Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 539 You Lost Your Job, You Pay

Chapter 539 You Lost Your Job, You Pay

Tian Yangsheng injured his ribs and is still in a wheelchair.

However, when he heard Ding Yunfeng's order, he complied calmly.

Dasha used to be the bodyguard of the camel, and when he was young, he was also a ruthless horn licking blood.

When a person reaches middle age, his strength declines.

But his eyesight is still there, so naturally he won't take a peek at the sickness of Tian Yang Sheng.

What's more, the two young men pushing the wheelchair behind him stood silently, but the murderous aura exuded from their bodies was enough to scare the timid.

In a few days...

At the Sai Kung Wharf, Dasha was busy walking around with his big brother in his hand. Suddenly, a horse boy came to report that the leader of the club, Situ Haonan, who was the leader of the dragon and tiger, came.

"Hurry up and ask Ah Sheng and the others to come over." Dasha secretly cursed that the visitor was not kind, and with a fierce face, he tried to squeeze out a piercing smile. A large group of people coming down the sea wall.

Tian Yangzhi pushed Tian Yangsheng, and slowly followed behind Dasha and the others: "Brother Sheng, the man in the lead wearing glasses and a suit is Situ Haonan. The most capable."

"Able to fight? It's barely enough. Ah Yi is going up with you, which is enough to stop him." Tian Yangsheng raised his chin, motioning to get closer.

At this time, Situ Haonan and Dasha had already started talking about the topic after a few pleasantries...

"Brother Dasha, you are the old man next to Longtou.

Now, Brother Luotuo cannot come back from the Netherlands. He specifically ordered me to temporarily take over the position of leader of the East Star.

You were there when I answered the phone.

Now, the community encounters a little problem, big fool, you won't refuse to help, right? "Situ Haonan cut to the chase, knowing that he has no friendship with Dasha, so he immediately moved out the camel.

Dasha laughed, and patted Situ Haonan's shoulder vigorously: "A'nan, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't beat around the bush all the time. If you can help, I, Dasha, will definitely help!"

"Okay, the public is going to set up two ships to transport goods in Saigon..."

"Stop it! The association wants to sell goods in Saigon?

Anan, I don't really understand what you mean.

At the beginning, before I came out of Stanley, when brother Luotuo went to visit the prison, he explained it clearly to me.

This club is at the wharf in Sai Kung, which is my reward for working hard for the club.

how?Camel brother, he just left Hong Kong Island, you are going to attack me, an old man in the club? Dasha didn't wait for Situ Haonan to finish, and immediately turned his face away, and seven or eight boys standing behind him surrounded him with angry eyes.

The idiot is a loyal man, and spends a lot of money on weekdays.

All the people who followed him were earning a lot of money every month.

Today, Situ Haonan wants to get involved in the Saigon Wharf in the name of the public.

This move is like grabbing food from everyone's rice bowl. Why don't you care if you are the agent leader or not, blocking people's money, it's like killing your parents, let's talk about it first.

As the agent leader, Situ Haonan took someone out to do errands for the first time, but he was actually pushed up by the horse boy of his own club?

He also lowered his expression and asked loudly: "Silly, you have to figure it out!
The Sai Kung Wharf is a site entrusted to you by the association, not your own private property!
Believe it or not, I can call Brother Camel and suggest that he close the pier..."

"Fuck you, when I was so stupid and bled for Dongxing, you didn't come out to mess around!
Oh, now you teach me how to do things? Dasha took a mouthful of thick phlegm: "Fight, if you have the guts, call Brother Luotuo now to see if he accepts Dasha's place!" "

"Fuck! What did you say?"

"What is it called? Believe it or not, I will send you into the sea to feed the fish!!"

Seeing the two bosses tearing their faces apart, the boys of both sides fought for performance, pointing at each other and yelling at each other.

Situ Haonan stared at Dasha coldly, and Dasha looked at him without fear.

The former clenched his fists with both hands, while the latter touched his waist and held the handle of the dagger.

Both of them are reckless men who like to use their hands and don't like to use their brains.

Just when they were about to convince each other with their fists, Tian Yangyi received Tian Yangsheng's wink, took off his sunglasses and took a step forward: "If you want to touch the big fool, pass me first."

"Heh! What a joke, what status am I, what grade are you, and you are qualified to stop me from doing things..."

The answer to Situ Haonan was Tian Yangyi's kick in front of the center!

From Situ Haonan leading people to Saigon to when he was repulsed by Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi.

Ding Yunfeng received two calls one after another, the first one was from the hall master in Saigon with Lian Sheng, and the second one was from Tian Yangsheng to report the battle situation.

"Brother Feng, today's situation is about like this.

Ah Yi was defeated in the move, I asked Ah Zhi to go up, after thirty moves, he traded his injury for injury and forced Situ Haonan back. "Tian Yangsheng grabbed the big brother, and Tian Yangyi squatted beside him, splinting Tian Yangzhi's right leg. It seems that the leg bone should be broken.

"Is it all right, Ah Zhi?" Ding Yunfeng frowned and asked when he heard the injury was exchanged.

Glancing at Tian Yangzhi, who was laying on the ground with the splint on, gritted his teeth, Tian Yangsheng's tone was shockingly flat: "Small, no big problem."

Dasha couldn't see it, and shouted loudly: "It doesn't matter if your legs are broken? I've already called Dr. Zhao!"

Tian Yangsheng predicted in advance and quickly hung up the phone.

He looked at Dasha coldly: "Brother Feng spends 5000 million US dollars every year just to hire us to work hard!
In such small scenes in the future, don't make a fuss, big fool!
If Brother Feng heard about it just now, if he thinks that Ah Zhi is saving his life and fires us directly, you will lose the jobs of the seven of us? "

"Brother Feng is not the kind of person you think..." Dasha was speechless, he scratched his hair: "I have already called the doctor, no matter what, you were injured today to protect me, don't let the doctor see, I Sorry."

"The seven of us are all experienced field doctors."

"I'll pick! You, you, you are so worthless!"


Although Tian Yangsheng hung up the phone very quickly, it still aroused Ding Yunfeng's doubts.

Ding Yunfeng quickly received the wind through the people in Saigon with Liansheng, knowing that Situ Haonan was able to be repelled this time, and it was Tian Yangzhi who bought it with a leg.

Moreover, Tian Yangsheng also complained about being stupid and making a fuss over a molehill...

"These guys..." With a wry smile secretly, Ding Yunfeng called Zhan Mi and asked him to go over to offer condolences on his behalf.

It has to be said that it is expensive.

Tianyang Qizi, who retired from the battlefield, received money to do things, really unambiguous.

On the other side, Situ Haonan's Hutou Ben just left the seawall.

He was struggling all the way from the pier, clutching his lungs and coughing violently, spitting out a lot of bloody saliva one after another.

"Made, Dasha is so sloppy, when, when did he receive such a sharp pony?"

(End of this chapter)

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