Chapter 55
Fat Deng who will play Big D and Le Shao in the palm of his hand in the future.

This will face lard boy, it is like a mouse meets a cat.

Long Gen's arms and legs were severed, like a dead dog being dragged out together with the plane.

According to the rules of He Liansheng's gang, this kind of 'slandering' the same door should have been three times and six holes.

However, Ding Sir said that he was dizzy, and the coolies of the "suffering master" felt a strong sense of fellowship, and then took the lead, and the six hall masters pleaded for Long Gen.

Sitting in the hall, Deng Bo reluctantly promised to save Long Gen's life, but only cut off his limbs, and took back a few places under his name to compensate the coolie Qiang who had been wronged tonight.

"Oh, before I know it, it's getting so late, Ah Feng, do you want to go back, I'll see you off." Lard boy ate three bowls of shark's fin in a row, and got full at the moment Fei Deng finished handling the dragon root.

"Okay, then let's go, Deng Bo, everyone and the bosses of Liansheng, thank you for your hospitality tonight." Ding Yunfeng stood up with a smile.

He and Liansheng got up to see them off quickly. Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi wanted to leave, but before leaving, Deng Bo asked someone to stay.

The cars are still those beautiful cars, but they have a backbone compared to the previous ones.

This time, Ding Sir, the protagonist, was missing from the car, and the convoy bound for Helianshengtuo was obviously three points less beautiful and seven points more frustrated.

Deng Bo walked into Tuodi with his tired body. This is a tea house with a sense of age. It is no longer open to the public, and only those who have a name in the club are eligible to come.

Datou poured hot tea for the sitting hall and the hall masters, and then retreated to the side in a polite manner.

Glancing at Zhan Mi, who was wearing a suit and smoking a cigarette, he moved his head and put on an expression that I want to draw a line with you.


Jimmy smiled disdainfully at Datou.

Leaning on the handrail of the stairs, he secretly paid attention to the coolie sitting on Deng Bo's right.

Brother Zai has beaten He Liansheng hard tonight. Logically speaking, he and Brother Qiang should be safe.

But now being called to come to Tuodi by the fat Deng who sits in the restaurant, the other party will either appease the emotions of the two of them, or prepare to buy people's hearts.

Brother Feng had already told him that Brother Qiang was too straightforward, so he had to keep an eye on him, and he must not be fooled by these old foxes.

"Ah Qiang, don't blame me for what happened tonight.

Ding Sir does not accept black money, if I don't try him, I believe everyone will not be at ease. "Deng Bo drank a cup of hot tea and got straight to the point.

Coolie glanced at Zhan Mi, who nodded, and he replied sullenly: "Boss, you are too serious, I also made mistakes tonight, but brother Feng saved my life, I must pay it back... "

"No need to explain, everyone knows that Ding Sir once saved you. If you had shot at him at that time, I would have been more worried." Deng Bo smiled and patted Coolie Qiang on the shoulder. Shuang Fandong and the others looked at each other .

"Boss wins the prize."

"Ding Sir, you need to communicate more.

If he speaks, you have to help him with your heart.

If you can't solve it, you can come to me directly, and Liansheng 5 brothers are your backing. "Deng Bo pulled the coolie and ordered a lot.

He felt that it was too much until the series exploded, so he finally let coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi go.

As soon as the two left, they endured it all night. Shuang Fandong, who had the worst temper, immediately patted the table: "Sit in the restaurant! I don't understand!!!"

"That's right, these two clearly have red shoes (inside the government office)."

"After just one year of entry, these two bastards dare to turn against the boss because of a bad guy.

If this matter gets out, we and Liansheng will be laughed to death by the Jianghu people. "

The fire ox and the bad dog are also resentful.

Although the relationship between Long Gen and them is not very good, but seeing him become an abandoned child, they are somewhat sad.

In contrast, it is much calmer to explode a few people.

"What do you think? Do you want to lead someone to fight with lard?"

Shuang Fandong was so angry that he immediately scolded him, recognized the situation of Leng Lao and Fei Hua, and hurriedly tried to persuade him, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Enough!" Fat Deng slapped the table and glanced around with murderous eyes: "Wearing red shoes? Now Ah Qiang is ordered to maintain a good relationship between the police and the people for the development of the society!

Let me hear this statement again, and I will personally send him into the sea to feed the fish! "

Ordered to maintain good relations between the police and the people?

Also for the development of the community! ! !

Hearing Fei Deng's explanation, the most bragging bunch present was speechless.

He looked at the bright moon outside the window, and suddenly realized that he still had to study further in terms of speaking!
"That's it for tonight. Think about the laundry room in Stanley, and think about the two righteous brothers behind him. I believe you won't make the same mistake as Long Gen." Deng Bo was a little tired, and waved away.


On the other side, Zhu Youzai sent Ding Yunfeng to the prison guard's dormitory.

"Hey, it's time to buy a house.

If money is tight, I can give you a building!
Let people know that you live in the prison guard's dormitory, let alone Brother Luo, I am very shameless as a friend. "Lard boy looked up at the dilapidated dormitory building, and couldn't help complaining.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and nodded. Lard boy rolled his eyes and took out a key from his body: "Brother Luo told me this morning that he has already got what you want him to find. This is the key. The warehouse is..."

Whispering out a place name, Lard Boy didn't even ask Ding Yunfeng to ask Lei Luo to help him find something.

The two of them wanted to keep this matter from even him, obviously the water inside was very deep, and he was a smart guy, so he wouldn't be foolish enough to inquire about it.

Ding Yunfeng, who originally wanted to go upstairs, learned that Lei Luo had obtained a calculator. After sending the lard boy away, he stood downstairs smoking a cigarette silently.

About ten minutes have passed.

Zhan Mizai drove over with Coolie Qiang, saw that Ding Yunfeng was waiting downstairs, and they got out of the car quickly.

"Brother Feng, let's go back..." Before Zhan Mizai could finish his words, Ding Yunfeng had already waved his hand to stop him: "I have something to do. If you don't come, you might lose your life."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's serious expression, Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi were shocked.

However, the two made a decision in an instant, escorted Ding Yunfeng into the car, and drove to an abandoned warehouse in Saigon according to the address he gave.

"You two think about it clearly, if you go in with me this time, everyone will be grasshoppers on the same rope.

Maybe many years from now, I, Ding Yunfeng, can ensure that you are rich and wealthy.

However, during this period of time, if someone leaked the news, everyone would definitely die. Before Jimmy pushed the door and got off the car, Ding Yunfeng had already secretly grabbed a handful of black stars, looked at the two people in front and asked in a cold voice.

"Brother Feng, you gave me Zhang Qiang's life. If it must be kept secret, after I do something tonight, I will wipe my own neck without you doing it."

Coolie Qiang gave a deep drink, and stared at Zhan Mi closely. His arms were erect with blue veins. It is estimated that the latter answered incorrectly, and he would definitely silence him.

Zhan Mi broke out in cold sweat, put his head in his hands and replied, "Don't worry, Brother Feng, I already knew you came from the north!
Although I don't know what your plan is tonight, but since I, Li Jiayuan, are here with you, I will definitely not betray you!We are all Chinese, you can trust me. "

 Regarding the question of whether Dinosaur is Han Bin's elder brother or younger brother, many readers say that he is Han Bin's younger brother.

I checked Baidu.There are some sayings that Han Bin switched to Hong Xing on the condition that the two elder brothers would stick together, so at that time it was written that the dinosaur was the elder brother.

Since the readers all say that Han Bin is the eldest brother, let everyone take the lead, I have corrected the previous article!

(End of this chapter)

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