Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 540 Don't take the camel seriously

Chapter 540 Don't Take Camels Seriously
"Brother Nan, is it important? Why don't you go to the Walled City and let Blind Gongchun take a look?" Dongxing, who was in charge of driving the car, was very nervous.

He has been with Situ Haonan for so long, and it was the first time he saw Qinlonghu's attack frustrated, even though he was being fought by others.

Situ Haonan breathed a sigh of relief, and glared at him angrily: "Are you crazy?

I just took over the leadership of the club, and when I went out to do errands for the first time, I was beaten to the point of vomiting blood by two unknown soldiers. Is this an honorable thing?
Why do you still go to the Walled City to watch the Blind Male Spring?

Are you surprised that I'm not thoroughly embarrassing enough? "

"Sorry, Brother Nan, I was wrong."

"Go your car!"

Situ Haonan became angry, and his lungs were burning and aching. He had been practicing martial arts all year round, and he knew very well that in this situation, the punch he received must have hurt his lungs.


Losing big!
If he could have held back at that time, and hadn't rushed in greedily to break the boy's leg, he would definitely not have received two punches from the opponent...

Just like Situ Haonan said before doing it.

What is his identity, what is the status of Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi.

It is definitely not worthwhile for him to exchange injuries for injuries!
It's a pity that he is naturally good at martial arts, and he tends to be impulsive when he fights.

Just when Situ Haonan regretted it endlessly.

Western Europe, Netherlands.

Camels who lost their passports and could not return to Hong Kong Island for the time being.

At this time, he was smiling, standing side by side with a white ghost.

In front of the two of them, a total of a dozen ghosts in white coats were busy.

These people...

Or carefully guard a set of chemical equipment that is undergoing complex reactions;

Or wearing a mask and dealing with mounds of criminal white powder.

"Mr. Luo, is it appropriate for you to abandon your foundation on Hong Kong Island like this?" the white ghost handed Luo Tuo a cigar and asked with a smile.

Luo Tuo smiled and nodded: "I have promoted a subordinate and asked him to help me manage the club temporarily."

"Oh! It takes a lot of courage!" The white ghost said with exaggerated emotion.

Looking at Wu Ya and Wu Zhiwei who were curiously visiting the factory outside, he lowered his voice and asked, "Aren't you afraid that you will be away for too long, and that your temporarily appointed subordinate will take away your power in the gang?"

"Aren't I the ones who are ambitious and smart? As for Situ Haonan..." Luo Tuo took out a red wine from the wine cabinet of the white ghost, opened it, and said with a smile: " This guy is okay as a general, but wants to be handsome? He has the heart, but he doesn't have the strength."

"So you were already prepared...

Hehe, you Chinese are too cunning.

It seems that I must be careful and careful in the negotiation process below. "The white ghost took the red wine poured by the camel and took a sip.

The fact is just as the camel expected!
Situ Haonan lost the first battle!

Not only did he fail to force Dasha to agree to Dongxing's involvement in Saigon Wharf, but because he was repulsed by the two boys around him, he became a joke on the road for a while.

In the Emerald Tea Restaurant, on a table next to the street, a few short mules sat around.

"Are you saying that capturing the dragon and the tiger is stupid?

He is the spokesperson of the club officially appointed by Camel!
You really want to add two more smuggling boats at Saigon Pier, can you give orders as the leader?
This person, being provoked by Dasha's two horse boys, ended up fighting him himself? "

A young and Dangerous boy with a mature face, spitting all over the place, pointing the country to a large group of pig friends and dog friends.

Someone at the next table answered with a smile: "Your information is inaccurate!

It is said that after Situ Haonan defeated the first challenger, a young man in a wheelchair actually challenged him instead of Dasha.

If Situ Haonan can defeat another person, the Saigon Wharf, and let him send people and ships in at will after the restrictions are lifted. "

"Oh! That makes sense. No wonder Situ Haonan accepted the challenge of the wheel battle."

"However, who is this young man in a wheelchair? Does he have the qualifications to make such a promise on behalf of Dasha?"

"If someone dares to say that, he must be sure of victory..."

The matter involved the existence of the East Star Five Tigers, which everyone looked up to. Some people spoke, and others came to participate in the discussion.

A similar scene not only happened here, it was black and white, almost everyone was paying attention to it, no matter whether they had any contact with Dongxing or not.

Tsuen Wan.

Ren family ancestral hall.

Pheasant first changed Tian Yangsheng's medicine, and then came to take care of Tian Yangzhi's injured leg.

Ordinary people need to recuperate for a hundred days when they are injured.

But for Tian Yangsheng, the group of child soldiers who survived from the mountains of corpses and blood.

Unless you are really paralyzed, lying on the bed for a second is a sin!
"Pheasant, I asked Dasha to find the big medicine, it can be used, let them use it." Ding Yunfeng came over to take a look after he was busy, and found that Tian Yangzhi's injury was more serious than he imagined.

The pheasant responded, walked silently, and passed by: "These two are good seedlings, you should handle them carefully."

"Understood, master." Pheasant looked at Yi Yitian's back in astonishment. He has known each other for so long, and he has never seen anyone get such a high evaluation from him!

Even his first teacher, Ghost Hand Liu, who died of illness before the world could change.

The former Blue Shirt Club swordsmanship instructor, in fact, in Yi Yitian's mouth, only the four words of talent are fair.

"Ah Sheng, go and ask your little sister to come over and take care of you. Ah Yi is too busy for him alone." Ding Yunfeng suggested with a smile as he looked at the unknown Tian Yang Sheng.

Tian Yangyi, who was helping the pheasant, raised his head and replied: "Brother Feng, I can do it alone!

When I fought with the Annan monkey, except for the boss, I recited the other five from the pile of dead people..."

"Shut up, shut up!" Ding Yunfeng shouted in a low voice, looking at Gong Ruomei who was peeling lotus seeds in the courtyard.

A week has passed.

As the date of the ancestral queen's visit to Hong Kong approaches.

Even the streets in Kwun Tong District, in the past two days, have gradually become festive.

Ding Yunfeng had just asked Zhu Su'e to take someone to buy some ribbons and the like to decorate the police station, in response to Cai Yuanqi's order from the top police officers to flatter the Queen.

Turning around, I received a call from Li Jie - Situ Haonan actually hooked up with Hong Xingbeijiao's talker, Fatty Li, and seemed to be planning to sneak away fans! ! !
"Fat guy Li is so courageous?"

Ding Yunfeng absolutely trusted Li Jie's intelligence capabilities.

Because in addition to the group of people trained by Zhan Mi, Li Jie later accepted many talents who took the initiative to join him, such as polar bears, mutes, etc., who played villains in other movies.

Taking advantage of being free for the time being, Ding Yunfeng arranged some work and drove over to find Liangkun himself.

Liang Kun was sleeping with the heroine, and when she heard Brother Feng coming, she put on her pants and ran out.

Akun courteously invited Brother Feng to sit down in a teahouse near Hongxingtuodi, and then he heard a piece of news that made him stunned.

Fat guy Li, that useless salty worm, secretly colluded with Situ Haonan to become a fan!

(End of this chapter)

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