Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 544 Big Mouth 9 Past Events

Chapter 544


There was a hint of hesitation on the camel's face.

Back then, Dasha saved his life!

And for this matter, he also squatted in a bitter kiln in Stanley for eight years...

Rubbing his cheeks vigorously with both hands, Luo Tuo's eyes gradually turned cold: "Dasha is my horse boy, I will deal with him."

"Good!" Crow shouted loudly.

The smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei gave him a wink, and smiled at the camel: "Dasha, all these years, he has contributed to the club even if he has no credit!

As long as he is willing to hand over the Saigon Pier, Brother Camel, you might as well compensate him in other ways.

I have a horse farm in Wong Tai Sin District, and the community can use it at any time if needed. "

"I open a beef hot pot restaurant."

"I have two arcade arcades."

"Then I'll go out to the pool room."


Wu Zhiwei took the lead to speak, and Situ Haonan, Crow and Sand Grasshopper hurriedly followed, throwing out the least profitable place in their hands.

The camel nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, very good.

With these few venues, Dasha will definitely have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

I am very relieved that you are doing business.

How about this, the association allocates 500 million from the public account to accept Dasha's boats, and he can't let him suffer too much. "


Taking advantage of the ancestral queen's visit to Hong Kong, he took the opportunity to gather a few fans to make trouble. Ding Yunfeng admired Luo Tuo's actions this time.

Li Jie didn't dare to follow too closely this time because he was worried about being discovered by the special department of the ancestral family secretly protecting the empress, so he couldn't know what Luo Tuo and the others talked about in that small building.

Li Jie, who was still blaming himself, Ding Yunfeng actually didn't care what these bastards were talking about. All in all, there must be a pink word.

to this end!

Combining that the camel has just been in the Netherlands for more than half a month, think about the friendship between the camel and the Dutch fan owl in "Young and Dangerous".

Ding Yunfeng could easily guess that Luo Bingrun wanted to become the second lame man.

Now that there is no leader in the fan market on Hong Kong Island, if camels can be transported from the Netherlands in a steady stream, he may really become the number one demolisher on Hong Kong Island.

There are sources of supply; there are customers.

What Dongxing lacks now is a stable transportation channel.

Thinking of this, Ding Yunfeng picked up the phone and immediately called Tian Yangsheng: "In the past few days, you should follow Dasha closely."

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, I'll make arrangements." Tian Yangsheng was sitting in a wheelchair, helping Li Jie train a group of security personnel.

He hung up the phone, and immediately called Tian Yangyi who was beside Dasha: "Brother Feng has something to say.

Dasha brother may be in danger these few days, I will let the fourth and fifth brothers go to help you..."

Three days later, the queen of the ancestral home ended her visit and took a special plane to return to her ancestral home.

Compared with TV or print media, most of the citizens who are paying attention to the Queen's visit this time.

In Dongxing Tuodi, all the hall masters sat down solemnly.

Today is the day when Dongxing pays the number. Everyone starts to pay the number once a month according to the order of the past.

Dasha's position in the East Star is only under the Five Tigers of the East Star. In the days before, he would send a boy to bring money to make a formality.

Today, Luo Tuo specially called him to ask him to attend. He was so foolish to miss the old days and didn't think too much, so he brought his two younger brothers over.

As the hall masters made friends with each other, the smiles on the camel's face grew more and more.

When he saw Dasha standing up, it was even more difficult to squeeze out a smile: "Dasha, after you hand in the number, I still have something to discuss with you."

"Okay boss." Dasha didn't think too much, and nodded in response.

After a moment.

Everyone made a good deal, and their eyes fell on Dasha one after another.

The camel took a sip of the tea cup and said to Dasha, "Dasha. Over there at the Saigon pier..."

Hearing that the dragon head actually backtracked, he asked himself to hand over the Sai Kung pier!
He even offered 500 million yuan to buy the dozen or so smuggling boats under his command.

Dasha's face turned red, and he looked at the camel with disappointment: "Boss, that's not what you said when you came to see me in Stanley..."

"Silly! What the hell are you talking about?"

The camel slapped the armrest of the chair and scolded sharply: "You squatted in the kiln for the sake of the society!
But after you come out, shall I hand over the smuggling business of Saigon Wharf and the previous associations to you?

Have you made a lot of money in the past few years?

Today, the society is not directly taking back your dock!

Didn't I give you a horse stable, a beef hot pot restaurant, two arcade game halls and a billiards room?

You don't even think about...

If you have served in prison for the society, you can dominate a place until you grow old when you come out.

Where did the association go to lay down so much territory and distribute it to you? "

Seeing that the camel said such things, Dasha was not only sad, but also disappointed.

Back then, how stupid was I to commit murder and go to jail for this kind of bastard?

"Brother Camel, ever since I took charge of the Sai Kung Wharf, I have never owed the club a round!

What's more, in these years, except for the part that was handed over to the society, I basically invested in these dozen or so ships.

Now you want to buy it with 500 million. This clause is not enough for the mantissa I will return to the dock! "

"Since 500 million is not enough for you to fill in the last digit, well, the money you owe to the shipyard has been recognized by the society.

Wait a minute, you go back and pack up your belongings, you can take the little brother who is handy with you.

And I am in the countryside in the New Territories, and there is an old three-story building with a canteen and a gambling stall downstairs. The market price is about seventy-eight million yuan. This is my personal compensation for you, so you are satisfied, right? "The camel glanced at Dasha, held up the teacup, and signaled to see off the guests.

Situ Haonan and Wu Ya walked over with stern faces, and Dasha kicked over the chair angrily: "I choose! Luo Bingrun, what you mean today is that you will eat me?"

"Dakoujiu! Say it again?" Luo Tuo smashed down his teacup and stood up angrily: "You were still a farmer in the countryside when I didn't take you out to hang out!

Brother Dasha, Brother Dasha, without my camel, how foolish you are?
Thinking about it back then, you weren't even considered young and Dangerous, you were just a low-level hooligan with a big mouth! "

The two turned their faces together, and the Dongxing hall masters present all looked at each other.

Everyone knows that Dasha used to be the personal bodyguard of Luo Tuo, but no one really knows about the fact that he was taken from the countryside to the city by the other party, but the two had a quarrel today!
"Boss, calm down, calm down." Wu Zhiwei walked up to the camel's chest and winked at the sandhopper: "What are you doing in a daze? Dasha's brain is broken, why don't you hurry up and send him to Qingshan See a doctor?"

"Oh, come here! You guys come over and help!" Sand Grasshopper came back to his senses, and beckoned a few boys to rush towards Dasha.

Dasha struggled to resist and overturned several of them with brute force.

Situ Haonan couldn't stand it anymore. Just as he was about to subdue Dasha, the closed door was suddenly kicked open forcefully.

Holding a bundle of detonators, Tian Yangyi walked in with no expression on his face: "Don't move, if anyone dares to move, if my hands tremble in fright, I'm making money anyway, and you guys are definitely losing money!"

(End of this chapter)

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