Chapter 565 Who's Next?

Chen Jiaju's complaint made everyone laugh out loud.

Instructing Chen Guorong to escort Zhu Tao to the police car, Ding Yunfeng unpacked two packages of Marlboro.

Chen Jiaju, Chen Shiqi and other people who came to help, gathered together and said, "It's hard work, everyone, come and help Uncle Hua, come, let's eat some cigarettes."


A large group of people finished smoking this cigarette. Except for Ka Kui who 'chased' from Tsim Sha Tsui to the Central District, other brothers who came to support were quickly driven away by Ding Yunfeng.

This time he had already ordered that Ding's troops in the police force try their best to push Uncle Hua to get rid of the Chief Superintendent of the Northern District of Guan's family in this anti-drug operation.

The reporters over there, headed by "Hong Kong Island Daily" and "Yijiukan", have been waiting for a long time.

After taking photos for a while, it made headlines. Except for Uncle Hua and Jia Kui, everyone else had to stand aside, so as not to steal Uncle Hua's limelight.

"Brother Feng, the four-eyed guy who was arrested with Zhu Tao today refused to get in the police car and even clamored to see you." A trainee inspector came over and said to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng threw away his cigarette butt and walked towards a police car parked not far away.

Gao Yuehan, who was wearing a silver bracelet, saw him coming and was about to ask for help when he received a wink from Ding Yunfeng.

"This four-eyed guy is very close to Zhu Tao, so he must know a lot about him.

Take him back and lock him apart.

Without my uncle Hua's order, no one is allowed to visit, and don't give them a chance to collude! Ding Yunfeng pointed to the surrounding police officers while lighting a cigarette.

"Yes sir!" After a tidy salute.

John Gao was escorted into a police car honestly, and went away amidst bibubibu's siren.

At this time, Uncle Hua and Chen Jiaju had already held a media question-and-answer meeting in the prepared square.

Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly when he saw this, and looked up unintentionally, and found Crow and Sandhopper standing across the road with a few Dongxing horse boys.

"Hehe, within 30 days, only arrest one fanboy? How can that be enough!!" Ding Yunfeng sneered at the two, turned and walked towards his car.


In Dongxingtuo, Luo Tuo, Lin Kun, Ni Yongxiao and others were sitting on the sofa.

Watching the scene of Zhu Tao's arrest shown on TV, the faces of several people were very ugly.

"Alright, it's alright now." As the landlord, Luo Tuo spoke first, "It's really embarrassing!

A big demolished house, and went to find random people on the road to buy goods and sell them?
I, Luo Bingrun, have been selling fans for decades, and I have never seen any of my colleagues drop prices like Boss Zhu! ! !
Even, for such a terrible thing, he actually brought people to deal with him personally, and the action plan was leaked in advance, which was directly arranged by the police! ! ! "

The more he talked, the more angry Luo Tuo smashed the purple sand pot in his hand: "How many times have I said it?
As long as this month passes, Dongxing's goods in the Netherlands can be shipped in!
Did Zhu's brain get into the water?
I can't bear it these days, but why do things in the limelight? "

Dong Xinglong's hair was soaring, and Lin Kun and others all looked tense.

The smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei, who was injured and discharged from the hospital, saw the sudden silence, and he quickly said: "Boss, Zhu Tao committed suicide, and he will be unlucky sooner or later.

Now I worry, if he is inside, he will betray us. "

Ni Yongxiao, who had been intending to go ashore for nothing, his expression changed instantly.

Lin Kun, who was sitting next to him, showed disdain instead: "Telling out? What's so good about selling out!
Afraid that he will tell the note that we are all in the same group?

Awei, wake up!
One person present counts as one person, whose file in the police station is not one foot thick? "

After Lin Kun complained, he supported his waist and got up: "I still have an appointment, let's go first.

Brother Camel, if there is an opportunity to ship from the Netherlands, please remember to arrange the order I placed last time first!

You are worried that no one will take Zhu Tao's share, so I will eat it. "

"Well, I see."

"Then sit down slowly! Ali, let's go."

"Yes, Brother Kun."


Watching Lin Kun leave halfway, Luo Tuo faintly felt uneasy.

The last time Zhu Tao left halfway, something happened today.

Now Lin Kun is also leaving the field halfway. Could it be that he will be the next one to hit the street?


In the Central District Police Station, a handsome man in a suit knocked on Uncle Hua's office.

"Director, I'm Zhu Tao's lawyer Zhang Zhirong..." According to the usual practice, lawyer Zhang took out his business card when he came up.

Uncle Hua looked up and glanced: "Bao Dashu Law Firm? Zhang Zhirong, a practicing barrister? Oh, you want to see Zhu Tao? Not now!"

Cao Sir, Hong Kong Island is a society with a rule of law and a lot of laws!

What you have done violates the legitimate rights and interests of my employer! "

"Well, what do you want then?"

"If you don't let me see the client, I can sue you now..." Attorney Zhang pointed at Uncle Hua.

Before he finished speaking, someone from behind suddenly patted him on the shoulder: "With me, Huang Dawen, here, you want to say hello!
Get out, if you are not convinced, go back and call your master Bao Dashuo, and everyone will go to court together. "

Turning around and seeing Huang Dawen with an arrogant expression, Lawyer Zhang's complexion changed drastically.


Surprisingly, in the face of Huang Dawen, a T0 in the litigation world.

Lawyer Zhang did not retreat but advanced, staring straight at the other party: "Senior, Hong Kong Island, there has never been a precedent for not allowing a lawyer to see a client!
Could it be that you are not sure this time, so you want to use an outside trick?"

Hearing this, Huang Dawen laughed: "I never thought that that trash, Bao Dashu, would actually teach someone who is kind.

Okay, don't you kid just want to take advantage of my reputation?

Today, I really give you a chance.Uncle Hua, send someone to take him to see Zhu Tao. "

Huang Dawen was sent by Ding Yunfeng, since he opened his mouth, Uncle Hua will naturally save face.

Calling Chen Guorong to come in and bring someone in, Uncle Hua waited until the two had left, and said worriedly: "Huang Dazhuang, why are you getting angry with this kind of person?
Regardless of whether he wins or loses, he is a junior, and he will definitely win but not lose. "

"I know the truth, but, Uncle Hua, I collect several million legal fees from Brother Feng every year.

If I haven't shown my minions for too long, wouldn't I be treated as a sick cat by someone like Zhang Zhirong?
Don't worry, I will discuss this matter with Brother Fengfeng. "

"That's good..." Uncle Hua relaxed slightly.

At this time, a madam knocked on the door and came in, putting down a form for John Gao to become a tainted witness.

"I want to add one more undercover file to this scumbag.

Sigh, I'm a little confused, why would Brother Feng use such a person? "Uncle Hua flicked the document with his fingers.

Huang Dawen said wretchedly with a smile: "Uncle Hua, he not only completed the task assigned by Brother Feng, but also presented a beautiful girl. Besides, the scum has a purpose for the scum, and without the scum like John Gao, Chen Jiaju might not be able to drive Zhu Tao here. chained in front of you."

"Oh, you mean, Zhu Tao's female secretary..."

"Hush, this kind of thing. It's good for everyone to know it well. If you speak too plainly, it will easily cause Brother Feng to be slapped in the face by several sisters-in-law."

 I lay down first and couldn’t stand the test because I didn’t have antigens at hand. Now I’m in a state of sore throat, weakness of limbs, and dizziness.

(End of this chapter)

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