Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 543 Lin Kun Understands Very Well

Chapter 543 Lin Kun Understands Very Well
"Dasha has Ding Yunfeng backing him up, and he didn't know where to find two very capable horsemen..."

Situ Haonan also felt aggrieved and couldn't help complaining.

The camel stopped and patted him on the shoulder: "You are the appointed agent leader before I left!
Whether you send someone, or ask Dasha to go over to Tuodi, wouldn't it be enough to just give him orders?

But you just want to pretend to be a fool, and you specially brought a group of men to Saigon to talk to him...

It's all right now, I'm embarrassing, and let the society be seen as a joke by the Taoist.

Oh, now I say a few words, do you still feel wronged? "

"Don't dare." Situ Haonan justified himself, bowed his head and took a step forward, opening the car door for the camel.

The camel looked at him and shook his head, got into the car, and slammed the Mercedes-Benz door shut.

The crow smiled disdainfully, chewed gum, and walked over with shaking shoulders. He seemed to bump into Situ Haonan unintentionally, opened the co-pilot's door, and sat on it.

Situ Haonan clenched his hands into fists, trying to hold back his anger.

Wu Zhiwei noticed that the smell of gunpowder was too strong, so he quickly pulled him into the rear Mazda together.

Tangtang Dongxing acts as a leading agent, but he is not even eligible to get on a car when he encounters a genuine one?
Situ Haonan knew very well that Luo Tuo made an excuse to stay in the Netherlands for half a month this time. Apart from wanting to help Dongxing find some beautiful goods, his other purpose was to test himself.


During this period of time, I was confused by the words "leading the leader on behalf of the leader".

Some things may be too hasty, so that Camel's eyeliner on Hong Kong Island can see his ambition clearly.

In addition, on that day at the Saigon Wharf, things were indeed not done well enough, giving the other party a chance to beat him in front of others...

On the way back to Dongxing from the airport, Situ Haonan thought silently. He calmed down, but sorted out a lot of things.

The smiling tiger, Wu Zhiwei, babbled on in the car, trying to persuade Situ Haonan not to care about the crow. When he talked about his dry mouth, in fact, he didn't listen to a word of the dragon and tiger, and he did nothing.

Sending the camel back to the community, Situ Haonan didn't want to stay and continue to be slapped in the face by the other party, so he found an excuse to leave early.


It made the camel even more dissatisfied with him.

Ding Yunfeng knew that Camel's trip to the Netherlands must be related to fans!
For this reason, Ding Yunfeng mobilized secret forces to monitor the Luo family villa in all directions.

The camel was very calm, and there was no change for two consecutive weeks. He didn't even go to the salted belt factory that Situ Haonan bought from Fatty Li!
Unknowingly, half a month has passed, and today is the day when the ancestral queen visits Hong Kong Island!
Hong Kong Island is black and white, a few days ago, all received 'greetings' from the governor's office

——In the past two days, good, evil, black, and white!
Everyone, don't make trouble!
Who dares to come out to be a prick at this time, after that, don't want your head anymore!
Facing the repeated orders of the ghost!
Ding Yunfeng was very cooperative this time, and he asked Zhan Mi to inform everyone that he would stop for a few days.

After all, in the current Hong Kong Island, ghosts still talk about things.

September, 1976th, 5.

Graham Street in Central, both sides of the road are crowded with citizens of Hong Kong Island, just to see the Queen's demeanor, and the policemen who maintain order are all sweating profusely, but a secret war is going on on the second floor of a certain street-facing store. s meeting.

"Both of you, you have all seen my product. I believe that with your professionalism, you can definitely judge whether it is good or bad." The meeting sponsor, the camel sitting in the main seat, said with a smile as he tapped his fingers on the table.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a suit, Zhu Tao smiled: "Brother Camel, the product is good, but the price is not good."

"Hey, Boss Zhu, everyone is an insider!

My product has a purity of 999, which is not comparable to Kunsha's Double Lion Earth brand bricks.

Think about it, everyone, if you find me to get the goods, you can save the effort of processing bricks. Does this save a lot of manpower and avoid the chance of being copied by the police?

Now, I want this price, is it unreasonable? "Camel put down the teacup, looked at Zhu Tao and asked.

Sitting next to Zhu Tao, a young man who looked very similar to the young Lei Luo, pinched a pinch of powder brought by camels: "It takes a lot of effort to make Kun Sha's Double Lions Earth card so that it can be smoked.

Brother Camel, these products are already finished products of white alkali.

He asked for a higher price, which I think is understandable. "

"Lin Kun, is there anyone who bargains like this?

I said, you kid, do you know how to do business?

If you don't understand, then just keep silent, and when we adults have settled, I will give you a little bit to support the family. "Zhu Tao turned around and looked at Lin Kun with a very ugly expression on his face.

Lin Kun clapped his hands and smiled at Luo Tuo, "I'm sorry Brother Luo Tuo, I'm soft-spoken and I can't help you."

"Boss Zhu, to be able to drink tea here today is the guest invited by me, Luo Bingrun, to discuss this business!

If you think it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it.

But you don't let other people praise my field, don't you take me as the master too seriously? "The camel glared at Zhu Tao.

Crow and Situ Haonan took a step forward together, took out two daggers, and put them on Zhu Tao's neck.

Dongxing's people suddenly turned their faces, not to mention Zhu Tao's face turned pale with fright, and the few fans who were invited by Dongxing to negotiate the price at the scene also had ugly faces.

"You...don't act recklessly. The foreign woman is patrolling the streets below. If you dare to be me, you won't be able to run away either." Zhu Tao pretended to be calm, but his legs were shaking.

The camel sneered and waved the two crows back: "It is precisely because of this that my subordinates will use their swords. Like before, now your blood is almost drained."

"Okay, everyone came here today to make money.

Uncle Camel, although your goods are very beautiful, but according to your price, our profit is too small, let's let it be 30%. "Ni Yongxiao wiped his glasses and took the initiative to be a peacemaker.

This person's counter-offer was even more ruthless than Zhu Tao, and Luo Tuo shook his head decisively.

Next, several people bargained for a price.

Not only did the purchase price of the new product be set at the same weight as the bricks of the Shuangshi Earth School, but also, Camel adopted Lin Kun's suggestion and gave the new product a nice name - US dollars!
"Everyone, would you like a drink?"


Inside the house, the sound of clinking glasses is very clear;
Outside the house, the salute is also very loud!
On Hong Kong Island in 1976, prosperity and sin were separated by a street sometimes.

Several people left from behind one after another, and Luo Tuo led Situ Haonan, Wu Ya and Wu Zhiwei to leave last.

In order to avoid the route of the Queen's inspection, they detoured several streets and finally returned to the Luo family villa.

Instructing the butler to arrange dinner, Luo Tuo sat on the sofa to rest. Wu Zhiwei asked tentatively while making Gongfu tea.

"Boss, these guys ordered a total of 60 kilograms of goods today.

According to our agreement with them, we must deliver the goods at the end of this month.

But, Dasha, we haven't done it yet! "

(End of this chapter)

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