Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 545 Better than being stupid, who am I afraid of being stupid?

Chapter 545 Better than being stupid, who am I afraid of being stupid?

Single-handedly, Tian Yangyi brought a bundle of detonators and charged into Dongxing's land!

Today, it doesn't matter whether he can go out or not.

Anyway, the face of the camel gang is considered to be lost to Java.

"There's something~" Camel pushed away the horse boy who stood in front of him, he tapped Tian Yangyi who was beside Dasha with a cigar: "With a bundle of detonators, we can't blow up all of us here.


Light it up if you dare!
Just let me see, in our place, whoever points the back will have a good life! "

After speaking, the camel waved his hand casually.

The two guard boys who had just been beaten by Tian Yangyi stood up covering their wounds, and closed the gate from the outside.

Dasha protected Tian Yangyi's back, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Ayi, give me the explosives, I'll light the fire!
Made, fight hard?
I'm so stupid that I don't necessarily win!

Stupid, I don't think anyone here is stupid than me?

Isn't it just risking your life, who the hell is afraid of whom! "

As soon as Dasha's words fell, everyone's expressions changed.

Look at him really reaching out to grab the detonator bundle in Tian Yangyi's hand.

The camel's footwork was quick, and it flashed behind Wu Zhiwei and the crow in an instant!
"Brother Dasha, you go first, I'll be the second!" Tian Yangyi said inwardly, pretending to be calm, and pushed Dasha towards the door.

Dasha was furious: "Am I, Dasha, a person who doesn't value loyalty?

Give me something, you go first!

Luo Bingrun, you bastard don't stand so far away!
Back then you owed me a life, today I want you to pay me back, shit! "

Seeing that Dasha took out the Zibao lighter, he pulled out the flames to attack the detonator bundle lead in T Tian Yangyi's hand.

Everyone in Dongxing was so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat.

The camel moved backwards while looking at the second floor of Tuodi.

A gunman was on the second floor, holding a pistol with a muffler and a black muzzle, constantly wandering between Tian Yangyi and Dasha.

Not easy to do!

Even if one goes away, the one who stays holding the detonator bundle can be killed at this time!

But now, Dasha has a lighter in his hand!
If the flames flick the fuse, it is estimated that few of the club bosses downstairs will survive.

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

Just when the scene froze, the landline phone on the table suddenly rang.

Smiling Tiger Wu Zhiwei had an idea, raised his hands and shouted: "Big Brother, since you haven't discussed it yet, I'll answer the phone first."

After saying that, Wu Zhiwei walked slowly towards the telephone, but actually slipped a pocket revolver from his sleeve...

While grabbing the phone receiver, Wu Zhiwei inserted his index finger into the revolver trigger.

His eyes turned cold, and just when Wu Zhiwei was about to explode and hijack Dasha with a pistol, a chuckle came out from the phone receiver, which stunned him: "I'm Ding Yunfeng, ask Luotuo to answer the phone."

at this time? ? ?
Wu Zhiwei rolled his eyes, put away the revolver, and shouted loudly: "Dasha, don't be impulsive, Sir Ding is calling.

Leader, Ding Sir, he asked you to come over and answer the phone. "

Q? ? ?

Dasha suddenly stopped being stupid, put away the lighter, and stared fiercely at the camel who came to answer the phone: "From today onwards, you are no longer my boss!

The nickname of Dasha, I'll give it back to you!Fuck! "

"Humph! Whatever you want."

The camel thought to himself, as long as you don't light a detonator here today.

Why do I care if you will be called Dakoujiu or Dasha in the future?Anyway, these two nicknames almost mean brainless.

After picking up the phone receiver, the camel still hasn't spoken.

Ding Yunfeng had already said slowly: "Look at the window behind you, at eight o'clock."

"Huh? Sir Ding, what do you mean by that?" Luo Tuo looked puzzled, he picked up the landline phone, grabbed the receiver and walked to the window.

Sandgrass opened the glass window first, and the camel judged the direction of eight o'clock, and immediately saw Lao Sitian Yangyong, with an M72A1 on his shoulder, the dark muzzle facing here.

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

The camel suddenly closed the glass window, grabbed the receiver and shouted: "Ding Yunfeng, what do you want to do?
You sent someone here, and now you send someone to point a bazooka at us?

Back then, the doctor at the Cointreau Hotel was far worse than you! "

Ding Yunfeng held up his binoculars, looked at the small building where Dongxingtuodi was located, and smiled into the phone receiver: "Mr. Luo is indeed a law-abiding wine merchant!

Well, what you said is very reasonable, then you can open the window on the left and look at the direction at 2 o'clock. "

And an ambush! ! !

The camel was frightened into a cold sweat again, and under the suspicious eyes of everyone, he ran to the left quickly.

Opening the window, Luotuo looked around, and soon found the half of the sniper rifle that Lao Wutian Yangba deliberately exposed the cover.

By the way, looking down downstairs, the camel's blood pressure soared.

I saw that the Dongxing swordsmen and gunmen guarding outside were lying on the ground in disarray.

Either they were shot to the core, or their throats were cut.

The former must have been shot by the sniper rifle;

The latter, of course, is the handwriting of the young boy with the detonator.

Closing the glass window forcefully, Luotuo took a deep breath and pointedly replied: "Brother Feng, you have crossed the line..."

"Today you have crossed the line with Dasha!
Even, you even threw away his love and loyalty to you for more than ten years as shit! " Ding Yunfeng retorted.

The camel was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "I let them go, and you also order the troops to withdraw.

For the sake of being a fool, there is no need for everyone to make a big fuss!

Otherwise, of course we all have to rush to the street today, but afterwards, if you want to settle the ghost's accountability, you will also have a headache! "

"Okay! Brother Camel said so.

If I don't give you face anymore, it will appear that I, Ding Yunfeng, have no virtue of respecting the old and loving the young! Ding Yunfeng held the receiver and laughed loudly: "Tell Dasha to come and answer the phone." "

"Dasha, come here, Sir Ding is looking for you."

"Choose! Old guy, are you deaf or have no memory? Forget that my name is Dakoujiu now!"

Dakoujiu glared at Luo Tuo, and Dongxing Wuhu was furious when they saw this, but they were all stopped by Luo Tuo with sharp eyes.

After copying the phone receiver that Luo Tuo handed over, Dakoujiu immediately put on a smile: "Hey, Brother Feng, it's me, silly. Do you have any orders?"

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

Are you being stupid again now?

The camel stood aside with a dark face, and his right hand behind his back moved his fingers, and the gunman hiding on the second floor stepped back.

Ding Yunfeng gave Dasha a few instructions on the phone.

He hung up the phone happily, and turned to Dongxing's people with an angry look: "If it wasn't for Brother Feng's call, today labor and management would have blown up you bastards.

What the hell are you standing there for?
Don't let the little brother outside open the door?"

The camel stopped Situ Haonan and the crow who were about to attack, and shouted loudly: "Open the door!"

"Boss!" Wu Zhiwei looked at the camel in doubt.

Sand Grasshopper quickly pulled Laughing Tiger aside, and told him quietly that outside Ding Yunfeng sent people to set up the bazooka, if you don't admit it, next year today, Dongxing will really hold a public sacrifice for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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