Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 551 Waiting for you to enter the urn

Chapter 551 Waiting for you to enter the urn
Ding Yunfeng knew that most of what Brother Tai said today was the plot of "Casino Tycoon: Legend of the New Brother" and "Casino Tycoon: Invincible".

It's just that the Tai brother in front of him is not Guo Yingnan who was deliberately clowned in the movie, but the Chinese businessman who is closer to reality.

Compared with Guo Yingnan, who played the role of He Xin's capable subordinate in the two movies.Brother Tai in this world had a serious disagreement with He Xin because of casino management and profit arrangements.

As early as a few years ago, he voluntarily withdrew from the board of Haojiang Sponsored Entertainment.

In the past few years, although the two of them have not been separated from each other, they have also become estranged a lot.


This time He Tianbao died in a car accident, so Brother Tai immediately sent someone from the Haojiang Number Gang to investigate thoroughly.

He even tracked down the clues, and through Cheng Zhen, he found Cheng Le'er (played by Wang Taimei, not the queen of Guanqiu) who was living in seclusion in the United States.

"Ah Feng, now you know why I refused to help Ah Xin investigate this matter that day, right?

He and I have a dirty relationship, if I lift the cover today, we will definitely break up in the future. "Brother Tai talked for a long time, his mouth was a little dry, and Liang Kun Zhiqu, who was sweating all over, went to help him pour tea.

"Thank you."

Hearing the boss nod his thanks, Ah Kun's bones were two catties crisp, but before he was allowed to speak, a warning on the other side almost scared him to his knees on the spot.

"Today's words, if it gets out, you will be the most suspicious boy."

"Uncle Tai, don't worry, I won't talk in my sleep, starting today, I will quit drinking..."

"Come on, go out and lock the door, quit drinking? Do you believe me when you say this?" Ding Yunfeng waved at Liang Kun, who was waiting for this sentence, put down the teapot and ran out.

"Hehe, this kid. It's quite interesting." Brother Tai smiled and pointed at Ding Yunfeng: "Is he the one who Hong Xing is talking about this time? I remember, his name is Li Qiankun, right?"

"Yes, he was the one who was bought by Cheng Zhen and killed He Tianbao."

"I know, my people have been watching that rushing street.

Report to me below, Hong Xing leader suddenly crossed the sea to arrest people, do you want to let him go?

I know that Liangkun belongs to you, so I told them not to come forward, so as not to cause conflict between the two families. "Taige took a sip of tea.

Ding Yunfeng was stunned, and immediately smiled: "That's right, you have already found out the truth of the matter, this person must be under your surveillance. Then..."

"I had conflicts with Ah Xin earlier, so it's not appropriate for me to lift the lid.

But you, Ding Yunfeng, are different!
Ah Xin has always admired you, and he helped you a lot before.

In addition, this time about the Hong Kong Island TV station, he felt ashamed of you, so I think it is most appropriate for you to handle this matter. "Brother Tai smiled, pointed at Ding Yunfeng and said.

Dare to love, from the beginning of this matter, you have been waiting for me to take the initiative to deliver it to your door! ! !

Ding Yunfeng smiled wryly. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, he was indeed the most suitable candidate.

Compared with Brother Tai and Brother Ping, who are Chinese business giants who are of the same generation as He Xin, I and Brother Xin have a feeling of forgetting the old friendship.

It's up to me to put an end to He Tianbao's car accident, even if it's not handled perfectly, these few people can still come forward to cover it up.

Changing places, speaking of other people, in case He Xin is offended, the small group formed by the Chinese business tycoon might really have internal strife.

"That's fine! Who let me fall into your trap so stupidly?

How about this, I will take people across the sea to find Xinge crab porridge in the afternoon. "Ding Yunfeng put on a helpless expression at first, and then turned his face straight: "By the way, Ghost King Nie Aotian, did he participate in this matter?" "

"You can tell from the name, this old ghost Nie is so proud!

Do you think this kind of person will recruit a junior?" Brother Tai shook his head.

However, he quickly put on a confused expression: "This time Le Xiaowen can keep HKTV.

According to the inside story I know, Ah Xin paid the money, and then Old Ghost Nie ran away.

In recent years, the two of them have been fighting fiercely in Haojiang.

I can't figure out what ability a Le Xiaowen can make them let go of their grudges and fight together.

Ah Feng, if you go to Haojiang this time, you can ask Ah Xin by the way. "

"Well, I took note."


He took Jing Kun, who was guarding outside, anxious, and Ding Yunfeng told him to arrange manpower, and immediately went to Haojiang to meet He Xin.

Akun called Hongxing's people to do things, looked at Ding Yunfeng with a wry smile: "Brother Feng, can I not go to Haojiang?

I just finished seeing Brother Tai. His teachings are very incisive. I want to go back and taste them. "

"Huh? Then before I meet Brother Xin, if there are rumors leaking to the Tao, I really can't testify for you."

"Well, Brother Tai's teachings have already benefited me a lot. In order to better improve my personal abilities, Brother Feng, you must take me with you when crossing the sea this time, so that I have the opportunity to listen to Brother Xin's advice." Liang Kun changed decisively. The tone of voice, the expression on the face is full of firmness.

Ding Yunfeng didn't bother to expose this trickster, so he closed his eyes and took a nap.

A total of three cars went straight to the pier and boarded the ferry.

Ding Yunfeng and Liangkun suddenly took people across the sea. The ferry here has just weighed anchor and has not left the pier yet. Haojiang has already received the news.

When Ding Yunfeng got off the ferry in Liang Kun's car, Huang Shihu greeted him with a smile.

"Tiger cub."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng get off the car and open his hands, Huang Shihu trotted over and gave him a bear hug: "Brother Feng! Long time no see, long time no see!"

"Originally, I didn't think it would be long.

But seeing that you have so many white hairs on your head, it seems that it has been a long time since I saw you. "Ding Yunfeng took the cigarette handed by Huang Shihu, and pointed at the other's graying hair jokingly.

Huang Shihu laughed out loud when he heard the words. At this time, Ding Yunfeng helped him and Liangkun introduce each other.

These two are fine people, from Ding Yunfeng's tone, it is known that the other party is his own.

"Brother Feng, Brother Xin is not in Lisboa right now. I'll take you to his villa to meet him." Huang Shihu glanced at the man in the jacket who was obviously being held hostage, and said with a smile.

Ding Yunfeng was slightly surprised when he heard this: "Why isn't he in Lisboa? According to Xin Ge's habits, he should be at work now."

"Well, now Lisboa is being managed by Old Ghost Nie..." Huang Shihu smiled unnaturally.

Ding Yunfeng thoughtfully stopped asking, pointed to Shaqiang and said: "Siqiang, hand this person over to Huzai's subordinates, and then you guys should drive back first.

At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, just come to the pier to pick up your boss and me. "

"Okay Brother Feng." Sha Qiang turned his gaze to Liang Kun: "Brother Kun, let's go first."

"Let's go, we don't need you here.

By the way, you go back, find someone to wash my car, and then have a good time. "

(End of this chapter)

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