Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 558: The thief goes to close the door

Chapter 558: The thief goes to close the door
Doesn't Liu Jianming know?

That is to say, the person who leaked the secret this time is probably not the gang of 'Ah Sirs' that Han Chen sent into the police force.

After listening to Li Jie's report, Ding Yunfeng pinched the bridge of his nose.

Actually, thinking about it, Liu Jianming had his own secret help for the needles that Han Chen sent in, and it took him several years before he was finally promoted to a middle level in the intelligence department.

For the others, even with Han Chen's help, it is impossible for them to have a higher position than Liu Jianming.

"Hey, with this person, it's a bit tricky to solve the fan alliance of Camel.

However, this is also good, and it can be regarded as an opponent. "Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly.

Zhan Mi closed the wooden box with the tapes, and compared to last time, there was another volume in it today: "Brother Feng, the new campus of HKCT has been built.

Principal Zhang and Mr. Bean invite you to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony on the [-]st of next month. "

"Oh! This is a big event, remember to remind me when the time comes."

"No problem, and Ah Hai and Ah Zhan came to find you two days ago.

They wanted to thank you, and ordered the people in Stanley to take care of Zhou Jiang, and they also said that they have connected with Asia Flying Eagle, and they found a little clue about what you asked for. "

"It's also good news, you tell them, don't rush, look slowly, this is a long-term task."


Next, Zhan Mi reported a few more things.

Ding Yunfeng now has many subordinates and more industries, and most of them are accounted for by Zhanmi, who is the chief executive.

"By the way, Zhan Mi, these few days, you pay attention to the stock price of Hong Kong Island TV, and then raise the funds we can use." Ding Yunfeng saw that Zhan Mi was leaving, and whispered to him.

Zhan Mi was shocked: "Brother Feng, you want to attack the TV station?

I heard that Le Xiaowen only holds about half of the shares of Hong Kong Island TV Station, while the rest are held by several ghost consortiums?

With your relationship with the ghosts, I don't think we can settle it with money. "

Zhan Mi's meaning is very simple, even if he is willing to spend money, he may not be able to buy the stock of Hong Kong TV Station. If he only collects a little from the hands of retail investors, it will not be of much use.

"Don't worry, we have discussed these issues.

Someone will come forward to help us settle it, and you don't have to be nervous about the money problem.

It's really not enough, I'll go to find brother Tong to borrow it.

He offered to lend me money several times, but I refused every time.

This is not good, just because he was crying poor this time, let him support a few hundred million to buy a TV station. "Ding Yunfeng laughed out loud.

Brother Tong, who was inspecting the gold shop, suddenly sneezed several times: "I don't know who is speaking ill of me behind my back..."

He Xin moved very quickly, taking advantage of Dasha taking Nie Aotian for a ride on the sea.

He first spent a lot of money to bribe the relevant people in Haojiang, and the court was held quickly.

Because the victim did not appear in court, Huang Shihu was finally sentenced to 1 year in prison.

Nie Aotian disappeared in the Lisboa Hotel, the members of the Nie family naturally refused to forget it.

They clamored for He Xin to hand over the missing Nie Aotian, and even spread rumors in the society of Haojiang that Nie Aotian had been killed by Xin Ge.

Fortunately, He Xin can cover it!

The gang of Niu Bi and Han Biao took people out to do errands every day,

Compared to the leaderless Nie family, He Xin's side is well prepared and has a strong army.

In less than two days, He Xin kicked out the remaining strength of the Nie family, together with He Zunan, who stayed behind at the Haojiang casino under Nie Wanlong's order, and became the veritable Haojiang gambling king!
Ding Yunfeng has an 'internal channel', and he knows very well that Brother Xin has been bathed in bloody storms these days.

For this reason, he immediately called to congratulate the new brother.

He Xin smiled happily on the phone and promised to attack Le Xiaowen when he had free hands in two days.

This is not!

In the early morning two days later, Ding Yunfeng had just gone to work at the Kwun Tong Police Station.

Before he entered the office, he found that Cao Li'ang, Chen Xiaosheng and others were holding a newspaper in their hands, and they were talking together without knowing what to say.

"Hey, what are you guys up to? Could it be that yesterday's horse race was an upset?" Ding Yunfeng walked over with a smile, took the newspaper in Cao Liang's hand and read it.

Zhu Su'e sighed dejectedly: "It's not a horse bet, but our stock has plummeted."

Looking at the headlines about Hong Kong TV's stock being maliciously attacked, Ding Yunfeng knew that brother Xin had made a move.

"Why did you all buy the shares of Hong Kong Island TV?" Ding Yunfeng folded the newspaper and asked curiously.

"Some time ago, Lejia claimed to use [-] million yuan to reform the TV station. The ghost knows that this body has not turned over, but was stepped on the ground and rubbed against it." Chen Xiaosheng put down the newspaper depressedly. He bought all his wealth.

Cao Liang shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "You deserve it, you guys clearly know that Atou Tongle's family won't deal with it, yet you still buy their stocks. It will kill you."

"Hey, it doesn't matter to him, you big bull, what are you talking about?"

"That's right, we have 10,000+, even if we want to join the enemy, the enemy must like it."

Everyone was already very depressed after losing stocks, but now Cao Liang satirized him in front of Ding Yunfeng, and when it came to the issue of where their buttocks were sitting, they all became angry and angry at him.

Ding Yunfeng knew that Cao Liang was not good at quarreling, so he knocked on the table with a straight face: "What? It's not appropriate to talk about stocks during working hours, and now you still want to use my police station as a vegetable market? Don't you have to do anything?"

"Sorry sir!"

"You know you're wrong, what are you still doing? Wait until I treat you to breakfast?"

Ding Yunfeng went into a rage, and the gang rushed to the street to make a fuss. Just at this time, Supervisor Zhu also came.

Old Zhu was very relieved to see that it was rare for Atou to rectify this group of guys seriously. He put down the documents in his hand and told Ding Yunfeng that the higher ups were planning to launch a large-scale anti-drug operation. meeting.

"The thief came to close the door when he ran away!

This news has already spread to every corner of the rivers and lakes, and the higher-ups have come to formulate an action plan. Do we want us to catch the air? "Ding Yunfeng shook his head speechlessly.

Supervisor Zhu coughed lightly: "Brother Feng, no matter what, the higher authorities attach great importance to this operation. Although our Kwun Tong Police Station is inconspicuous, it is also a flag in the police force. Go up and down and put on a show."

"Understood, it's really long-winded." Ding Yunfeng waved his hand to show that he knew, and then asked by the way: "By the way, which department is taking the lead in this operation?"

"Central District Police Station and Narcotics Investigation Bureau." Supervisor Zhu thought for a while and said in a low voice.

"Damn, this is going to throw Uncle Hua on the fire!
The people from the Narcotics Investigation Bureau must let him take the blame.Made! "Ding Yunfeng was furious when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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