Chapter 541 I'm Not a Twenty-Five
No poison!

This is a red line that Brother Feng set for everyone that cannot be crossed.

Hong Xing Chuan came from Hongmen. At the beginning of its establishment, it upheld the rules of Hongmen, and also strictly ordered that members of the association were not allowed to be fans.

Of course, Jiang Zhen and Jiang Tiansheng turned a blind eye to this profitable side business most of the time during their reign.


When Lei Luo replaced Gui Lao and issued licenses to the four major families, Hong Xing had a signboard.


To whitewash the surface.

Both Jiang Zhen and Jiang Tiansheng sublet this [Quality to be a Fan] to Dongxing.

Back then, Liangkun was able to get Ding Yunfeng's support from a Dansan hall master who didn't even have a territory, and went to the central district to plant a flag and set up a stick. He swore that he would never touch fans.

Moreover, after he replaced Jiang Tiansheng and became the leader of Hongxing, Akun even made repeated orders, ordering the officials in all districts to close the secret fan stalls.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents.

In the past few years, many of Hong Xing's powerful hall masters had private opinions on the leader, Liang Kun.

However, the Hong Xingding family headed by Liang Kun also includes Han Bin, Dinosaur, Sha Qiang, Ji Ge and the prince!

Especially the prince who changed his position later, his attitude of the Hongxing God of War is enough to make many people weigh it.

It can be said that Liang Kun really worked hard to maintain Ding Yunfeng's attitude towards white fans.

Suddenly hearing that this good-for-nothing, Fat Guy Li, dared to treat her in a positive way, after being shocked, Liang Kun felt an indescribable embarrassment in her heart!

"Brother Feng, give me three more days.

If that fat pig is up to something, I'll see him on his way myself. "Lifting up the teacup in front of her, Liang Kun raised her head and drank it all.

Ding Yunfeng nodded calmly: "I'll wait for your news."

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I'll find someone to investigate immediately." Liang Kun replied with firm eyes.


In the North Point District, a factory building with a signboard with the word [ice] was brightly lit in the middle of the night.

The shadow pupil pupil, the machine boom.

Those who don't know must be jealous of the owner of this ice factory, the business is so good that he can stay overnight.

But in fact, this is the videotape processing factory of Fatty Li, the speaker of Hongxing North Point District, specializing in the enlightenment textbooks for Sp book lovers.

"Look better!
My shipment will be on board at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

If you waste time, don't blame me for falling out! "Fatty Li scratched the tartar with his nails.

Seeing a boy on the production line with slow hands and feet, he picked up a tape and slapped the other guy hard on the back of the head.

The shell made of low-quality plastic cracked directly under the huge force, and the black and shiny tape fell to the ground and rolled around.

"Don't fight, boss, I dare not."

"Don't you dare to show off to your mother? Why don't you hurry up and do things? Damn it!" The fat man Li glared at the other party. The workers next to him were so frightened that they didn't even dare to yawn, and their hands and feet were numb and they hurried to work.

Looking around, the fat man Li looked at the wall clock on the wall. At three o'clock in the middle of the night, he called the cronies who came to manage the factory to give some instructions, and finally went back to sleep with his fat waist stretched out.

"Everyone, please work hard. We will take over night shifts this week. We can rest for a while after this batch of orders is finished."

The little boss of the management factory, he is not difficult to talk, first he comforts a few boys who have been scolded by the big boss, and arranges food stalls, sending pork red porridge for breakfast tomorrow morning.

With something to eat, everyone's efficiency improved a lot, and they finally finished the batch of salty belts before dawn.

"Okay! Come and have breakfast, everyone." After the task was completed, the little boss who took the lead breathed a sigh of relief. He first picked up a bowl of pork red porridge, found a stool and sat down to eat.

A few horse boys came around, and one of them used a plastic spoon to hold the pig red, and complained in a low voice: "Do it day and night, day and night?

Fortunately, everyone in my family knows that I assemble salty and wet videotapes in North Point!

If you don't know, you must think that I shrug my shoulders in the street during the day and act like a short mule, and at night I turn my buttocks and sell my buttholes to be a duck! "

"Haha, Pai Guming, with your face as a duck, unless the guest is blind, who will strike the clock?" A cheap joke caused everyone to laugh.

The little boss in charge knew that due to the continuous overtime work, these lazy guys had complaints.

He ate a few mouthfuls of pork red porridge, and decided to let out a little bit of wind: "Let me tell you.

Boss, he has already transferred the factory out, and in a few days, everyone doesn't have to stay here to make video tapes. "

"Wow! Is it finally possible to change careers?"

Rib Ming was overjoyed: "We're going to be prosperous now! Then, next, does the boss want to take us to kidnap or rob us?"

"Steal your mother!"

"I hate..." Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Pai Gu Ming turned around angrily.

It's a pity that he couldn't say the three words "your mother" after him.

Because, standing behind them at this time, is actually the leader of Hong Xing - Liang Kun!
His eyes were gloomy, and he glanced around, but when Liang Kun saw them, they all kept quiet and buried their heads in silence.

Grabbing a video tape, Liang Kun stuffed it into the projector next to it, and foreign action textbooks appeared on the small TV immediately.

"The movement is misplaced, the voice is artificial...

Wow!The most exaggerated is the figure of the actor! !
Damn, this kind of shoddy goods can be sold? ? ? "After reading a thousand times, Liang Kun, who has reached the realm of no code, demoted the fat guy Li.

Sha Qiang ran over with a few confidants: "Brother Kun, I checked everything, it's okay."

"Be careful, take someone to check again! Remember to knock on the surrounding walls and floors."

"it is good!"

With Liangkun's instruction, Shaqiang's second search was much more brutal.

He took the lead in wielding a wrench and a hammer in the factory, and Fatty Li's salt belt production lines were quickly smashed into chaos.

Liang Kun lit a cigarette, sat in Fat Guy Li's seat and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Ten minutes later, there was the sound of a car braking suddenly outside the factory. After receiving the news, Fatty Li, who came back in a hurry, saw Sha Qiang leading someone to smash his factory as soon as he entered the door.

"Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, be merciful!

Brother Kun, if I have offended you, please speak up, please tell Brother Qiang to stop first..." Fat guy Li couldn't stop Shaqiang, and hurried to Liang Kun.

Liang Kun opened his eyes, waved his hand to stop Sha Qiang, stood up and stared at Fat Guy Li: "Tell me, what are you and Situ Haonan doing secretly?"

"Just for this matter?" Fat guy Li looked at Liang Kun in amazement, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he said: "Brother Kun, I came here by misunderstanding!

Situ Haonan did find me, but he just wanted to buy this salty tape processing factory in my hand.

Apart from the sale of the factory, there is nothing else between me and Qinlonghu!
Brother Kun, don't get me wrong!
My fat guy Li's loyalty to Hong Xing can be learned from the sun and the moon!
I have never betrayed the interests of the association, I am not a [-]-year-old boy! "

(End of this chapter)

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