Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 546 Not on the same level anymore

Chapter 546 Not on the same level anymore

Bazooka! ! !
Damn, who the hell is here to mess around?

The detonator is outrageous enough, but now even the rocket launcher is dispatched. Is it worth it for a big fool?
Wu Zhiwei swallowed his saliva, feeling his legs suddenly go limp.

Just now Tian Yangyi came in with a detonator, he wasn't really surprised.

After all, the other party came with a very clear purpose - to rescue Dasha.

But Ding Yunfeng has reached this position, how could he use a contraband such as a bazooka for one of his subordinates?

The more Smiley Tiger thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he even came up with a guess.

This time, Ding Yunfeng probably used the two Dashas as bait, and then took down the entire top management of Dongxing in one fell swoop, right?
"Let's go!" Tian Yangyi hid the detonator in his leather jacket, and pulled Dasha out of the gate.

Lao Liutian Yangxi drove the big Cadillac rocket in advance, and when he saw the two coming out, he rushed over to meet them.

Luo Tuo and others watched the headlights go away, and quickly looked up at the two commanding heights that Ding Yunfeng sent people to ambush.

Tianyangyong and Tianyangba stood up, raised their middle fingers at Dongxing and the others with arrogant expressions, and then led the guys decisively out of the way.

"Made! Poor?

Lei Luo and Yan Tong back then were not as evil as Ding Yunfeng like you are today! "The camel went back to the house and smashed the teacup directly.

Crow answered with a dark face: "Using rocket launchers in downtown Hong Kong Island?
Boss, why don't you find our Dongxing person and report him to Ding Yunfeng? "

"Shut up!" Camel snorted unhappily.

After he sat down, he lit a cigar to calm his shock: "Isn't it just to show that it is our Dongxing's revenge to cause trouble for him now?

If people can put rocket launchers and sniper rifles at the door of our Tuodi, they can put the muzzle of the guns on our heads!I beg you to think about it next time you speak! ! ! "

The crow's suggestion was not accepted, but instead became the camel's punching bag. He spat it out in public, and his chest heaved violently in an instant.

Neither Situ Haonan nor Sand Grass opened their mouths. The former had just been suppressed by a camel recently, while the latter was focused on business and had no interest in clubs for a long time.

In the end, it was Wu Zhiwei, the jack of all trades, who spent a lot of saliva, and finally warmed up the atmosphere that had dropped to freezing point.

On the other side, Dasha was sent back to Saigon by Tian Yangyi and others.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng standing on the pier, Dasha excitedly called Brother Feng, lowered his head and wiped his tears.

Ding Yunfeng quietly waved away Tianyangsheng and the others, turned around and looked at the choppy sea and sighed: "Cry out when you feel uncomfortable, I know, you feel uncomfortable now."

Hearing Brother Feng's words, Dasha, who had been patient all the way, finally couldn't control his grief, covered his face with his hands and wailed loudly.

Ten years ago, he guarded the camel and killed the ambush of the hostile society. He was stabbed several times and never cried.

Ten years ago, Dongxing's lawyer told him that he didn't cry when he was sentenced to at least ten years this time.
People in Stanley, in the first two years, camels came once a year;
For the next six years, the boss never appeared again, nor did he cry.

Because, he kept in mind all the time, if it wasn't for the big boss who brought him out to hang out, let alone Dongxing Hongstick, in his life, he would spend his life as a bully in the village, open a fancy stall, and cheat the villagers a lot A hard-earned money to live on.

and so!
Help the boss block the knife, and serve as a prison for the society.

Dasha thought it was very reasonable, so he had to pay it back when he came out to hang out.

But Dasha never imagined that after spending most of his life, he finally stabbed himself in the chest, and it happened to be the person who brought him out that year.

Ding Yunfeng didn't say anything to comfort him, and let Dasha squat on the ground and cry his fill.

This kind of straightforward person values ​​face the most.

The consolation at this time, to Dasha, is not caring, but pity.

Hearing the crying from behind gradually subsided, Ding Yunfeng took out a portable wine bottle, turned around and threw it over.

Dasha caught it with red eyes, then unscrewed the cap and took a big gulp, wiping away the trace of alcohol on his mouth: "Brother Feng, I want to switch gears and win streak."

"Don't be angry!
On Dongxing's side, without you watching for me, how will I be able to get away with it in the future? "

Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly, and pointed in the direction of Dongxing Tuodi: "He Liansheng and Hong Xing, it doesn't matter if we have you or not.

Let's talk about it after I finish talking with Luo Tuo, or one day in the future, when all these gangsters are wiped out, I think it's not bad for you to be the leader of the East Star. "

"Huh? I'll be the leader? Brother Feng, I don't know how to do it."

"Don't worry, it's also the first time I've been your boss, so I'm doing well now?

Learn while doing.

A camel like this has been able to dominate the leader of Dongxing for more than ten years.

I think you, big fool, are no worse than him.

In fact, being a boss is not difficult!

Let the subordinates make money first, and then prevent them from being wronged.

Get the above two points done, a lot of people outside want to be with you!
It's like me, Ding Yunfeng, isn't that what I do? "Ding Yunfeng's tone was very calm.

Dasha couldn't help but hear it. According to Brother Feng's statement, it is not difficult to be the leader of Dongxing.

Those who are arrogant are afraid of being stunned, those who are stupefied are afraid of being desperate, and those who are desperate are afraid of being stupid. In the end, everyone is most afraid of those who do not follow the rules and turn over the table.

Luo Tuo felt that his luck was too bad, and it was the most difficult to meet him.

In order not to be shot in the head while sleeping, Luo Tuo thought for a long time, brought a generous gift the next day, found Mr. Wang Peijun, asked the other party to be a middleman, and told Ding Sir that he wanted to set up a table and wine, everyone Three heads and six faces, come out and explain clearly the number of Dasha.

"Mr. Luo, if so, I can pass it on to Sir Ding for you.

But these gifts, you can take them back.

My current status - not suitable. "Wang Blowing Chicken Councilor took a sip of tea, and pushed the gift list unfolded by the camel to the other party.

The camel's eyes moved slightly, and he pushed the gift list back with a smile.

"Could it be that Mr. Wang thinks there are too few?

Don't worry, everyone has known each other for decades, how could Dongxing not know the rules?After things are done, we still have big rewards! "

Mr. Wang laughed loudly, got up and opened the door: "Mr. Luo thinks I'm retreating? I'm sorry, but I can't help you."

"Blow chicken brother!"

"Hey, who is Mr. Luo's name? There is no blowjob here, only Wang Peijun. I think you must have mistaken someone."

Luo Tuo stared at Chuck in astonishment, until this time, he finally felt that this person who was half a generation younger than him and the former talker of the winning streak really went ashore in vain.

"Mr. Wang, please forgive me for a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue." Luo Tuo embarrassedly put away the gift list, and pointed to the top of his head: "Nading Sir..."

"For the sake of past relationships, I will help you." Chui Ji took a sip of tea.

"Thank you very much!" Luo Tuo breathed a sigh of relief, and walked out of Wang Peijun's house in embarrassment.

Wu Zhiwei, who was guarding outside, saw him coming out with a gift list, and thought that he would not help.

The camel didn't wait for him to speak, and said first: "Don't talk too much, go, let's talk when we go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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