Chapter 550 The Camel Was Bullied
Camels have been walking the rivers and lakes for decades.

Even if he rented the fan license from Jiang Zhen and his son back then, he hasn't been so aggrieved today!
Swallowing a heart-saving pill, Luo Tuo considered his words: "Brother Feng, we have been dealing with each other for ten years before you know it.

Whether it's me, Luo Bingrun, or our Dongxing entire community.

In my impression, none of us have ever been disrespectful to you, have we?
I won't talk about the far ones, but the near ones are like yesterday.

Dongxing invited you to come out and talk, isn't it sincere?

Now you're doing this..."

"Stop, stop!" Hearing Luo Tuo's angry voice, Ding Yunfeng suppressed a smile and interrupted: "Uncle Luo Tuo, wait a moment, let me clarify what happened first."

The camel took a sip of water, suppressed his anger and said, "Okay! You talk, I'll listen."

"Please Mr. Wang, invite me, Ding Yunfeng, to come out and have a drink and talk. Are you Dongxing?"

"That's right!"

"Have I promised to negotiate with you?"


"The negotiation between the two sides is not over yet. As the leader of one side, is it impolite to walk away with your hands?"


"You don't respect me, do I blame you?"


"Wu Zhiwei drank the Hetou wine on your behalf. Do you know if Sandhopper has something to say when he goes back?"


"At least 4 hours passed between the end of the show and Mr. Wang finding a lawyer to draw up the contract.

If you have objections, why don't you call him or me to negotiate? "

Ding Yunfeng forced Luo Tuo to run out of words, he didn't know how to answer.

After much deliberation, Camel decided to - renege on the debt!
"I've been out here for decades, and no one can bully my camel, Ding Yunfeng..."

"Hey, the last time I heard this sentence, it seemed to be ten years ago.

Remember, that person's nickname is Chaozhou Porridge..." Ding Yunfeng sneered, his tone very penetrating.

Luo Tuo shuddered when he heard the words, gritted his teeth and said, "You'd better tell Dasha to keep a low profile.

If he dares to make a big deal, I will fight this old bone, and I won't make it easier for you! "


Put down the handset that is emitting the busy tone.

The corner of Ding Yunfeng's mouth curled up, and he continued to read the case report handed in by Chen Xiaosheng.

the other side.

With a dark face, the camel signed the contract.

Seeing this, the crow was secretly anxious, but seeing the terrifying look on the leader's face, no one dared to touch him at this time.

Until Jamie said goodbye and left, Crow couldn't help standing up: "Leader, we need an explanation!"

The explanation is that our fists are not as hard as others, and we can only be threatened and manipulated by others!
The explanation is that if you are not convinced, then you should beat Ding Yunfeng.

I promise to open the mountain gate afterwards, and entrust you to come up to take my place as the leader of the East Star! "

The camel covered his chest and looked at the crowd, but the words he said were more piercing than the ice and snow in the cold winter night.

The crow turned around and kicked the chair fiercely, Lei Yaoyang pushed his glasses, originally he was also full of anger, but after listening to Luo Tuo's words, [-]% of it disappeared immediately.

that is the truth!

The strength is not as good as others, so what else can I do if I don't bow my head?

The two major clubs on Hong Kong Island, Hong Xing and Lian Sheng, are almost controlled by him, Ding Yunfeng.

Dongxing would be terrified when he met any one, let alone two?
As for the yin...

Outside Tuodi last time, how many brothers died under that silenced sniper rifle?

If you can't win from the front, you can't win from behind.

Dongxing didn't bow his head, what else was he thinking?
No wonder some people say that the dragon head is a three evil position.

Now it seems that you don't have the ability to bend and stretch, not to mention whether you can sit still, but whether your heart can hold it is already a big problem.

"Then... then let's forget it?" Crow raised his right hand, looked around the crowd and said, "I'm not just picking on the thorns, I'm just worried now, if I took a step back today, what should Ding Yunfeng do if he makes more progress in the future?
Maybe, he will propose Dasha to be the leader next time! "

"Impossible!" Luo Tuo waved his hand, and replied confidently: "Unless everyone is dead, otherwise, it will not be Dasha's turn at all!
You can rest easy on that, Raven.

What's more, the lesson this time made me see Ding Yunfeng clearly, so it's not a thing!
I won't just calculate like this, Zhiwei..."

"Boss, Brother Zhiwei is still in the hospital." Lei Yaoyang sighed helplessly.

The corners of Luo Tuo's eyes trembled, and he raised his finger to point at him: "Yaoyang, then I will send you there, you take my post, ask Ni Yongxiao, Zhu Tao..."

Forcing the camel to bow its head and making Dasha a veritable nail in Dongxing's interior, Ding Yunfeng was in a good mood.

But before the end of get off work, Liangkun made a phone call, which made Brother Feng's smile gradually fade away.

"Is there any conclusive evidence?"

"Brother Feng, don't worry, this person, I have already controlled him, and not only does he have a photo, he also has a hidden negative."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ding Yunfeng quickly explained a few words, hung up the phone and got up to go out.

He Tianbao's car accident case has progressed.

Hong Xing's horse boy has captured a living witness!
The matter was urgent, Ding Yunfeng drove all the way to Hongxingtuo, Liangkun went downstairs and waited in person.

"Shaqiang is staring at him inside, Brother Feng, this time the matter is too big, I am a little panicked."

"Don't worry, I'm here! You put two people on this street, and come with me to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to meet Brother Tai."

"Ah?" The cigarette on Liang Kun's mouth fell out in response.

Ding Yunfeng patted him on the shoulder: "What are you doing stupidly, hurry up and do it."


Today happened to be free for Brother Tai, so he came to the chamber of commerce to play chess with Brother Ping.

When they heard Ding Yunfeng coming, the two were still discussing, so they just asked Ah Feng to come over and play two sets.

But when they saw Ding Yunfeng walking in with a serious expression, the two elders put away their smiles.

"Brother Tai, I have something that I want to discuss with you alone." Apologetically, he glanced at Brother Ping, and Ding Yunfeng paused for a moment at Brother Tai: "It's related to Brother Xin."

"Ah Xin?" Brother Tai took a puff of a cigarette, pointed to an empty room: "Okay, come here."

Ding Yunfeng nodded to Brother Ping, and followed Brother Tai into the room with Liang Kun, who was looking at his toes all the way.


Liang Kun carefully closed the door, and then took out a few photos from the inner pocket of the specially changed black suit, and put them on the table in front of Tai Ge.

Brother Tai looked around and sighed: "I didn't expect that you would find Ah Zhen in the end."

"Brother Tai, it seems that you already know the truth."

"Know something!
Less than 10 minutes after Tianbao's accident, the Number Gang reported the incident to me.

I ordered them to scrape people, but unexpectedly, Ah Xin's illegitimate son Cheng Zhen was actually scratched.Brothers fight against the wall, a tragedy of human relations. "Taige said slowly...

The old man opened up the chatterbox, and went to Haojiang with He Xin to explore the world since he was young.

First, he was appreciated by the former gambling king Fu Laocha, and then he was framed by a villain and had to leave in despair. Later, the two teamed up with Nie Aotian to return to Haojiang, squeezed away Fu Laocha's family, and successfully won the gambling card...

(End of this chapter)

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