Chapter 549
That night!

Hearing that Wu Zhiwei was beaten into a concussion by Long Kunbao, Ding Yunfeng just laughed it off.

In the movie "The House of Gold and Jade", Ou Zhaofeng was tricked by Huang Rong at the beginning of the game. He was so angry that he had a stroke and sat in a wheelchair, unable to fight the opponent.

Desperate Ou Jiahui and Zhao Gangsheng, under the guidance of Long Kunbao, went to Huacheng, Guangdong Province to find Liao Jieshan of Yangcheng Restaurant.

But at the final culinary battle of the movie, Long Kunbao had been playing the role of Grandpa Goldfinger.

He didn't come out to help, but wrapped his hands in bandages and sat on the sidelines watching the battle.

Ding Yunfeng used to be the UP master of film and television editing, and he went to dig out this hidden movie plot.

It is said that director Xu Laoguai cut out the wonderful fighting scene between Long Kunbao and Huang Rong before the movie was released...

"The cook knows kung fu, what's so surprising about that?
Another day, I will ask Ah Kun to start "Huang Feihong", and invite Long Kunbao to be the protagonist, maybe it will be interesting..." Ding Yunfeng smiled while lighting a cigarette.

Zhan Mi, who brought the news, was immediately taken aback when he heard the words. He secretly remembered the matter, and immediately took out a contract from his briefcase: "Brother Feng, this is the transaction contract about the Saigon Wharf that Mr. Wang asked me to hand over to you." .”

"Just take a look, and let Dasha sign it if there is no problem."

"Ah? Brother Feng, let Dasha sign?" Zhan Mi looked at Ding Yunfeng in surprise: "Brother Feng, I just wanted to ask you, how should Dasha arrange it now?

Things have come to this point, it's not good for him to stay in Dongxing, right?
Maybe he didn't like it himself, and the people in Dongxing thought he was an eyesore.

Why not arrange for him to transfer to He Lian Sheng or Hong Xing? "

"No! I want Dasha to stay in Dongxing." Ding Yunfeng shook his head decisively.

Zhan Mi is even more confused now, he wants to let Dasha stay in Dongxing, but also let him sign to take over the Saigon Pier.

This has come full circle, isn't it just giving the other party 100 million for free, and letting the dock return to Dongxing's name?

"Just do it." Ding Yunfeng didn't explain too much, and gave Zhan Mi an order.

Zhan Mi was shocked when he heard the words, and then asked a few questions that Ding Yunfeng urgently needed to make a decision on, and then rushed to Saigon to find Dasha with doubts.

Dasha was too lazy to use his brain, anyway, he would do what Brother Feng said.

After drying his hands and signing his name on the contract, Dasha asked Zhan Mi to take away a few baskets of seafood and distribute them to the buddies of Big D and Ji Ji.

the next afternoon.

Dongxing Tuodi.

The camel looked at the contract drawn up by the chicken, and looked up at Jimmy who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea: "Give the Saigon pier to Dasha? Brother Feng, what do you mean?"

"Uncle Luotuo, if Brother Feng wants to give the pier to someone else, then someone else will take over!

What's more, Brother Dasha, he has done a good job these years!
With Lian Sheng and Hong Xing, there is no one who knows more about the operation of the terminal than Big Sha!

Brother Feng handed over the Saigon Pier to him, and we were all convinced. "Zhan Mi said a load of nonsense, Luo Tuo and others frowned.

Wu Zhiwei was beaten into the hospital by Long Kunbao, Sandhopper was half an ally, and Situ Haonan had recently become a dog.

Lei Yaoyang glanced at the crow, and fixed his eyes behind the orange lenses on Zhan Mi: "I don't know, what is Brother Feng's plan for Dasha?"

"No, what arrangement do you want?
wrong!I heard people say that yesterday in Lu Yulou, Brother Zhi Wei said that when he was drinking Hetou Jiu on behalf of Uncle Luo Tuo and Brother Feng, this time the misunderstanding has been resolved!

