Chapter 552
Ding Yunfeng took Liangkun into He Xin's Rolls-Royce. On the way, he took the time to ask Huang Shihu about the current situation in Haojiang.

"Brother Feng, there were too many people at the pier just now, so it's inconvenient for me to explain too clearly. Actually, at this time, it's not suitable for you to come to Haojiang to play!

Because, in these two days at most, Brother Xin should attack Old Ghost Nie and that white-eyed wolf Cheng Zhen. "

Attack Nie Aotian and Cheng Zhen?
Could it be that the plot of "Casino Tycoon: Invincible" has reached the later stage of the film?

Ding Yunfeng lighted a cigarette calmly: "Tiger Boy, please elaborate! Maybe I can help."

"Hey, it's a long story...

Some time ago, a few ghosts came to Lisboa.

This group of people only bet on blackjack, and they won 21 million from the casino in just 2 days.

We checked the surveillance video for several hours, but we couldn't see the tricks of these people.

Brother Feng, you know, before Old Ghost Nie was kicked out of Lisboa by Brother Xin, he was the general manager and technical consultant.

Now we can't see the tricks of these ghosts, so some shareholders went to him for advice.

In order to convince the public, Brother Xin had no choice but to invite him over to have a look.

After all, Haojiang gambling circles can fight any way they want, and now that the ghosts form a group to scrape money, the blade must first go outside. "

Huang Shihu sat in the co-pilot, turned around and spoke.

Ding Yunfeng knocked on the soot: "Is it because Nie Aotian has not been able to figure out how these people get out of trouble?"

"That's right, Old Ghost Nie came to see him all morning, but he was helpless in the end. However, he made a suggestion." Huang Shihu said while looking at Liang Kun from the corner of his eye: "What he means is that the other party can't stop If you win, just send someone to do things..."

Liang Kun rubbed her ears and replied helplessly: "Shi Hu, I am the leader of Hong Xing.

I feel numb to this kind of thing, so you don't have to worry about me. "

"Brother Kun, please don't take offense!
You are only allowed to win, not to lose, and even endanger the personal safety of gamblers...

The spread of these things will not only affect the customer flow of the casino, but also damage Xin Ge's reputation, so I have to be careful. "Huang Shihu explained.

Liangkun nodded to express his understanding, and Ding Yunfeng urged: "What's going on behind? Xinge's villa is coming soon, let's get to the point!"


Following Huang Shihu's narration, Ding Yunfeng combined the plot in his memory, and in his mind, pieced together the recent scenes and scenes in Haojiang.

First, the ghost team came to Lisboa to offer a thousand scratches;

Then He Xin and Nie Aotian deepened their conflict over how to solve this matter;
Nie Aotian wants to take this opportunity to support Ma Zai Dadong in his position, and to counter He Xin's gangsters.

Then the plot didn't change, He Tianbao was young and energetic, he got angry when Nie Aotian slightly provoked him, and then got into a car accident during the traffic jam and got embarrassed.

He Xin received the bad news that he had a heart attack and was forced to take sick leave. With the support of several shareholders and the Australian government, Nie Aotian returned to Lisboa and temporarily took over He Xin's position.

During the period, He Xinzhun's son-in-law, Cheng Zhen, stabbed He Xin in the back on the board of directors, and was promoted by Nie Aotian to be the general manager of Lisboa.

If there is any difference from the original plot, it is that there is no Guo Yingnan or A Gao around He Xin, but Huang Shihu instead.

Haojiang is very small.

Huang Shihu gave a general idea, the car had already driven into the gate of the He family villa.

He Xin was wearing a white sportswear, standing next to some outdoor sports equipment, saw Ding Yunfeng and others getting off the car, and waved to them.

After the two parties sat down after greeting each other, Ding Yunfeng took a sip of black tea and asked Huang Shihu to bring the man in the jacket up.

He Xin knew that Ding Yunfeng suddenly came to Haojiang with a group of people, and he definitely didn't just come here to find crab porridge for himself because he was bored.

"Tianbao's death, he was an insider." Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth and He Xin's face changed drastically.

Swiping away the servants who were serving on the scene, He Xin took the photo handed over by Ding Yunfeng, looked at it for a while, and shook his hands uncontrollably.

It turned out that the person who took advantage of Cheng Zhen and secretly tampered with He Tianbao's car was hired by Cheng Zhen.

However, in order to protect himself, he took advantage of the time when Cheng Zhen brought money to find his own work.

He arranged for his girlfriend to hide in the dark in advance, secretly took photos of the two people's transaction, and even recorded a recording.

"It's really him..." He Xin threw down the photo, his face covered with frost.

Ding Yunfeng stepped forward and grabbed Brother Xin: "Brother Xin, wait a minute, I still have something to tell you."

"Afeng, tell me, I'll listen." He Xin patted the back of Ding Yunfeng's hand, trying to suppress the anger in his chest.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Huang Shihu and Liang Kun, the latter turned around and left without saying a word, pulling Huang Shihu.

"Brother Kun, what's the matter?"

"What Brother Feng wants to say to Brother Xin is not for us to listen to. Let's go, you will definitely be grateful to me in the future."


Seeing that Ding Yunfeng even wanted to dismiss Huang Shihu and Liang Kun, He Xin became more and more impatient.

But when he heard from Ding Yunfeng that the person who killed his and his sister's son this time was actually his illegitimate son with his old lover Cheng Le'er.

This Haojiang hero was stunned on the spot.

"Cheng Zhen is the son of me and Cheng Le'er, but Tian'er is the daughter of my sister and me, so they..." regaining consciousness a little, He Xin remembered another thing that broke him down.

Ding Yunfeng hastily took out the document that Brother Tai gave him: "No, no, actually Tian'er is not your biological daughter!
When my sister-in-law was on the way to the hospital, the child in her stomach had already miscarried.Brother Tai, who sent her there at that time, was worried that you would not be able to bear the excitement, so he found someone to buy a newborn baby girl.

You see, this is specially preserved by Tai Ge, and it is related to He Tianer's birth certificate! "

"God bless!"

He Xin breathed a sigh of relief, the next generation of brothers fighting against the wall is already miserable enough, if there is another incest between brothers and sisters, he might get mad and become mentally ill.

Ding Yunfeng patted He Xin on the back: "Brother Xin, actually, Brother Tai has already found out all this.

However, he worries that if he tells you the truth himself, you might misunderstand that he has ulterior motives.

Therefore, he specially asked me to come over to have a showdown with you. "

"A-Tai and I..." He Xin had a complicated expression, he lowered his head and lit a cigarette: "Forget it, this is between him and me, and I will chat with him later."

When Ding Yunfeng saw this, he knew that this time, He Xin accepted Brother Tai's love.

There is hope that the relationship between the two will recover.

After taking He Xin's lighter, Ding Yunfeng also lit one for himself: "Anyway, this time I'm bringing the conversation!

Brother Xin, if you want my help, you are welcome. "

"Tch, everyone knows that Brother Feng, you are very annoying now! A dignified leader of Hong Xing is going to be around you, right?" He Xin flicked his cigarette butts away.

Ding Yunfeng stood with him for a while, and finally, He Xin said that this was his family matter, and he still wanted to handle it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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