Chapter 542
Seeing his red eyes, he almost swears by the fat guy Li.

Liang Kun's doubts did not decrease but increased. He was well aware of the power in Li Jie's hands, and he knew that the other party would not be able to falsely accuse Fat Guy Li.

However, Sha Qiang took people to check it twice, and up to now, it is true that 2g of white powder has not been found.

At this time, Sha Qiang ran over with a wrench: "Brother Kun, I checked, and there is still no problem!

Except for the dozen or so eggs and the batch of video tapes, there is only a pile of materials for making salty tapes in the warehouse. "

"no problem?

How could it be okay! "Jingkun was furious, and grabbed the fat guy Li by the collar: "You better tell me the f*ck!"Otherwise, labor and capital will chop up your whole family and feed them to the dogs! "

"Brother Kun, what exactly are you looking for?
Even if you want to get rid of me, at least let me be a sensible ghost! "Fat guy Li wants to cry but has no tears. What else can he have here besides pirated salty and wet videotapes?"
With a gloomy face, Liang Kun pushed him away: "Situ Haonan suddenly wants to buy this broken factory from you for no reason?
Is this an insult to my IQ, or is it raising your own worth?"

Fat guy Li couldn't come, so he asked someone to go to his car and fetch a contract.

Liang Kun looked at it and fell into deep thought. This is the contract that Situ Haonan bought the factory from Fatty Li.

"Let me just believe you..." Liang Kun photographed the contract in Fatty Li's arms, put on a smile and took out the checkbook: "I thought you and Situ Haonan wanted to become fans together!

Come, come, how much damage has been caused to you tonight, please report the amount, and I will write a check to compensate you. "

"Oh, Brother Kun, how dare I?" Fat Li Li was so scared that his face turned pale.

When Liangkun came out for the election, he collected money to vote, and he could be regarded as a peripheral member of the Hongxing Ding family. He knew very well that Ding Yunfeng hated others for leaving fans.

Looking at the smashed-up factory, the fat guy Li endured the pain in his heart, and stopped Liang Kun from writing a check, and then he sent the plague gods out of the factory with a smile.

Looking at the taillights of the car going away, Fat Li's greasy face instantly darkened.

He asked his subordinates to clean up the mess first, and he ran to the office alone.

A phone call, jingling, woke up Situ Haonan in bed.

"Situ Haonan, be honest, I know that the sudden purchase of my factory this time has something to do with fans?" The fat guy Li thought that he was being tricked by Situ Haonan, and his tone was very blunt.

Situ Haonan lit a cigarette, sat on the edge of the bed and said leisurely: "Boss Li, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!

What's more, you have already signed the contract, and now I am the owner of the factory, so what I use for it seems to have nothing to do with you. "

"Hmph, since you said so, you will come to take over the factory this afternoon."

"Hey, you told me to give you a few days yesterday so that you can finish the order in hand."

"Don't do it!

I am now arranging for people to move things by hand.

After today, I don't know what you use the factory for, and I don't want to know. "The fat guy Li Fei finished quickly, and hung up the line without waiting for Situ Haonan to reply.

Hearing the busy voice from the opposite side, Situ Haonan rubbed his cheeks: "Fuck, this fat man, why is he suddenly alert?"


They raided Fatty Li's lair overnight, but they didn't find any suspicious signs.

When Liangkun made a phone call to report to Ding Yunfeng, his state of mind really went up and down.

Fortunately, Brother Feng seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He said he knew, and hung up the phone neatly.

Things didn't go well, and Liang Kun, who always pays attention to Ding Yunfeng's opinion of herself, is of course extremely unwilling in her heart.

After thinking about it, he sent someone to invite the prince over.

The prince had a fight with Tian Yangsheng a few days ago. Although he won, he was also left with a little injury on his body. Hearing Liangkun said that the fat guy Li might partner with Situ Haonan to become fans, he immediately He shook his head again and again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!

You said that the fat guy Li insulted women, I believe this, but you said that he got fans without telling you, I don't believe he has the guts. "

Liang Kun sneered a few times: "So, before I leave, I just show him my doubts!
Now, just look at whether this fat man has consulted with Situ Haonan..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Kun sent Ma Zai to take the watch outside the factory, and called back to report that Situ Haonan and a group of men had just been welcomed into the factory by the fat man Li.

"Made, the fat man has eaten the courage of the ambitious leopard." The prince was stunned, and then he looked happy, and kept urging Liangkun to go to the factory to catch the traitor.

At this time, Liang Kun was not in a hurry: "The contract has already been signed. Now that it's over, Fatty Li just needs to say that Situ Haonan is here to take over the factory. What can you do?"

After finishing speaking, Liang Kun didn't wait for the prince to speak, picked up the phone, and quickly called Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, I suspect that this time Situ Haonan went to find Dasha to discuss adding two more public stowaway boats at the Saigon pier. This is a plan to hide the white powder in the salty and wet tape, and take advantage of Dasha's smuggling route to avoid inspection and take it out of Hong Kong Island."

Poison tapes?
It's an idea!
After all, in terms of size, the US dollar size of the international drug circle just fits inside the video tape.

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, and ordered Liangkun to send someone to continue to monitor Fat Guy Li and the video tape factory.

Regardless of whether the fat guy Li participated in this matter or not, if Dong Xing can be attacked this time, this kind of good deed will not be done, and the bad deeds will be thrown into the street, and it will be dealt with together.

Unfortunately, Ding Yunfeng's arrangement did not work in the end.

Because there is no smuggling boat in his hands, and the price of the camels in the Netherlands has not yet been negotiated, so Situ Haonan has been honestly visiting the factory to see samples in the past few days. proper move.

"Keep watching. The camel has already boarded the plane. When he comes back, he must have negotiated the price with the ghosts over there." Ding Yunfeng continued to dispatch Liang Kun and the other two.

At this time, Luo Tuo took Wu Zhiwei and Wu Ya back to Hong Kong Island from the Netherlands by plane.

They were speechless all the way, and when the plane landed, the three of them came from the passenger exit, and they saw Situ Haonan with an ugly face.

"How is it? Before I left, how many things have you done?" Camel lit a cigar and asked as he walked.

Situ Haonan was a little embarrassed. He faced the crow's provocative gaze and said slowly: "I have settled everything except not finding a stowaway boat."

"Hmm~ trash! The most important thing now is that you haven't solved the problem of the boat. If the others are done well, what's the point?" Camel stopped for a second and cursed fiercely.

Situ Haonan was ineffective, so naturally he had nothing to say.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the camel was outside this time, bow his head to Dasha first, establish prestige within Dongxing, and then see if there was a chance to replace him.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he would be reprimanded by Luo Tuo in public, losing face to Lantau Island.

(End of this chapter)

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