Since there is no misunderstanding between the two parties, then big fool, of course he is still from your East Star. "

Hearing what Zhan Mi said, Dong Xing and his group all had weird expressions.

Even the camel, who was generous once in a while, sent out of the old building in the countryside, and wanted to settle grievances with Dasha, was stunned at this moment.

"Okay, it's getting late, if there is no problem, Uncle Camel, please sign it for me.

The contract is in triplicate, one of which I have to take to a lawyer's office for notarization. "Seeing everyone in Dongxing, all of them showed expressions of being stuck in their throats by fishbone, Zhan Mi was in a good mood and urged with a smile.

The camel waved his hand to hold down the crow and the others, grabbed the receiver and said, "Don't worry, I have to make a phone call about this matter, so that Sir Ding can explain it clearly."

Ding Yunfeng was at the police station. He had just finished reading Chen Xiaosheng's case report when the phone rang in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Ding Yunfeng."

"Ding Sir, I'm Luo Bingrun."

"Hey, Uncle Camel?
What, what can I teach you?
Oh!Are you doing it for yesterday's meal?
It's only about a hundred thousand, I invite you, you please, it doesn't matter, there is no need to call to explain.Hahaha……"

Ha, you are on the street!

Don't think I don't have proof, I can't hear you mocking me.

Luo Tuo endured Ding Yunfeng's piercing laughter, suppressed his anger and said with a smile: "No, it's just a meal, but Zhiwei did this, after all, he lost his face and let Dongxing be rude to others.

Brother Feng, I'm sorry this time, you choose a time, I book a location, let's make another appointment? "

"It's easy to talk about, and if you have time, make an appointment."

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng wanted to hang up the phone, Luo Tuo hurriedly got to the point and asked about Dasha.

Ding Yunfeng waited for the other party to say this for a long time. He raised his legs in Kwun Tong and proposed an idea that made the camel almost smash the phone.

People, still under the name of Dongxing.

But from today onwards, Dasha is in Dongxing, he doesn't listen to the tune, he doesn't listen to the announcement, he goes away with private photos, he doesn't pay the number, he uses Dongxing's signboard, but he doesn't accept the management of camels.

"Brother Feng, why didn't you tell me what happened yesterday in Lu Yulou?"

"I wanted to say, but you're already gone."

"Aren't Wu Zhiwei and Sandhopper still there?"

"That's right! Doesn't Brother Zhiwei agree to come down on behalf of you? I saw him cheering and having a great time."

The camel was so angry that his teeth itch, he suddenly regretted that he should not have left too early yesterday.

Convinced that Smiley Tiger would not dare to agree to Ding Yunfeng's outrageous conditions on behalf of the club, Luo Tuo took a deep breath: "Brother Feng, Zhiwei hasn't woken up in the hospital yet, I want to ask him when he wakes up..."

"Oh! You made a good deal yesterday, but you regret it today.

You Dongxing, are you trying to play Ding Yunfeng like a monkey? "Ding Yunfeng's tone turned cold instantly.

Originally, he never thought of forcing the camel again.

But who asked Wu Zhiwei to go and provoke Long Kunbao, who is still lying in the hospital and has not yet woken up, to provide an assist that would make the camel suffer a loss?

"Brother Feng, I'm begging you, please be reasonable!
Erlang Shen listened to the tune but not the announcement, which is outrageous enough.

Today, if I promise Dasha not to listen to the tune or to listen to the announcement, wouldn't it be equivalent to agreeing to him becoming the leader of the new Dongxing. "

While talking on the phone, Luo Tuo opened the drawer and took out a box of Jiuxin Pill.

After Wu Ya and the others heard this, they finally realized how domineering Ding Yunfeng was on the other side of the phone!

Don't listen to the tune, don't listen to the propaganda, but still hang our Dongxing signboard!
That is to say, the money was earned by Dasha, but Dongxing had to bear the blame for the accident?

(End of this chapter)

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