Chapter 557
As soon as the fan alliance initiated by the camel came into action, the police force got wind of it. It can be seen that there are undercover agents sent in by the police beside the big fishers.

And this involves the information of several large-scale demolitions. Logically speaking, before the net is closed, only a very small number of high-level police officers are qualified to know.

But within a few days, this news actually reached Zhan Mi's ears from the police force.

It is conceivable that the police force was also impaled by the fan alliance.

Still on the rooftop, Huang Zhicheng was wearing a pair of sunglasses, posing against the biting cold wind.

Chen Yongren, who was wearing a black jacket and had wary eyes, gently pushed open the roof door.

Quickly scanned the outside and found no one else, Chen Yongren pulled down his collar, and quickly ran to the inhumane boss above: "What are you doing?

The wind on the road is so tight, you ask me out to meet at this time?
Fuck, I'm going to be killed by you sooner or later..."

"No way, some things, if I don't talk about them face to face, I'm even more worried."

"What are you worried about?
Oh, you are worried that I have a recording! ! ! "Chen Yongren stopped the action of lighting a cigarette, under his messy bangs, his eyes were full of anger: "Choose!You can't trust me, why do you reject my application to join the team again and again?
Why don't you look at it, how many messages have I sent you in the past two years, without me, can you be promoted to senior inspector? "

"Shut up! What is your attitude now? Am I the boss? Or are you the boss?" Huang Zhicheng pushed Chen Yongren hard: "Calm down, do you know that your mental state today is very inappropriate what?"

"Calm down, calm down, calm down?
I'm cold to your mother, what a freak!
This time, I used my fate to report to you, and within 48 hours, it spread from the police force to the road.

From last night to now, do you know that Ni Yongxiao has ordered the execution of a dozen of the Ni family's sons, among them there are even quite stupid and strong backbones!

If you see me this time, you may be able to help me collect the body next time. In this case, why are you telling me to be calm? "

Chen Yongren's eyes were red, he patted Huang Zhicheng's outstretched hands away, and then squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

He wanted to cry, but years of undercover experience had already worn away the instinct to vent his emotions.

"Excuse me!
Come, have a cigarette first. "Huang Zhicheng knows that it is useless to talk about justice and criminals at this time.

He took out two cigarettes and shook them out, he stuffed one between Chen Yongren's fingers, and then lit it himself: "Even the first brother was alarmed by this incident.

His old man ordered the internal investigation department to thoroughly investigate the relevant personnel.

I believe that there will be a result soon, and it is impossible for this kind of shit to happen again in the future. "

"Boss! Now I'm not sure if I have tomorrow!

Don't talk to me about the police force, teach me first, and then talk about how to pass this level. "Chen Yongren pulled out a rather ugly smile.

Huang Zhicheng hissed and took out half of his lucky draw: "How can you ask me such a professional question?

If I have this ability, will it be your turn to be an undercover agent? "

I am!

You can say such shameless words, Huang Sir, you are really talented.

Chen Yongren got up with a dark face. He thought it was pointless to continue the conversation.

Why don't you go to Temple Street and invite a Feng Shui master before the Ni family finds out who you are? It's more important to find a better cemetery for yourself.

Seeing that Chen Yongren turned to leave, Huang Zhicheng hurriedly pulled him back, promising that as long as he persisted until this time to destroy the Fan League, he could be arranged to return to the team.

Even, if he made enough contributions, he might become a senior inspector after returning to the team!

The mouth of the boss, a deceitful ghost.

Chen Yongren glanced at Huang Zhicheng, if his file hadn't been in the hands of the other party, he really wanted to turn his back on him and quit.

Senior Inspector?

You, Huang Zhicheng, have been in the police force for so long, and you are supported by noble people, so you were promoted to senior inspector?

I'm an undercover agent with a darker background than ink, so if I return to the team, I can be promoted to the same rank as you?

You are so good at drawing cakes that even children can't be fooled.

"Hey, you have to remember your original intention. If you have information, you must report it in time. The most important thing is to protect yourself." Huang Zhicheng patted Chen Yongren on the shoulder and sighed.

Chen Yongren broke free from the arm on his shoulder, opened the roof door without a word, and walked away on the stairs without looking back.

Huang Zhicheng looked at Chen Yongren's back and remained silent for a long time. These undercover agents were like flying kites, and in his hand, he held strings tied to the kites.

Although Huang Zhicheng knew that every time he pulled the kite string, it might break the string or damage the kite, but if he didn't pull it frequently, the kite might break free with the help of the wind.

Compared with the thread breaking, or the kite being torn apart.

Those kites that took advantage of the wind, broke free from control, and finally fell to the flowers and plants are actually more worrying.

"Aren, don't blame me, just blame your status for being too special.

Even if I can believe that you sincerely want to be a good policeman, but all the above, Sir, they may not believe you! "After smoking the cigarette in his hand, Huang Zhicheng sighed softly.

Expressing his feelings, Huang Zhicheng flicked his cigarette butts and walked down the roof.

Ten minutes later...

A short and thin man in denim suspender overalls walked up to the roof carrying a tool box. He whistled and looked around, then opened the box, and took out wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools skillfully...

The action Ma Liu repaired the water tower, and the mute took a roll of tapes inside by the way.

Pack up the guys, the mute whistled, and, like Chen Yongren, went into the corridor.

after an hour……

Zhan Mi pressed the abdicate button, took out the tape, and put it in a wooden box with partitions.

There are about a hundred grids in this wooden box, 2/3 of which are already filled with audio tapes.

"Brother Feng, you really hit the spot!

The information received by the police force was reported by Huang Zhicheng's informant.

Now, it was almost time to find out the needle buried in the police force. "

Ding Yunfeng smelled a big united cigarette, which was produced in his hometown, but the Luogotuo people brought it from the Lion City, and it is currently not available in Hong Kong Island.

"Your name is Brother Jie. Arrange for someone to meet Kite and ask him, what are his thoughts on this matter?"

"Okay! I'll call Brother Jie right away." Zhan Mi answered solemnly.

Two days later.

Lantau Beach.

Liu Jianming looked at his wife and children who were playing not far away, and said with a low laugh: "I am really grateful to Heart K for being able to have this kind of life!

However, this time, I really can't help!
Based on the information I have found so far, I cannot confirm who he is looking for. "

"Boss is very concerned about this matter!
You have to worry a lot, if there is any progress, remember to report it as soon as possible. "The big grizzly bear cocked its butt and smashed the last tent nail, and said solemnly.

"You don't need to remind me of this, come on, do a full set of acting, this is a tip."

"Thank you Mr. Liu..."

(End of this chapter)

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