Chapter 564 Jia Kui Is Too Tired

After sending Sandhopper away, Ding Yunfeng took out a business card, grabbed his mobile phone, and dialed the number on it.


That night.

A backbone restaurant.

A brand new convertible BMW stopped at the entrance of the restaurant with a bang.

The car door opened, and a four-eyed guy with a very scum in appearance and an even more scum in temperament stepped out.

A Cong dropped the cigarette butt, and strode forward to snatch Gao Yuehan's car key: "My friend, you are two minutes late."

"Brother, the rumors are so tight now, it's good that I can come out! By the way, where is Brother Feng?"

"Second floor, aisle on the left, the innermost room."

"Got it, I'll get in right away. Hey! The car I just bought..."

"Choose! You are such a dick!
I think back then, when I parked at the gate of Manhan Building, you hadn't come out to hang out yet. "

Heartache watched A Cong slam the gas pedal, and rode away on his wife. Gao Yuehan looked green, he lifted his briefcase to cover his face, and sneaked in with backbone.

Xiao Pao came to the second floor, Gao Yuehan pushed the door in and said, "Brother Feng, I'm here."

Ding Yunfeng waved his chopsticks: "Eat first, then talk about other things."

"Thank you Brother Feng for your love, I won't eat rice.

Because, I can't come out for too long, otherwise, Zhu Tao will be suspicious of me. "John wiped his sweat with a tissue, his face very nervous.

Ding Yunfeng put down his chopsticks and threw out a crude sketch: "I received a tip that Zhu Tao is going to make a big one in the shantytowns recently.

The picture shows the place where I arranged for his arrest.

Now, I give you two tasks:

First, before Zhu Tao acts, you must call me;
Second, you must try to lure Zhu Tao to the place marked on the map and hit the street. "

John Gao got up in shock and stepped forward to pick up the map.

Looking at the 'pig route' marked with a red pen on the map, Gao Yuehan wiped off his cold sweat: "Brother Feng, isn't that too exaggerated?

From Tsim Sha Tsui, escape to Admiralty in the Central District! ! !
In this way, don't we have to cross the sea...

Can't I ambush in Tsim Sha Tsui and just arrest my boss and get all the stolen goods? "

You are worthy of being the scum of scum!
Gao Yuehan betrayed Zhu Tao, that was decisive, he didn't even need Ding Yunfeng to beat him.

"Plans are dead, but people are alive.

I said that Zhu Tao was on the street in Admiralty, so he had to be on the street in Admiralty.

As for how to make him run over there and get embarrassed, it's a matter for you, a white paper fan.

If you can't even do this little thing, you are worthless to me, then last time..."

"Valuable, valuable!
Brother Feng, you can rest assured to wait in Admiralty, I will definitely take my boss there to rush to the street. John Gao broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly stood up shaking his hands.

Ding Yunfeng smiled without saying a word, picked up his chopsticks and picked up a quail egg.

Gao Yuehan understood immediately when he saw this, he wisely exited the room, and then closed the door carefully.

After glancing at the sketch given by Ding Yunfeng, Gao Yuehan wrote down the location where Zhu Tao was arrested, then he took out the lighter and lit it, staring at the piece of paper turning into ashes on the tin trash can...

Three days later.

Zhu Tao took his bodyguard Darong, nephew Zhu Danny, secretary Salina, and the dog-headed military officer John Gao and others in three cars to a shantytown next to an abandoned construction site in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go to the bathroom, he reported the exact location of the transaction to John Gao of Ding Yunfeng, and pretended to be calm and got out of the car.
Taking out a square scarf to cover his mouth and nose, the traitor Gao complained in a distasteful tone: "Idiot line, where is the appointment? Why come to such a fun place to trade!
Boss, tell them to change places next time, you are a man of gold, how can you come to such a place?"

"Hey, don't talk too much, who made us ask for help this time?" Zhu Tao was flattered by Gao Yuehan, and he was very happy in his heart, but he put on an expression of indifference: "I didn't expect that, I still have a day to find my colleagues to buy and sell, shit!"

After complaining, Zhu Tao held the cash box and said softly to Selina in the car: "Go up and wait for me, I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Salina replied with a cute smile.

Zhu Dani and the others were stunned by his high looks, but John Gao stroked his chin with three fingers, his expression thoughtful.

Secretly reminding himself that it was almost time to pick the flowers, Zhu Tao pressed the old gun, turned around and walked up the concrete steps by the roadside.

On the other side, the time was pulled back an hour ago...

At the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, as soon as Lin Leimeng received the call from Ding Yunfeng, he immediately brought his men and horses to the shanty town where Zhu Tao was planning to trade.

The reality is no different from the movie. According to the plot of "Police Story 1", Ding Yunfeng only knows that Zhu Tao and another group of drug dealers will trade in a shanty town with a dye factory.

