Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 562 Look, This is the Ding Department

Chapter 562 Look, This is the Ding Department
"Sorry, sorry!
I received a few phone calls temporarily, Sir, where are we talking now? Ding Yunfeng knocked on the door and went in, walked to Huang Yaobing and sat down, smiling at Matthew.

Matthew shrugged his shoulders: "Ding Sir, you didn't come, we haven't started yet. Okay, everyone is here, now start the meeting. The director asked our police force, colleagues from the Joint Narcotics Investigation Bureau this time..."

The ghost Bala Datong, the main meaning is.

Some time ago, the police force received intelligence from an informant.

It was learned that the fan alliance had a big move at the end of the month, but due to some accidents, the news that the police was going to take action was actually known by the other party.

This leak made the police force of Hong Kong Island a joke of the major clubs, and the first brother Cai Yuanqi was even held in the hands of Governor MacLehose for more than an hour.

Now that Brother Yi has lost face, he is going to get it back from all the fans on the road, so he launched this big operation with the Narcotics Investigation Bureau.

"This operation lasts for one month!

The objective of the mission is to defeat one or two heavyweight drug lords!
If the time is up and there is no gain, someone must be embarrassed. "Ghost Matthew closed his notebook and looked at Ding Yunfeng meaningfully.

Ding Yunfeng yawned: "I think everyone has heard what Sir means.

In a month's time, a big drug lord was defeated.

If you can't do it, then push an unlucky guy out to take the blame. "

"This unlucky guy is me." Uncle Hua laughed at himself, caught the cigarette thrown by Ding Yunfeng, stuffed it into his mouth and lit it.

Huang Wende's face turned dark when he saw this, but when he saw Huang Yaobing and others gathered around Ding Yunfeng to get cigarettes.

A few sour words that had reached his lips, he finally swallowed them back.

Matthew finished reading the document routinely, and brought Huang Wende up to Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, let me introduce you, this is Superintendent Huang Wende.

He is the person in charge sent by the Narcotics Investigation Bureau to cooperate with the police to handle the case, and he is also the leader of the operation team of the Narcotics Investigation Bureau. "

"Superintendent Huang, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope everyone can cooperate happily in the next operation."

"Ding Sir, I have admired your name for a long time. I am Huang Wende. Please give me your advice in the future."

"You're welcome! It's not the first time I've dealt with NB, by the way, how is Li Sir recently?"

"Eh! Ding Sir, you don't know, Li Sir has been transferred to your police force a long time ago, is he currently working as the head of the homicide unit in Yau Ma Tei?" Huang Wende pretended to be surprised, looking at Ding Yunfeng and asked.

Ding Yunfeng let out a sigh, and sighed regretfully: "The last time I solved the Siamese drug trafficking case, I cooperated perfectly with Li Sir, unexpectedly, he was actually transferred to the police force!

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, everyone is in the police force. I believe that there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future. "

I can thank you for Lao Li!

It wasn't you who rushed to the street at the beginning, he was promoted long ago, so he needs to be transferred to Yau Ma Tei to help our faction open up wasteland? ? ?
Huang Wende tried his best to force a smile, while Matthew heard something was going on inside, so he found an excuse to change the topic.

Ding Yunfeng dealt with it for a while, then excused himself to have something to do at the police station, and left.

As soon as he left like this, the troops of the Ding Department naturally followed.

In an instant, the number of people in the meeting room decreased by more than 1/3, and Huang Wende, who had been warned many times by his boss before coming here, gasped.

Feeling the temperature suddenly getting warmer, Matthew unbuttoned his collar: "Superintendent Huang, you have seen the situation now. Ding Yunfeng has so many followers in the police force on the surface, but in fact, he secretly obeys his orders to do things. There are more middle- and lower-level police officers.

There is a police leisure center in the New Territories, which was built by Ding Yunfeng. There are competitions held every month. Whether it is marksmanship or physical sports, the top 10 will have bonuses. Many police officers have participated in the event and won awards... ..."

"Wait, Sir, the more I listen, the more confused I become!
ICAC doesn't care about this kind of thing?
Isn't this a bribe in disguise?" Huang Wende looked at Matthew in surprise.

Matthew spread his hands: "He even took the initiative to declare his income from the game, how do you want ICAC to catch it?
What's more, each bonus is equivalent to the average half-year salary of a police officer. ICAC even despises that the amount of corruption is too small!

In addition, every sports association in it has been served as the honorary president by a member of the ancestral royal family.

If ICAC wants to move this place, it has to weigh whether it will cause dissatisfaction in London. "

"I..." Huang Wende was speechless.

He really didn't expect that this game could be played like this.

Members of the ancestral royal family are honorary presidents, and the Hong Kong Island Police Force has sworn allegiance to the ancestral royal family. Logically speaking - there is no problem.

"Okay, you just have to handle the case properly.

The matter of Ding Yunfeng is our police force's own problem.

Why do I want to tell you this, I just want you and your subordinates to understand that he is very troublesome.

Don't conflict with him casually, unless you want to be thrown to Yau Ma Tei to sit on the bench afterward like your colleague Li Sir. Matthew patted Huang Wende on the shoulder, turned and walked out.

Huang Wende's face was green and pale, he understood why the higher-ups had sent him to come forward this time!
This is such an errand, it's really not done by humans!
Even an assistant commissioner of the police force has to be careful in every way. As a police superintendent, if you don't pay attention, you will definitely become cannon fodder.

The worst thing is Ma Haotian, there are so many people who are higher than you are waiting, but you can't wait?

It’s okay to have a bad mouth in the office on weekdays, but on an occasion like this today, you can’t help complaining before the key relationship is figured out. It’s really useless except for hatred.

Smoking half a cigarette silently, Huang Wende didn't stay any longer, before he left, he only wanted Uncle Hua's contact information.

Compared with Ding Yunfeng, who will have to decline for three years if he gets involved.

Although Uncle Hua in the Central District laughed at himself as an unlucky guy, his old man's face was kind and he wouldn't cheat anyone at first sight.

"Huang Sir, the information you want..." Zhang Ziwei was out of breath and dragged Ma Haotian up the stairs.

Huang Wende pushed him aside with a dark face: "Damn, when you come back, our meeting will be over."

Ma Haotian's originally dark face was instantly enraged like the bottom of a pot.

What the hell, are you trying to play tricks on me?
Zhang Ziwei pulled Ma Haotian back, and nodded with a smile: "I'm sorry, Superintendent Huang, next time I will take a sidewalk and hit the gas pedal, so I promise I won't be late."

"Hmph, next time?" Huang Wende raised his tone, Zhang Ziwei smiled sheepishly.

After walking a few steps, I found Ma Haotian standing aside with his head buried. Huang Wende urged without anger: "Let's go, what do you want to do here? Wait for the police force to treat you to lunch?"

No matter how many people in the Narcotics Investigation Section exported negative emotions to each other, Ding Yunfeng led everyone to the police leisure center in New Territories, and sat down with the first sentence: "Now announce the launch of an operation against Zhu Tao, code-named pig hunting!"

(End of this chapter)

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