Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 561 Waiting for the Emperor

Chapter 561 Waiting for the Emperor
What international joke? ? ?
I have invited someone to do a good job, and the banquet has also been booked.

Now it's time to open the champagne, tell me temporarily, the Chief Superintendent of the North District has become the Director of the Central District?
In that case, wouldn't I be level-headed! ! !
Guan Chun's complexion was pale. He grabbed his big brother and stood speechless for a long time in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Suddenly he felt like a clown.

The person opposite didn't seem to care about the client's opinion. After putting down these few words, he quickly hung up the phone.


Afternoon, exactly three o'clock.

Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters.

One by one, the police chiefs walked in with their cronies one after another.

The five Chinese policemen, Huang Yaobing, Lin Leimeng, Chen Jianxin, and Hu Xin arrived together, and the people from the small police stations around them naturally followed.

They didn't see Uncle Hua and Ding Yunfeng, and everyone hurriedly asked why.

At noon, Brother Feng invited some big bosses to Manhanlou for a meeting. Now, all four A's have come, but the big and small kings have not arrived. From K to J, everyone is very worried.

"Sir Huang, where are Brother Feng and Uncle Hua?" Chen Shiqi, the chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station, took out a lighter and helped Huang Yaobing and the others light it.

Knowing that this person had just switched from the neutral faction, Lin Leimeng and Huang Yaobing exchanged glances, and decided to give him a reassurance first.

Lei Meng lowered his voice: "Brother Feng is taking Uncle Hua and Mr. Li to dinner! Don't worry, the sky is falling, and there are tall people standing on top of it. It's all right."

Chen Shiqi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, there is only one Li Sheng on Hong Kong Island who is qualified to invite Ding Yunfeng to dinner, and that is Li He, the head of the Li family!
This man's son-in-law is Guan Chun, who has recently been rumored in the police force to be the Chief Superintendent of the North District.

At this time, making an appointment with Ding Yunfeng must have only one purpose.

Everyone whispered and quickly spread the news around.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Huang Yaobing patted his palms: "Come on, everyone, don't get together, let's find a place to sit down first, and we will talk when Brother Feng and Uncle Hua arrive."

"Yes sir!" The police ranks are the same, but the status is different. When Huang Yaobing stopped the topic, Chen Shiqi and others looked serious, and they all stood at attention.

A dozen police chiefs, big and small, saluted together, and the momentum was naturally extraordinary. The other dozen or so pro-British chiefs stood opposite, and all of them looked down.

"Did you see that? That fat man wearing black-rimmed glasses and exuding an obscene aura is the director of Wan Chai, Huang Yiu-ping, nicknamed the deadly scissors!"

"Hmph, these are the dregs left over from the era of the Four Great Inspectors! If the Governor hadn't issued an amnesty order, they would have been arrested and imprisoned in Stanley long ago."

"What kind of prison food? Stanley was opened by Stanley Overlord. Even if these people were caught in Stanley, with their relationship with Ding Yunfeng, they can still eat bird's nest and shark's fin every day..."

Everyone has different positions, and what they say will naturally not please their ears.

This conference room is about a hundred square meters, even if the tone was deliberately lowered, some of it was heard by Huang Yaobing and others.

"Hey, I have something to say, let's put it on the table and say it.

If you don't understand, if you want to write, or want to use force, we can accompany you here, hiding behind others and pointing, what is it? "Hu Xin slapped the table and stood up directly.

Seeing Hu Xin's attack, several people from the Ying faction glared at them. Not to be outdone, Chen Jianxin and the others all threw off their police caps and stood up.

The smell of gunpowder in the air suddenly became stronger.

Just as Huang Yaobing kicked his legs to warm up, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened by a policeman in uniform.

The ancestral long-tail tune.

Matthew, the Assistant Director of the Police Force, Cao Dahua, Director of the Central District, Superintendent Huang Wende of the Operation Team of the Narcotics Investigation Bureau, and one or two subordinates brought by each of the three, about seven or eight people, walked in with a straight face .

"Everyone, sit down wherever you want." Ghost Matthew sat in seat C, and pressed his palms against more than [-] police chiefs, large and small, in front of him.

"Yes sir!"

After a sound of chairs being dragged, Matthew looked at the people who were sitting upright, and found that there was still an empty chair in the crowd.

"OK, everyone has not arrived yet, please wait a moment."

The ghosts said they had to wait, and no matter how hard everyone understood, they could only bear with it.

But after more than ten minutes, the absent person hadn't appeared yet, and the faces of the Narcotics Investigation Section were a little ugly.

"Ma De, dozens of people are waiting for one person, waiting for the emperor???" Ma Haotian lit a cigarette and complained in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, the Ding faction all stared angrily.

Ma Haotian buried his head in lighting his cigarette, but he avoided it perfectly.

Just sitting in front of him, this time Huang Wende, the leader of the action team launched by the Narcotics Investigation Bureau to cooperate with the police to handle the case, was almost frightened to have a heart attack.

A dozen real police chiefs!

Although many of them are egg powder departments at the level of Lantau Police Station and Sha Tau Kok Police Station;
But the four sitting at the front, Huang Yaobing, Lin Leimeng, Chen Jianxin and Hu Xin, which one is not a man of the police force?

"In the conference room, don't open your mouth to say something that doesn't matter.

Superintendent Huang, please restrain your subordinates and abide by the meeting discipline of our police headquarters. Uncle Hua tapped on the table with his fingers, and turned to look at Huang Wende who was sitting by the door.

Insignificant things?
This person who made everyone wait for more than ten minutes is very important, right? ? ?
Huang Wende took a deep breath, and was about to refute.
Ghost Matthew, who was sitting between the two, nodded with a serious face.

"Uncle Hua is right, there are still signs on the wall reminding you that no smoking is allowed!

My colleague from the Narcotics Bureau, if you can't control your mouth, please get up and turn right, and close the door by the way, thank you. "

Ma Haotian, who had finished lighting a cigarette, was caught by the ghost when he looked up. He squeezed out the cigarette butt in a panic, and looked at Huang Wende with a flushed face.

Huang Wende stared at Ma Haotian with hatred, and finally, under the despairing eyes of the other party, turned around and sighed: "Ma Sir, I found that I forgot to bring a document, please go back and get it for me."

Ma Haotian never expected that this superior would not support himself in front of everyone! ! !
"Yes sir." Standing up with an embarrassing expression, Ma Haotian waved his hand perfunctorily, quickly packed his things, then pushed the door and walked out.

"Borrowed, thank you!"

While going downstairs, Ma Haotian met a man who hurried upstairs.

While making way sideways, Ma Haotian was slightly startled by the flashing handsome face of the other party, Ding Yunfeng?
It turned out that the group above was waiting for him.

"Hey, why did you come out suddenly?" Zhang Ziwei, who hadn't grown a beard yet, pushed Ma Haotian.

"Oh, the one surnamed Huang, he forgot to bring some documents, and asked me to go back and get them for him."

"Isn't it?

This meeting is very important!

Huang Wende is our NB conference representative.

At this critical moment, he actually made such an idiotic mistake? Speechless, Zhang Ziwei dragged Ma Haotian down the stairs quickly: "Don't be dumb, I'll send you back to get the materials right away, and I hope I can come to the meeting in time." "

(End of this chapter)

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