Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 560 The Old Jackal Meets the New Hunter

Chapter 560 The Old Jackal Meets the New Hunter
Ding Yunfeng knew that Li He definitely wanted to talk about his son-in-law Guan Chun when he asked him to have dinner at this time.

Ding Yunfeng simply took Uncle Hua with him, and the two came to Fulinmen Restaurant together.

Li He took pride in himself and stood at the entrance to wait for Ding Yunfeng, standing side by side with him, brother Tong who was always smiling.

The two top Chinese businessmen came out to welcome them in person, and all the diners who came to consume showed astonishment and secretly looked sideways.

Ding Yunfeng took Uncle Hua out of the car, strode towards the two of them, exchanged some pleasantries, and the four of them walked into Fulinmen, with Uncle Hua at the end.

When they came to the pre-booked box, Brother Tong asked the manager to serve the food until everyone was almost finished eating.

Li Heqing coughed, raised his wine glass, "Ding Sheng, we are all familiar acquaintances, so I won't talk nonsense anymore.

This time my son-in-law Guan Chun, he wants to take the position of Chief Superintendent of the North District, please sell me some face as an old man, okay? "

"Haha, Li Sheng, you are right. I am the chief of Kwun Tong police station, a senior inspector. How can I decide the candidate for the chief superintendent of the North District?" Ding Yunfeng raised his head and laughed.

Li He slowly withdrew his smile: "Ding Sir can't help it, but Ding Sheng has this energy!

Ding Sheng, everyone's time is precious, please raise your hand this time, the Li family and the Guan family will all accept your affection. "

Seeing that Li He had come to this point, Uncle Hua swallowed his saliva and buried himself in eating the shark's fin.

As the person with the highest position in the police force in the Ding Department, he wanted to help, but he was not qualified to speak up.


The ranks of the two sides fighting now are too high.

"Affection..." Facing the threat of the older generation of Chinese business tycoons, Ding Yunfeng played with his wine glass with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Affection is something that is valuable if you say it is worth it, and it is worthless if you say it is worthless..."

"Hmph! I'm so attached to this face, wherever I go, it's always a golden signboard!
If Ding Sheng is worried that I will renege on my debt, you and I might as well ask him to be a witness while Brother Tong is here today! The corner of Li He's mouth twitched, if it wasn't for his daughter's begging, with his temper, he would have left the banquet by now.

Seeing that the two of them couldn't continue their conversation, Brother Tong quickly got up with a smile: "Oh, everyone is a person of status, so talk slowly if you have something to say.

Now because of a shabby Chief Superintendent of the North District, he has a red face and a thick neck, isn't it a joke? "

Someone passed up the steps, and Li He snorted and sat back.

At this time, Ding Yunfeng received a wink from Brother Tong.

He thought for a while, and tapped the table. Uncle Hua, who was immersed in eating shark fin, quickly got up, picked up the wine and poured it on brother Feng. Then he sat down quickly and continued to eat his never-ending bowl of shark fin.

Brother Tong glanced at both sides, smiled and raised his wine glass: "We Chinese, when discussing affairs or business, we cannot do without the words 'asking for prices all over the sky, and paying back the money on the spot'!
Brother Li wants to settle this matter today, but you only talk about the fake price, not the real price, which is indeed a bit inappropriate;
Ah Feng was young and energetic, and the buyer tried a little, but it was wrong for the seller to turn up the stall.


Everyone sold me a face, drink this cup first, and then talk again. "

When middlemen come out to smooth things over, face is naturally bought.

What's more, Brother Tong secretly helped him.

Ding Yunfeng raised his glass slightly to Li He: "My subordinate is old, and he won't be able to work for a few years.

Now he and Guan Sir are both at the superintendent level, this time the chief superintendent of the North District, I want to help him win..."

Waving to stop the furious Li He, Ding Yunfeng continued: "The northern district is all in the wilderness, and the chief superintendent of the northern district is a high-ranking officer. It will only help Guan Sir's official career, but for the Li family, what good will it be?" ?

How about this...

Now I use Xiaohua, the director of the Central District, to replace the Chief Superintendent of the North District.

The Central District is the most prosperous place on Hong Kong Island. If Sir Kwan becomes the chief of the Central District Police Station, the convenience and benefits he will provide to your Li family are far better than the Chief Superintendent of the Northern District. "

Exchange the central district for the northern district?

Li He and Brother Tong were thoughtful when they heard the words, and the latter took the opportunity to whisper in each other's ears: "Old Li, I think it's better to change.

Tsuen Wan has long been occupied by Ah Feng's men.

I heard that many clans in the countryside have sent people to join him!
In my opinion, the North District adjacent to the New Territories will be like this sooner or later.

Even if your son-in-law becomes the Chief Superintendent of the North District this time, I believe his life will be difficult when facing Ah Feng and his subordinates.

On the contrary, if you change to the chief of the Central District Police Station, although the temporary rank is a little lower, but you and I both know that the prosperity of the Central District is more than that of more than ten North Districts!

Cao Dahua is useless, with Ah Feng supporting him, he can only hide in the Central District Police Station.

But your son-in-law has your support!
Sooner or later, he will be able to radiate his influence to the entire Central District.

This deal is too good for your Li family! "

Li He's eyes moved slightly. As Tong Ge said, in fact, at his level, I really don't see how high his son-in-law Guan Chun can climb in the police force. After all, he is the one who can talk directly with the governor.

What he cares about is whether the Li family's property can develop, whether the stock is red or green!
Hong Kong Island is a place where money is everything, and money can have everything!
Isn't he the chief superintendent of the North District...

If you don't do it this time, you will have another chance in the future.

Guan Chun is not yet [-], and after a few years, Cao Dahua will retire, so why not buy it for him?

"Ding Sheng's proposal, I initially agreed." Li He weighed the pros and cons, and looked at Ding Yunfeng with a relaxed look: "However, even if the Li family is willing to withdraw, can he stand up?"

"Haha, whether Xiaohua can stand up, this is a headache for Ah Feng, it has nothing to do with you and me!

I'm here to declare that no matter whether it succeeds or not, the position of chief of the Central District Police Station must belong to the Li family and the Guan family afterwards. Uncle Tong laughed and stood up, raising his hand to signal to everyone.

Li He finally showed a smile when he heard the words, and he looked at Ding Yunfeng provocatively: "Ding Sheng, for the position in the North District, the Li family and the Guan family have already paid a lot in the early stage.

Brother Tong has made such a decision now, do you have any objections? "

"Anyway, Xiaohua has not been able to do it for a few years. This time he used a Central District Director to come out to compete with the Chief Superintendent of the Northern District.

It became an old tree and blossomed, and rushed to retire early.

Reasonable and reasonable! "Ding Yunfeng stood up confidently.

Uncle Hua's face was solemn, and he stood up holding his wine glass. Brother Feng supported himself like this today, no matter how uncertain he was, he couldn't be discouraged at this time.


Brother Tong chuckled, and the four of them made a bet.

Afternoon, 2:40.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Guan Chun, who was carefully arranging his appearance, suddenly received a call from his father-in-law.

"Your Chief Superintendent of the North District, I will bet Ding Yunfeng on Cao Dahua's Central District Director!
If you win, it will be the same as usual, and your Guan family can produce one more director of the Central District;
If you lose, you go to the Central District to take office first.

Wait a few more years, and I will find a relationship to help you go to the North District. "

(End of this chapter)

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