Chapter 54
A short mule like an airplane can neither be a handsome man nor a general. At best, he is a pawn crossing the river.

With his limited brain capacity, he always thought that if he wanted to be in the top position, he had to do things for the society.

Today, Uncle Long Gen gave him the opportunity to get out of the plane, so in addition to using his life to gain money, he must not forget Uncle Uncle's kindness...


Just when Da Po Hei, Yu Tou Biao and others were still discussing who would call the door later...

The plane had already run downstairs to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife, and then rushed up the stairs.

Kicking open the door of the box, the kitchen knife pointed directly at Coolie Qiang.

While enjoying the 'approving' gazes of the bosses in the room, Airplane felt that he could not take the credit for such a bright moment.


Let the sitting hall and all the uncles know! !

This time I came to rescue them by myself, because I was signaled by Uncle Long Gen! ! !
"Coolie Qiang, today I will take your skin by plane!" After some appearances, the plane rushed towards Coolie Qiang with a knife in hand.

Deng Bo opened his mouth wide, filled a spoonful of shark's fin, and dropped it into the stewing pot.

Shuangfandong and Chuanbao several people looked at the plane with horrified expressions and swung their knives towards the strong coolie.

Who brought the idiot boy, is this going to light the kegs of dynamite?
If something really happened, we would have thrown a cup as a sign and called you to come in and kill people~
"It's really young and Dangerous who doesn't have a brain. He has been flying all his life." Ding Yunfeng sneered and picked up a small tomato, threw it into his mouth and chewed.

Coolie turned around in response, and he first kicked the kitchen knife off the plane with a whip.

Just as the plane was about to fight back, Coolie had changed his stance and kicked obliquely to block him. He broke his left calf first, then kicked his left rib, and then jumped towards his cheek.

A mouthful of tooth blood sprayed out covered in a few teeth. It took five seconds for the plane to get on the stage, and three seconds for it to hit the street. The record was -1. .

He leveled the plane with only two legs, the coolie patted his trouser legs, and stood silently behind Ding Yunfeng.

Seeing this scene, Yutoubiao, Dabuhei, Datou and others were crowded at the door of the box between the entrance and exit.

One and two were sweating wildly, and they kept cursing in their hearts that the classmates behind them were blind, and there was no money to pick them up, so why did they keep squeezing dry hair forward?

Shaking his head and pushing away the stewing pot, Deng Bo glanced at Ding Yunfeng with a playful expression, and sighed: "What's the situation now? Who can give me an explanation?"

Da Po Hei, Yu Tou Biao and others heard this and looked at Long Gen in unison.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that this guy was trying his best to push away the crowd with two horse boys.

Apparently, Long Gen saw the incident and was about to sneak away.

Signaling Da Po Hei and others to bring Long Gen in, Deng Bo looked at the shit-stirring stick in front of him, and asked calmly: "A Gen, just now that guy said you asked him to come in and do something.

Then you let him break in, what exactly are you going to do? "

Facing Deng Bo's fierce eyes, Long Gen was sweating wildly. He looked at Coolie Qiang and Ding Yunfeng, and at Chuanbo and others who kept warning him not to talk nonsense with their eyes. In the end, he chose to bury his head and knelt down with his forehead He leaned against the floor without saying a word.

Even if you're so smart, you're not stupid enough to talk nonsense...

Deng Bo's face softened slightly, just when he was going to charge Long Gen with a crime and dismiss the outside subordinates by the way.

Lard Boy has already rushed over with his troops, and he learned the details from Zhan Mi, and as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw dozens of people fighting with Lian Sheng blocking the door of the box.

Resolutely took out the pistol, Lard Boy clicked the trigger three times.

As soon as the police shot fired, not only did the faces of the many people around the box and the Liansheng members change drastically, even Deng Bo's hands shook from fright.

In this era when the Hong Kong Island Police Force has hacked clubs.

The trolls in plainclothes on Hong Kong Island are the greatest authority in both black and white!

"Ah Feng! Are you alright?"

Zhu Youzai raised his pistol and shouted, and several plainclothes men took out their guns and walked into the box to protect him and Zhan Mizai.

Wherever these people passed by, Dapu Heiyutoubiao and the others all raised their hands high and retreated to the sides in panic.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng eating the fruit plate with a smile on his face, and a coolie guarding him beside him, Lard Boy's expression eased slightly.

Deng Bo stood up, walked up with a wry smile: "Brother Zi, it's just a misunderstanding, you old man don't need to get into trouble, right?"

"Here one is lying down, the other is kneeling, and there are a group of people blocking it outside, you actually told me it was a misunderstanding?
That's fine, I'll transfer a hundred plainclothes tonight, first to clear up the situation between you and Liansheng, and then send dozens of wreaths to you and Liansheng's Tuo tomorrow morning to talk about a misunderstanding, okay? Lard boy hugged Deng Bo and laughed.

But hearing his blatant threats, not only Deng Bo twitched his face with anger, but Shuangfandong, Chuanbao and others all gritted their teeth and dared not speak out.

"Brother, this is really a misunderstanding.

Tonight we have a banquet for Ding Sir, but I don't know where Long Gen got the wind from this street rush.

He actually wronged my protégé Ah Qiang for wanting to turn against me, and then he encouraged this guy called Airplane to come in and make trouble.

Fortunately, Ah Qiang was very skilled, and he was smoothed out with three moves and two moves.

Otherwise, let Ding Sir have a mistake today, I am over two hundred catties fat, I must be cut by Brother Luo and Brother Hao! Deng Bo pointed to Long Gen and explained to Lard Boy.

"No, just as I was about to deal with this bastard, your old man brought someone here."

Lard Boy let out an oh, and laughed.

The three of Shuangfandong, Huoxingu, and Shaogou became more and more strange the more they listened. It seemed that what they said was telling the truth, but why did Longgen's fault all fall on him?

"Have you seen it, learn from it..." Chuan Bao touched his mouth and reminded in a low voice.

Leng Lao and Fei Hua looked at each other, and they avoided Long Gen's eyes asking for help.

Now either everyone will decline together, or you, Longgen, will decline alone. The minority obeys the majority. We and Liansheng have always been very democratic.

"In this way, it's an internal matter between you and Liansheng?" Zhu Youzai and Ding Yunfeng exchanged glances.

Knowing that Ding Yunfeng was not at a disadvantage, Zhu Youzai smiled and sat beside him: "Say it earlier, I wasted three bullets!!!"

Deng Bo heard that his blood pressure was soaring, but he still held back his anger and sent the 10 yuan of black gold prepared for Ding Yunfeng to Zhu Youzi: "Brother Zi, this is the amount I owed from playing mahjong with you last time."

"That's right, that's right, Fat Deng, you're getting more and more sensible! Okay, I'll accept the money, and everyone's account will be settled." Passing the cloth bag to his subordinates, Lard Boy sat next to Ding Yunfeng.

Seeing this, Zhan Mi hurriedly washed a set of clean dishes.

While eating, Lard Boy chatted with Ding Yunfeng, and he actually regarded the private room and Liansheng sitting in the hall with a group of hall masters as air.

Seeing that this guy refused to leave after collecting the money, Deng Bo knew that he couldn't be good tonight, and sure enough, it took about a few minutes.

Lard Boy suddenly looked over: "Aren't you guys going to clean up the house? Don't worry about me. If you want to fill the sea, you have to feed the dogs. Now that I'm off work, I can't see it."

(End of this chapter)

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