Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 538 Le Xiaowen's Counterattack

Chapter 538 Le Xiaowen's Counterattack
Lejia Villa.

Le Xiaowen smiled and hung up the big brother, then picked up the iced vodka in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp!

"Xiaowen, that's ruthless!" Nie Aotian had gray eyebrows, leaning on a cane with bony hands, "How can I say, he is your big brother!"

"Old Nie, I don't like to hear what you say.

Back then, he left me in Siberia to dig potatoes, and even took away the shares and property of Leshi Group from me. He didn't seem to treat me as his own brother, did he? " Le Xiaowen wiped away the wine stains from the corner of his mouth with his fingertips, and replied with a sneer.

Nie Aotian took a deep look at him, then slammed his cane forcefully: "If you don't recognize your relatives, you will die sooner or later!
I, don't want to talk to a dead man.

This time when you come back, I will help you get the Hong Kong TV station, help you get through the connections above, let Le Yiwu take the blame, and even help you get rid of him.

Now, should I give it back? "

"Haha, I have been in Xiong Country for eight years, and I don't know how many times I have experienced death!

Come to think of it, I don't need Mr. Nie to worry about it.

I can return the things to you, but if I remember correctly, I owned 20% of the shares in the joint operation of the gambling boat back then, right? "Le Xiaowen was not angry, he squinted his eyes and looked at Nie Aotian like a poisonous snake.

Nie Aotian snorted: "Many years ago, I repurchased your shares from your elder brother according to the market price..."

"Oh, so there's nothing to talk about?
Okay, before 10 o'clock tonight, if I don't receive my call, my people will give those things to He Xin..."

"Le Xiaowen! You're enough! In this world, no one can get an inch in front of me!"

"Nie Aotian, you didn't take advantage of the fire to rob me back then, so you can buy those shares from my elder brother?"

The two fought against each other one after another, Nie Aotian was so angry that Le Xiaowen's chest heaved violently like a bellows.

A few bodyguards in black suits pulled out their pistols with a clatter, aiming their black muzzles at Le Xiaowen's vitals.

Le Xiaowen looked at Nie Aotian calmly, with mocking eyes.

Nie Aotian smoked two cigars in a row, and finally waved his hand to let the bodyguards put away their weapons.

"It's impossible to return the shares to you. I won't let anyone join the boat gambling syndicate again. What's more, even I feel afraid of you now..."

"Old Nie is too modest, my little way of self-protection won't be on the table."

"Come on! I have learned what kind of person Le Xiaowen is now.

Tomorrow morning, come to my company. I will give you another 20 million yuan of the 2% shares I bought from your boss at a low price. This is the last time. If you do this again..." Nie Aotian glanced at Le Xiaowen. , stood up and left with his men with a straight face.

Le Xiaowen's heart trembled, he pulled off his tie, poured another glass of vodka and said, "2 million? It seems that this is the bottom line of Old Ghost Nie..."

The next day.

A piece of news shocked Hong Kong Island!

After the accidental death of the former chairman Le Yiwu, the Le Group was split into two parts this morning.

Among them, Le's Shadow Line, which includes 12 theaters, was bought by Brilliant Group. The legal representative is an uncle who has never heard of it in the Chinese business circle, and he understands everything;
The remaining Hong Kong Island TV station was taken over by Le Xiaowen, the second head of the Le family who had just been released from prison.

Many Hong Kong people of the older generation are deeply touched by the fact that Le Shi, which almost dominated the media industry on Hong Kong Island ten years ago, has been dismembered like this today.

"Hong Kong Island TV, going around and around, actually returned to Le Xiaowen's hands again. It's really unpredictable."

"That's right, from Hong Kong Island Daily to Le's Films, how long can this broken car of Le's last?"

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. A wonton seller is worried about the boss of the TV station. If this word spreads, you are not afraid of being laughed at." Snatching the newspaper from the boss, the young man knocked on the table before the boss got angry. Shouted: "Want baa look? A bowl of Xirong, it's green!"


Compared to Lejia, which was looked down upon by the general public, everyone on Ding Yunfeng's side showed joy.

This time, under the leadership of Brother Tong, Ding Yunfeng bought Le's Yingxian in the name of his father, and it is currently under the name of Brilliant Company.

"Brother Feng, everyone! Starting today, we don't need to look at other people's eyes if we want to release our film!" Liang Kun raised a glass of XO, jumped onto the table, and shouted around everyone.

Long Wei and others all applauded, Ding Yunfeng raised his glass with a smile, he drank a cup with several backbones, and then walked into Coolie Qiang's office with Zhan Mi, Gan Lianghong and others.

"Ah Qing, please go ahead and finish the order in hand. Brilliant will not accept outside business for the time being. First, repair this shadow line and resume external business as soon as possible." Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Yaoqing and ordered directly.

Chen Yaoqing nodded in response, and Liangkun rubbed his palms next to him: "Brother Feng, can you give priority to our Hongxing people for the position of shadow line.

You know, in the past few years, I have let the subordinates stop some unscrupulous businesses in the past. Many hall masters complain that the current income is far worse than before! "

"Well, Ah Qiang, you heard what Ah Kun said, what do you think?" Ding Yunfeng made tea himself, and put a cup in front of Coolie Qiang.

"It doesn't matter to winning streak, Brother Feng, you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, after the refurbishment of the shadow line, Hongxing will be responsible for selling tickets, viewing venues, including sanitation and security. Hongxing can sell 10% of the scalper tickets;

As for the food stalls outside the cinema, and walking ghosts...

These, I don't care if the family members of the brothers in the association come out to do it, or charge the booth fee, it's all related to Lian Sheng.

Are you satisfied with my allocation? "Ding Yunfeng was straightforward and laid out all his interests.

Liangkun and Coolie looked at each other, and raised their teacups together: "No problem, I've heard Brother Feng's arrangement!"

Ding Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction, and asked Dasha: "I heard that Camel lost his passport in the Netherlands, and now he can't come back?"

"That's right, Brother Feng, that old guy came back from an international long-distance call. He said that he would hand over the club to Situ Haonan for the time being!" Dasha put down his teacup and replied loudly.

Liang Kun snorted and said, "I lost my passport? Such a small matter, it's rare for Dongxing to be the leader? Are you kidding me!"

"This is clearly not coming back on purpose. The flour milling industry in the Netherlands has developed rapidly in the past two years!

Dongxing relies on fans. I think that Camel is looking for a new source of goods this time. "Zhan Mi lit a cigarette and said slowly.

Ding Yunfeng hummed, looked at Dasha and said, "If Situ Haonan wants to use your smuggling channel, do you know how to push it?"

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, I'm out to mess around, that kid is still breastfeeding!

Except for camels, Dongxing, I don't know anyone. Situ Haonan dares to come and see how I can teach him to be a man. Dasha patted his chest hard.

"Fuck, you say that, I'm even more worried!

Ah Sheng, you have followed Dasha these few months, I am afraid that he will be killed if he is not clear about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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