Chapter 556 The news leaked
Then, when you get out of prison, are you going to fight the fat mantis, the jade-faced flying dragon?
Ding Yunfeng looked at Huang Shihu speechlessly, feeling very sorry for him.

Nie Aotian is not easy to mess with. Before you helped He Xin beat him, you can still be regarded as loyal.

Now you sneak attack from behind and sabotage the plan of his disgusting old opponent before leaving. I am afraid that if you go to prison this time, it will be difficult to get out if you don't stay in 2000.

"Ah Feng, when things have come to this, we can only follow Tiger Cub's plan.

I called the airport and asked them to arrange a flight for Mr. Nie to the United States.

Old ghost Nie reported the case, I want to stay and suppress this matter, I can only ask you to take someone to take this old fox to the airport. "He Xin thought for a while and made up his mind.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep look at Huang Shihu and said, "It's fine to go to America, Nie Aotian is no better than Cheng Zhen.

Based on his energy, it is estimated that as soon as he got off the plane, he would call out his contacts in Haojiang to intervene in this case of a tiger cub intentionally hurting someone.

I have someone in Annan, why not send him to Nanyang for a ride by boat.

Eat some tropical fruits, reduce your anger, a lot of age, and find someone to compete with each other all day long. "

"Okay! Your arrangement is more appropriate." He Xin is as good as he is, he draped Ding Yunfeng's shoulders, walked away a few steps and whispered in his ear: "Nie Aotian and I have been friends for decades, and then we have been friends..."

"Got it, you two are both enemies and friends." Ding Yunfeng looked at He Xin with a wry smile: "Brother Xin, you don't think I'll ask someone to push this old guy into the sea to feed the sharks halfway through, right?"

"You boy, you are black. If I don't tell you a few words, how can you rest assured?"

"Fuck! You are making a personal attack! Quit it!" Ding Yunfeng pretended to be dissatisfied, and was about to leave with his hands.

He Xin hurriedly stopped him: "Don't do this, don't do this! Count me as wrong!

You helped me across the sea this time, and I have kept this affection in my heart.

In addition, I promised to destroy Le Xiaowen and buy Hong Kong Island TV, how about it? "

This is a good thing to say.

Hong Kong Island TV is worth almost one billion.

In addition to Le Xiaowen, it is said that there are quite a lot of shares in the hands of a few ghosts.

Except for He Xin, a rich man with Portuguese blood, other Chinese businessmen, even if they are willing to help, it is estimated that the British-funded consortium that has just made an acquisition in the stock market and has Ding Yunfeng in its books must be wary.

At that time, it will definitely be another stock market battle involving Chinese capital and British capital.

"Crossing the sea to help you these few days, I, Ding Yunfeng, did it out of loyalty. Why did you mention Hong Kong Island TV for no reason?"

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, then patted his chest righteously: "Okay! Leave the matter to me. I'll call Dasha on the way and ask Dasha to arrange a boat to come over."

After speaking, Ding Yunfeng leaned over to pick up Nie Aotian, and strode towards the elevator dedicated to He Xin.

Seeing the cursor of the elevator jump from the top floor to the garage, He Xin and Huang Shihu exchanged glances and walked out of the room together. A few Haojiang ghosts who were leaning against the corner and smoking silently rushed up to greet them.


An hour later.

Nie Aotian rubbed the back of his head and stood up, and found that his wound was wrapped in a bandage, and he was lying on a cold and damp wooden bed.

"Is there anyone?" Nie Aotian shouted a few words after glancing at the narrow and dark space around him.

On the ceiling, a window opened in response.

The salty cold wind blows in, making Nie Aotian shiver several times.

Dasha walked into the cabin with a flashlight, pointed at Nie Aotian and asked, "Are you awake? Are you thirsty, do you want some hot water?"

"Who are you and what is this place?"

"My name is Dasha, Dongxing Hongstick. I'm in the smuggling business. This is the cabin of our ship!"

"Big Brother, I don't know where you are taking me now?"

"Go to Annan, we just entered the high seas, don't worry, I will notify you when it arrives."


Nie Aotian was shocked when he heard the words, Annan is in a mess now.

These Nanyang monkeys have armed conflicts with several bordering countries every day. At this time, it is time to be caught as cannon fodder!
"Brother Dasha, I won't go to Annan anymore, please send me back to Haojiang or Hong Kong Island."

"Not going?" Dasha widened his eyes: "What the hell are you kidding me about?

Now that the boat is halfway through, you can't even say it!
Then my loss, is it you?

What's more, you are not the only one who wants to go to Nanyang to grow grass on my boat today.

I agree, and everyone needs to nod. "

Seeing that Dasha kept pushing back, Nie Aotian could only continue to raise the price.

In the end, he had no choice but to hold back his frustration and asked Dasha for a phone call.

"Hey, if I hadn't seen you getting old, I would have been less polite to you. This is the open sea, how can I get through with the broken signal of the big brother?" Dasha looked at Nie Aotian with mentally handicapped eyes, then turned and closed the deck.

The ship is indeed at sea.

However, it has been circling the waters around Hong Kong Island.

Even after Dasha fooled Nie Aotian, he came to the bow of the boat and stood beside Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, don't worry, as long as you don't let him out, even if he is locked up to death, he won't know where the boat will go.

"Just have fun, don't let him burp." Ding Yunfeng warned, and immediately jumped on the yacht that BOBO came to meet him: "Two days of wind, and then send him to Annan, Han Bin will come to accompany him You accepted."

"Brother Feng, don't worry. I will accompany the boat this time, and there will be absolutely no problems."


To help He Xin solve his troubles, Ding Yunfeng returned to Hong Kong Island by yacht.

That night, Xiao Biesheng the newlywed Ding Yunfeng had a rare indulgence, dealing with four wives and concubines by himself.

The next day, Zhan Mi came over to look for him, and while reporting work, he secretly looked at Brother Feng's pouches.

"Dongxing will bring a batch of goods in from outside recently, and it will use the route of Ni's family? Hey, aren't these two families competitors? When will it be good to wear the same pair of pants?" Ding Yunfeng laughed while eating breakfast. asked.

Jimmy sat in the living room, put down the report in his hand, and said helplessly, "Brother Feng, didn't you play Dongxing once before you went to Haojiang?
Luo Tuo was not convinced, so he invited several Da Lao family members to a meeting to form an alliance the next day!
It is said that these people are planning to bypass our territory and bring a large number of goods to Hong Kong Island to make a fortune! "

"How do you know that the participants must be very strict about this kind of thing?"

"That's the way it should be, but the news came from the police force. Therefore, these big bosses suspected that there was a ghost around them. Before the goods came in, they started to clean up the people around them instead." Zhan Mihaha laughing out loud.

At this time, Ding Yunfeng finished eating a bowl of kidney seed porridge, wiped his mouth and lit a cigarette: "Undercover? If news of this level is spread, it will kill people. Mad, there are also people in the police force. Needle!"

(End of this chapter)

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