But when the key is to trade, it is unknown.

It just so happened that the last time John Gao accidentally delivered a message to Zhou Jiang's door, Ding Yunfeng held him back.

With him, a senior executive of the Zhu Tao Group, Ding Yunfeng not only saved a large amount of informant fees for the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, but also saved Lin Leimeng from wasting police force by sending people to follow around Zhu Tao's house day and night.

"Director, since you all know that Wen Jianren has a problem.

Dianjie also asked him to participate in the operation, and arranged for these two or five boys to guard, where is the door we planned to let Zhu Tao 'escape'? Uncle Dart put down his binoculars and looked at Lin Leimeng who should have been hiding in the office to cool off, but this time he insisted on participating in the action.

The corner of Lei Meng's mouth hooked slightly, and he put his arm on Uncle Biao's shoulder: "Brother Feng said before, not afraid of [-], but just in case.

In this world, there is no plan that is 100% error-free.

If the pig was not hunted this time, but was hit by a pig, someone must be blamed. "

"Wow, that's it~
Brother Feng is Brother Feng, he is indeed wise and mighty! Uncle Biao suddenly realized, and gave a thumbs up.

Lin Leimeng was expressionless and hummed.

Uncle Biao came to his senses in time, and immediately added another sentence: "Of course, we still have the director on site to direct this operation! This event will never happen!

As for Wen Sir...

Alas, I have worked with him for many years.

Unexpectedly, one day, I would actually send him to Stanley. "

"He is a black policeman, even if this action hadn't happened, I would have killed him sooner or later!

However, Uncle Dart, what you said makes sense.

After all, everyone is working together, how about this, you help me buy two decubitus creams in advance and send them to Stanley.

I heard Sir Qiu said that everyone in Stanley who is lying on the criminal investigation bed needs this ointment very much. "Lei Meng said as he took out ten yuan and put it in Uncle Biao's pocket.

Uncle Biao was frightened into a cold sweat. Hearing Atou's words, Wen Jianren had lost half of his life in advance.

Criminal investigation bed!

This is a terrible punishment in which the prisoner's limbs are locked on an iron bed, and then he can't move at all after eating and drinking!
Send bedsore ointment?

It would be better to buy two packs of rat poison and let Wen Sir eat it, and die early and reincarnate early!
The two bosses here are joking with Wen Jianren, while in the shanty town over there, gunshots suddenly rang out.

Due to ample preparation time, the original residents of the shantytowns had already been led to line up several hundred meters away in advance to receive the free rice and cooking oil distributed by the brilliant company.

The few residents left in the shantytowns are actually police officers pretending to be there.

Seeing that Zhu Tao and the seller had successfully connected, Chen Jiaju, who was in charge of the vanguard today, decisively pulled out a .[-] and threw six bullets at Darong.

Clap clap clap clap!

One in six rounds, the enemy survived.

Zhu Tao's number one thug, Darong, clutched his right rib and fell into the metal house where the two parties traded.

"Not good! There is an ambush, retreat!" Zhu Tao closed the cash box, carrying a box of beautiful knives, and retreated while being escorted by several men.

Before the police officers who participated in this operation set off, Uncle Biao distributed an envelope with their orders written in the envelope.

In fact, except for Chen Jiaju and Wen Jianren.

The orders of the others were the same - don't point the gun at Zhu Tao, as for the other drug dealers, kill them all, without warning before shooting.

Compared with in the movie, you have to be restrained when shooting a gun.

The guys in Tsim Sha Tsui were really excited about this operation.

It doesn't matter that the power of .[-] is not strong, but if there are dozens of .[-], all pulling the trigger, it will be enough to stun Zhu Tao's gang.

"Boss, the road above is blocked."

"Go down!"

"I can't go down, and the bottom is also blocked by the strip."

Realizing that he was about to be surrounded by the police, Zhu Tao ordered decisively to rush down the huts trimmed on the hillside.

I have to say, this decision is crazy enough.

In the movie, it seems that you only need to hold the steering wheel firmly, and then control the accelerator and foot brake.

In fact, this approach is extremely dangerous!
Because these shacks are simple and crude, and they are also built with fir and iron sheets.

Just relying on the front bumper and the front glass of the car, without mentioning the chance of overturning, just inserting a random wooden pillar into the car compartment, the kinetic energy and potential energy of the car rushing down the hillside are enough to smash the few people inside into candied haws of.

Gunshots, screams, all rang out.

Those shack dwellers who ran out to get rice and cooking oil all despaired to see their homes reduced to ruins!

"Everyone in the neighborhood, don't be nervous.

The unfinished real estate next to your house has been bought by our Brilliant Real Estate.

Now that something special is happening, we believe that someone from the Hong Kong government must come out to arrange tents to house you.

And, in a humanitarian spirit.

