Chapter 563
The Police Leisure Center is located in the New Territories.

From a distance, this is a large modern building complex.

In addition to the 10-story main building in the center and several shorter auxiliary buildings next to it, this place is even equipped with a shooting range and a field combat simulation site composed of several dirt hills.

Today, Ding Yunfeng came here with a large group of director-level bosses, and many police officers who came here for entertainment on a rotation basis put down their activities and rushed outside the conference room of the main building, waiting for the orders from the chiefs.

Lin Leimeng, director of Tsim Sha Tsui, saw Ding Yunfeng announce the target of this operation, he got up and turned off the lights, and turned on the slide projector.

On the white curtain hanging on the blackboard, a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses and a somewhat pudgy figure appeared.

"He is Zhu Tao, a business that is on the surface.

From nightclubs, import and export to real estate, it's all covered!
However, all his industries are in a state of losing money. "

Lin Leimeng continued to put on one slide after another, introducing Zhu Tao's nephew Zhu Dani, the thug Darong, the white paper fan/lawyer Gao John, and the female secretary he recruited not long ago-Salena.

Chen Shiqi came here and knew that he had to actively strive for performance. When he saw Lin Leimeng's speech, he immediately raised his hand.

"Brother Feng wants us to concentrate our efforts and put all the credit for this operation on Uncle Hua.

But there is one thing that I don't understand. Zhu Tao's range of activities is roughly within Sir Lin's Tsim Sha Tsui.

But Uncle Hua is the director of the Central District. Even if we plan to arrest Zhu Tao in Admiralty, which is the closest to Tsim Sha Tsui, we have to force him to cross the sea, and we have to cross Causeway Bay! "

Ding Yunfeng nodded: "So, you must drive this pig all the way to Uncle Hua's knife!
If it's just to deal with Zhu Tao, I'll just leave Lei Meng with a few instructions, and I need to bring you all here? "

"Yes sir!" Everyone had a bitter look on their faces, and everyone felt very troubled.

However, since Brother Feng said so, no one can lose the chain at this time.

After all, this time, our side took out the position of director of the Central District to bet against the Li family and the Guan family on the Chief Superintendent of the North District!

If this anti-drug campaign, which is not optimistic by the above, is really screwed up, not only will Uncle Hua have to retire early, but Ding's family will be in the police force, and his vitality will also be severely damaged!
"We need a detective! Drive Zhu Tao to Admiralty under Uncle Hua's command."

"I suddenly miss the days when we could rob cases across districts."

"Nostalgia is useless. Brother Feng robbed the case too hard! In the end, Gui Lao had to come out and issue a strict order—without documents, you can't handle cases across districts."


Everyone was discussing, Ding Yunfeng stubbed out the cigarette butt, looked at Lin Leimeng: "Tsim Sha Tsui is your place, this time your people will take the lead, is there any problem?"

"No problem sir!"

"Good! Then after Zhu Tao is driven across the sea, the task of taking over will be handed over to Lao Huang in Wan Chai."

"Brother Feng, I'm OK, I promise to complete the task."

"Sir Chen, your people in Causeway Bay are responsible for dealing with emergencies on the way."

"Okay Brother Feng! I will take charge of this operation myself."


Ding Yunfeng made arrangements one by one, and in the end, he also decided that Chen Jiaju would be the vanguard of this pig hunting operation.


Just as the police force was about to attack Zhu Tao, the big moneymen from the Fan League also gathered at Camel's house to discuss how to deal with this month's big drug sweep.

"Although, this time our people risked their lives to report the wind;

However, the original plan to ship goods from the Netherlands had to be shelved.

Now, the notes will have to scan for another month, relying on the inventory in hand, I think, it will definitely not be able to last for such a long time. "Zhu Tao smoked a cigar, frowning tightly.

The camel waved his hand: "Boss Zhu, are you short of goods?
Then raise the price!
You can tell your subordinates to directly tell the group of Taoist friends outside that things are rare and expensive now, and if anyone doesn’t want to buy them, then forget it.

The biggest families in this industry on Hong Kong Island are all here.

We made an appointment to increase the price at the same time and limit shipments. As long as we get through this month, we will definitely earn more in the future! "

As soon as Luo Tuo said this, Crow and Wu Zhiwei applauded.

Lin Kun, Ni Yongxiao and the others, those who drank tea, drank tea, and those who looked at their watches, were obviously not interested in his proposal.

price increase?

Before Lai Hao was imprisoned, he couldn't mention it casually.

You Camel has only been in the minor league for a few days, and we haven't convinced you to be the leader of this industry, so you are thinking of trading.

Don't be kidding me!
Nine out of ten fellow Taoists are poor.

The addiction of this group of people is so strong, but they can even scrape off the wall dust and suck it.

Now that the goods from outside cannot come in, instead of suggesting a price increase, it is better to suggest adding a little more white cat washing powder.

That way, even if it is sold at a lower price, at least the market can afford it.

Seeing that this group of 'allies' remained silent for a long time, only the people from Dongxing applauded vigorously.

The camel looked ugly and waved his hand to stop the applause.

"Big brothers, during this period, life must be a bit difficult!
However, please believe me, as long as we get through this month, there will be a large number of beautiful goods coming in from the Netherlands, which will definitely recover our losses. "

bell bell...

The big brother in front of Zhu Tao suddenly rang. He apologized to the others, picked up the phone, and walked to the balcony on the second floor of Luotuo's house.

After a while, Zhu Tao finished talking on the phone, came back and smiled at the camel: "Several, I'm sorry. My company suddenly has something to do, and I have to go back to deal with it. I'll go first. Let me know after the results are discussed. .”

"Yeah." Camel nodded slowly with a sullen face.

Ni Yongxiao, Lin Kun, and the others walked slowly, while others told them to be careful on the road.

It's just that when Zhu Tao and his group got into the car and left, all of them sneered.

"Sand Grasshopper, keep an eye on him recently!
The surname Zhu is dishonest. "The camel said coldly, knocking on the armrest of the chair.

Sand Grasshopper dropped the cigarette butt, and said in a vicious voice: "Understood, boss, I promise to keep an eye on this pig's head."


That afternoon, at three o'clock.

While feeding the feng shui fish at the Kwun Tong Police Station, Ding Yunfeng said, "Zhu Tao was in the middle of the meeting, and he suddenly got a call and left?
After that, your leader became suspicious of him and ordered you to keep an eye on him? "

"Yes, Ding Sheng!

Because the projects I have contracted for the past two years are basically in Tsim Sha Tsui;
So that old guy, Camel, he handed over this task to me. "

Sand Grasshopper was wearing a long windbreaker, a peaked cap, large sunglasses, and a mask under his chin. With his back to the light source in the office, he leaned against the corner and replied.

Ding Yunfeng put down the fish feed, clapped his hands and sat back on his seat: "Okay, I already know about this matter.

You go back now and do what you need to do. If your cooperation is needed, someone will contact you. "

(End of this chapter)

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