Chapter 547

On the way back, the camel looked very dignified.

Wu Zhiwei, who accompanied him this time, didn't dare to ask more questions.

Back in Dongxingtuo, Luo Tuo waved back a group of younger brothers, sat down and lit a cigarette: "Chuiji promised to help us ask Ding Yunfeng to come out and talk.

While everyone is here, let's talk about how to settle this matter. "


Dasha is your horse boy,
You are the leader of Dongxing again,
Now, you, Luo Bingrun, can't control the people under you.

This scapegoat, of course, is up to you to bear it yourself.

Situ Haonan and the others silently exchanged glances, even the smiling tiger who was best at warming up the scene in the past didn't want to answer the camel's words at this time.

Luo Tuo smoked half a cigarette, and found that these gangsters were all pretending to be dead dogs, their faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot: "Hey, no one talks?

What happened yesterday, you were all present, but you saw it with your own eyes.

Other people's rocket launchers and sniper rifles have all come to our community.

I don't care!

I am in my sixties.

If this matter is not settled, even if someone else kills you, no matter what, I'm not the one who loses money the most. "


This old tortoise, is he speaking human language?

When the East Star Five Tigers heard this, everyone's face twitched.

Situ Haonan received several winks, and he knew very well that these four things wanted to push him to lead the battle again.

It's a pity that he had suffered a lot and learned a lesson when he took the lead in the past.

This time, Situ Haonan made up his mind not to be the first bird.

Everyone was in a stalemate for a while, and in the end, it was Smiling Tiger who spoke first.

Previously, Dasha was planning to exchange the venues at Saigon Wharf. This time, they can be used for peace, and the public account of the association will give Dasha another 500 million Hong Kong dollars to appease Dasha.

The camel lost face, and now that the East Star and Five Tigers are forced to cover their pockets, they will naturally accept it when they see it.

He then named Wu Zhiwei and Sand Grasshopper, accompanied him to meet Ding Yunfeng to give a speech, and then announced the end of the meeting.

Situ Haonan and the others were all annoyed that they had lost the place for no reason.

They walked out of the field with ugly faces, but Sand Grasshopper didn't care the most. His income has shifted from watching the show and walking fans to the construction industry.

In the past two years, through the introduction of four eyes, he followed behind Chen Yaoqing and took over some small projects that Brilliant Real Estate could not do, but he made a lot of money. (The foreshadowing is in Chapter 495)
It can be said that the golden retriever has already run to the opposite side to pay homage to the pier.


Yesterday, I helped Brother Camel to open the window to look at the rocket launcher. There were more than a dozen people in the room. Why was he the fastest runner? ? ?

Sandhoppers don't care about a pool hall, and everyone else doesn't.Especially the crow, he has lost two arcade game halls!

At present, the goods from the Netherlands have not been able to be shipped to Hong Kong Island, and I don’t know how long it will take before the dividend is paid.

Let him cut his flesh to Dasha first today, with the temperament of a crow, how can he swallow this tone?
"Hey, we haven't been together for a long time, come over to my place for a drink?" Crow held Situ Haonan, showing his kindness to others rarely.

Sandhopper looked down at Jinlao: "Sorry, I still have an appointment tonight, so let's go first."

After saying that, he pulled away the BMW sports car and left without looking back with a few horsemen.

The crow snorted, and immediately looked at Situ Haonan fixedly.

Wu Zhiwei and Lei Yaoyang came over to persuade, and finally kept the strongest Qinlonghu.


A week later.

Lu Yu Building, Auspicious Hall.

Mr. Wang Peijun, a member of the New Territories Councilor, smiled kindly and told Chef Long Kunbao: "Long Sheng, all the big shots here today, please show some real skills for everyone to see, don't let me be rude in front of others!"

"Don't worry, Wang Sheng, I'm going to serve [Sea Dragon Fighting for Pearl] for tonight's main course, and I'm sure your guests will be satisfied."

Long Kunbao is very confident. He has just become the chief of the catering industry in Hong Kong Island. He is full of energy and vigor.

Wang Peijun laughed loudly when he heard the words, and when he was about to say a few more words, he ran over with four bright eyes: "Wang Sheng, Mr. Luo and the others are here."

"Oh, Longsheng, I'll take care of you tonight, my guest is here."

Long Kun stepped back knowingly, and on the way to the back kitchen, he looked curiously.

It was found that there were seven or eight people coming out of the elevator and walking towards the auspicious hall. The old man who took the lead had a sullen demeanor, followed by two men with unkind faces on the left and right.

Rivers and lakes...

Long Kunbao raised his vigilance, and secretly decided that this dinner party should be full of energy, so as not to make mistakes and cause disputes.

"Mr. Luo, you came early."

"Mr. Wang, please help me. This time, everyone in our company is grateful for your kindness."


This camel is on the right track.

The smile on Chuiji's face became brighter and brighter: "Ding Sir hasn't come yet, let's go in first to drink tea and catch up."

After more than ten minutes, Ding Yunfeng arrived with Dasha.

Seeing that there were only two people coming from the other side, Luo Tuo turned around and waved his hand, and the boys brought by the three got up and walked out of the hall.

When Ding Yunfeng sat down with Dasha, boasting that Chicken is a middleman, he got up and said a few polite words, then sat down and concentrated on cooking the table full of delicacies.

Long Kunbao showed his housekeeping skills, but the Dongxing people were not in the mood to move their chopsticks, Luo Tuo glanced at Dasha and said in a low voice: "Brother Feng, when things are like this, there must be a result for Dasha.

I want to take back the Saigon Wharf held by Dasha by way of replacement..."

"There's no need to discuss this condition. Mr. Luo can change it." Before Luo Tuo could finish speaking, Ding Yunfeng interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

Take back the Sai Kung pier?

What a joke!

Ever since Dasha came to Sai Kung, the dilapidated pier of Dongxing, his name Jimmy and Chen Yaoqing don't know how much money they invested in expanding it.

In a few months, the hometown will be unsealed.

Seeing that it is about to come in handy, how can it be returned to Dongxing at this time?

Before Luo Tuo came, he knew that the speech would not go well this time, so he thought for a while and continued: "Brother Feng, wait until I finish speaking.

Saigon Wharf, it is said that Potian is also the property of our Dongxing, and I even have the documents from the Hong Kong government to buy the land in my hand! "

"A lawsuit? Well, Huang Dawen happens to be free recently, so it's good to find something to pass the time for him."

Brother Feng, don't get me wrong!
I just want to say, condition, you can open it. Since I am here, I am here with the sincerity to solve the problem. "Luo Tuo's teeth itch with hatred in his heart, but he still has to speak soft words on his face.

Wu Zhiwei couldn't stand it anymore, the leader had been a big boss for too long, and he was unfamiliar with how to bow his head and submissively. If the conversation continued like this, there would be no way to get results at dawn.

He got up and raised his glass to Ding Yunfeng, Wu Zhiwei raised his head and drank three times in a row.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when everyone's attention was drawn to him, he suppressed the alcohol churning in his belly, and laid out the chips that Dongxing had prepared.

"In this way, it can be regarded as being sincere." Ding Yunfeng applauded and laughed loudly, knocked on the table and said: "You guys will compensate Dasha, and I agree on his behalf.

Saigon pier, not negotiable.

However, I can pay for the title deed and allow you to build a new wharf in Sai Kung. "

 I owe a chapter, I will add it tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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