Our company's legal advisers can provide you with legal assistance when necessary, and help you fight for more compensation from the Hong Kong government..."

Holding a tin horn, the eldest brother climbed onto the supply box and shouted at the residents.

Carrying rice and cooking oil, listening to the elder brother's comfort.

The group of people who lost their homes innocently because of the police arresting thieves finally stopped panicking.

I don't know who took the lead and shouted in the crowd: If you help us get enough compensation, everyone will buy your splendid house.More and more people are beginning to agree...

At this time, Zhu Tao exhausted his luck for the rest of his life, and unexpectedly rushed from the shantytown built on the mountain to the main road unscathed.

Seeing Zhu Tao and the others climb out of the deformed carriage, John Gao turned the car around and stopped in front of Zhu Tao with a creak: "Boss, get in the car quickly, it's too late."

"Good brother!" Zhu Tao was very excited. He opened the car door and got into the back seat, only to find that there was no one there: "Hey! Where are Danny and Selena?"

"Ah, there was a gunshot from above, and I saw Danny driving away with Selina." John Gao pretended to be indignant as he recalled the two who had been drugged by him.

"This little bastard! Labor and management have grown vegetables for several years, and he dares to give in?" Zhu Tao was furious when he heard this.

Gao Yuehan glanced outside the car and avoided it, let go of Wen Jianren, who was pretending to be blind, and shouted loudly: "Boss, at this time, don't worry about other things!

The gang behind drove three cars, I'm afraid they will catch up soon..."

"Don't panic! You run to the place with the most people!
Then there was a little confusion and we took our chances to ditch the car and get away.

On this kind of road, our goal is too obvious, and sooner or later we will run out of fuel and be caught alive. "Zhu Tao gave a quick warning, grabbed the big brother, and ordered his subordinates to try to stop the three police cars that were chasing him.

Maybe he was generous enough to his opponents on weekdays, and it really allowed Zhu Tao to raise a few dead soldiers.

As soon as the few people driving behind received his call, they immediately crossed the car, drew out their weapons, and exchanged fire with Chen Jiaju and others who were chasing up from behind.

Seeing that Zhu Tao arranged for the termination of the personnel, he continued to make phone calls, as if he had found a lawyer with a higher level than himself to exonerate him.

Gao Yuehan was not angry but happy, he turned the steering wheel secretly, and actually drove towards the ferry.


Hearing the whistle of the Star Ferry in front of him, Zhu Tao was almost outraged and had a cerebral hemorrhage.

"This...this is..."

"For the ferry, boss, didn't you say to drive to places with a lot of people? Here, there are the most people. Hehehe..." Gao Yuehan smiled very awkwardly.

When I say a place with a lot of people, I mean a busy city!

Why don't you drive to the ferry, isn't this a Jedi?

Hearing the sound of the siren approaching quickly behind, and looking at the Star Ferry just about to sail, Zhu Tao held the cash box and held his heart: "Forget it, forget it, help me on board."

Gao Yuehan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, shouted to be careful, but his hands were not slow, and he dragged Zhu Tao to the ferry.

According to the script, Chen Jiaju failed to catch up with the ferry in time, and led a group of guys to catch up to the shore, holding up binoculars to search for Zhu Tao and the two hiding on the boat.

"Good luck, good luck." Zhu Tao flicked his Mediterranean hairstyle, took out half of a cigar and bit it into his mouth: "John, after this incident, you will take over the business that Danny was in charge of before..."

"Boss, we're not out of danger yet!

Let's talk about these things when we are safe.

What's more, in today's situation, young people will inevitably panic. You should give Danny a chance. "Gao Yuehan is a professional sycophant. He is too familiar with Zhu Tao's temperament, and he knows that the other party is testing him.

Sure enough, Zhu Tao just scolded Zhu Dani a few words, then hugged the cash box, and stopped talking.

On one side is the only relative, on the other side is the dog-headed military division.

Zhu Tao's anger has passed, and his rationality has returned. It is already obvious how to choose between the two.

Gao Yuehan also knew it well, but he was not angry. Anyway, his boss will soon be surnamed Ding. His task today is to drive this pig to the Central District to be arrested.

15 minute later.

The Star Ferry crossed the sea and docked.

And Chen Jiaju also chased him from the opposite side in a motorboat, and Zhu Tao, who was a little relieved, was chased by Jiaju again to escape.

Two 10 minutes later...

Exhausted, Zhu Tao staggered and fell to the door of the Admiralty Building in the Central District.

Ding Yunfeng came up with Cao Dahua, who took out the handcuffs that had been useless for decades, and tried his best to handcuff Zhu Tao who was lying on the ground.

Jiaju walked up with arms akimbo: "Brother Feng, I'm so tired. I've caught 10 thieves, but I'm not as tired as chasing this one pig today!"

(End of this chapter)

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