's discussion, he couldn't help but spit out something.

Cao Li'ang pinched his knuckles: "I don't care if he offended someone and was sent here, or someone sent him to make nails!

If you let me know that he dares to make trouble, I will let him die a miserable death. "

Zhu Su'e's face turned pale, and she waved her hands again and again: "Hey, big bull, I warn you, don't mess around! Brother Feng has his own arrangements, don't make trouble for him..."

At this time, a chuckle came in from outside.

"Hey, why are there so many people today?"

Zhu Jian smiled and grabbed a folder. He wanted to go up to the third floor to find Ding Yunfeng, but when he passed by the Criminal Division, he found everyone gathered together, so he came over to have a look.

There was an old man from the Kwun Tong Police Station present, you said something, I said something, and soon Chen Jin reported to him on the first day, and Ding Yunfeng was annoyed.

"Chen Jin, this name is familiar to me, I seem to have heard it somewhere..."

Zhu Jian frowned and thought for a while, then raised his head and said with a smile: "Anyway, since he has come to our Kwun Tong Police Station, then he is our buddy.

Let's go, don't gossip behind others' backs. "

When everyone heard the words, they dispersed in a hurry.

Ding Yunfeng, the director who often goes downstairs to brag and bullshit with everyone, is more approachable.

Jian Zhu, who was just promoted to deputy director yesterday, is not only strict with himself on weekdays, but also fair in dealing with others, which makes everyone feel awe.

Supervisor Zhu called Zhu Su'e, and the two walked out of the criminal department and walked up the stairs to the third floor.

"Madam Zhu, you are the director's secretary. There are some things you can listen to but not say. Brother Feng believes you, and you shouldn't spread his words outside.

Although these few comments are not very important, but the bad habit of talking badly, if you don’t pay attention to correcting it on weekdays, and sometimes you talk about it, something bad will happen one day..."

Hearing Zhu Jian's persuasion, Zhu Su'e blushed with shame, she was used to being careless.

In the past, under Huang Youxie's subordinates, the working atmosphere there was also very harmonious. In addition, before the marriage change, her scumbag husband's financial conditions were good, and he could be considered to have no worries about food and clothing.

It can be said that Zhu Su'e is a silly and sweet person with no intentions.

Now working with Ding Yunfeng, Supervisor Zhu is very worried about her temper.

Because, Supervisor Zhu knows very well that Brother Feng has far more enemies than friends in the police force.

Taking advantage of the encounter today, he simply ordered Zhu Su'e a few words.

If the other party still refuses to change, he will consider persuading Ding Yunfeng to replace this secretary, so as to avoid a big mess in the future.

There is no need to use heavy hammers to beat the drums.

Zhu Jian said a few words, then closed his mouth and stopped talking.

The two walked into Ding Yunfeng's office, and Zhu Su'e wiped her eyes and went out to make tea.

Supervisor Zhu put the folder in front of Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, the sentences of Le Yiwu and Zhou Jiang have come down. The former was sentenced to 20 years, and the latter was sentenced to 15 years..."

Ding Yunfeng opened the folder, glanced at it, and let out a sneer: "Le Yiwu died suddenly on the way to Stanley under escort, the cause of death: myocardial infarction?
Such a coincidence, where is his daughter Le Yazi?Did the family raise no objection? "

"Madam music?
She's not on Hong Kong Island now, she's been dispatched by the Hong Kong Island Branch of Interpol on a temporary basis. "Zhu Jian returned Ding Yunfeng with a meaningful look.

"Ha! Coincidental coincidence! Lao Zhu, did you see that? Some people do things in ways that are many times darker than the bewitched boy!" Ding Yunfeng put down the folder, grabbed the phone receiver, and quickly dialed a series of numbers.

Two minutes later, Ding Yunfeng put down the receiver, and said to Supervisor Zhu with a sneer, "Le Yiwu's body was cremated an hour ago."

"What? No family members' signatures..." Zhu Jian was stunned. He knew that there was something tricky about this matter, but this way of doing it was too outrageous.

"In the mortuary of the hospital, the number of the freezer was wrong, and today the funeral parlor came to drag the corpse, and it carried the wrong salted fish, Le Yiwu.

Now, the two temporary workers have been fired, and the hospital and the funeral parlor each set aside 10 Hong Kong dollars as compensation.

The fire was all burned, and when Yazi came back, the ashes of her old bean were thrown to the side without knowing it.No, what else can I do! "

(End of this chapter)

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