Chapter 566
While Huang Dawen was teasing Ding Yunfeng behind his back, Brother Feng also encountered a big problem.

Pointing at Salina, who was writhing on the bed with a flushed face, Ding Yunfeng scolded a four-eyed man who was very familiar with Gao Yuehan in front of him: "What's going on? Who are you? I need an explanation."

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, you old man, don't be angry.

Hehe, the younger brother, nicknamed the one-eyed man, runs a convenience store at the corner of Bolan Street.

John Gao is my elder brother. Today he suddenly called me and told me to take this woman away from the shantytown in Tsim Sha Tsui, and then come to Kowloon Tong to open a room, and feed her a grain of XX that cannot be moved.

Our two brothers are loyal to you~ you can show the sun and the moon~" The one-eyed man raised three fingers, pointed at the void, and smiled wickedly.

XX cannot be moved!
This is the powerful XX that Gu Jing uses to trick Che Wenjie in "The Tricky Expert"!

"Hey~ what are you waiting for~~~"

The coquettishness coming from behind made Ding Yunfeng make up his mind - use his innocent body to save the beautiful snake on the bed who is in urgent need of help.


After fighting all night, the next morning, Ding Yunfeng walked into the bathroom with his waist supported.

It's not because of Xiao Xiaofeng's lack of strength, but because of the one-eyed man's overpowering medicine. If he hadn't practiced some thaumaturgy, he would have been really embarrassed last night.

After washing up, Ding Yunfeng called the hotel front desk and asked them to arrange breakfast.

Salina pretended to be asleep...

Ding Yunfeng lit a scum cigarette, sat on the edge of the bed and said to himself: "My name is Ding Yunfeng, and this time, I arranged for your boss Zhu Tao to rush to the street.

Last night, you were drugged by my hands.

I'm not going to mention the bad excuse of saving you.

Frankly speaking, you looked very charming at the time, and I was a normal man, so I naturally did what I should do logically. "

"Bastard!" Salina raised the pillow and threw it at Ding Yunfeng with tears all over her face.

Ding Yunfeng reached out to catch it, and casually threw it aside on the sofa: "I've done everything, instead of losing your temper with me now, why don't you just calm down and discuss how to end it?"

"Get out! I don't want to see you, get out of here." Selina sat on the bed and pointed out of the room, not even noticing that she was gone.

Pulling up the quilt and covering the two hand warmers, Ding Yunfeng put on his suit and opened the door before Shalena got mad: "Calm down, I will send someone over to arrange for you at noon.

Lust is lust, I, Ding Yunfeng, am not a scumbag who lifts his trousers and refuses to recognize anyone. "

"Ahh~ Get out, get out!"

Hearing the sound of being smashed and smashed from the room, Ding Yunfeng took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a few numbers.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng come out of the elevator, the one-eyed guy who had been sleeping on the sofa in the lobby all night rubbed his cheeks and walked up.

"Hey, Brother Feng, morning."

"Oh, it's you kid."

"Yeah, it's me, one-eyed guy."

"I haven't forgotten, you are John's younger brother." Ding Yunfeng looked at this guy who was more cheap than John Gao, and suddenly smiled playfully: "You two brothers are very good, but there is one thing I want you to help with now. one time."

"Oh, brother Feng, I can work for you, even if you go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, as long as you speak!"

"Oh, it's not that serious, come on, come closer."

The one-eyed man endured his excitement and took a step forward, but Ding Yunfeng responded with two punches.

bang bang!

Ding Yunfeng punched the one-eyed guy directly into panda eyes.

Pulling up the one-eyed guy who was squatting on the ground and screaming, Ding Yunfeng handed over a camel: "Hey, I have created the conditions for you to sell miserable.

Next, how to calm down that aunt upstairs depends on whether you are awake or not. "

"Feng...Brother Feng, if you want to do something, at least remind me..." The one-eyed guy took off his glasses that had been cracked by Ding Yunfeng, sniffed his nose and smiled wryly.

Ding Yunfeng patted him on the shoulder: "Let me tell you in advance that if you take precautions, the black and blue eyes will be unnatural. At noon, I will send someone to settle her down. You don't have much time left."

"Understood." The one-eyed man sniffled, thinking, this pimp is really hard to pull.

Since Ding Yunfeng accepts the filial piety from others, with Ding Yunfeng's character of not treating his subordinates badly, he can only go to the Central District Police Station.

All the way to the room where Gao Yuehan was detained, Ding Yunfeng found that this guy was actually eating crystal glutinous rice meat, judging by the way the plate was arranged, it was still full of Hanlou!

"Brother Feng, hehehe..." Seeing Ding Yunfeng walk in, Gao Yuehan put down his chopsticks and showed his trademark smirk.

Ding Yunfeng turned off the recorder and threw a cigarette over: "Tell me, what are your plans after Zhu Tao's case is over?"

"Brother Feng, I want to help you with something."

"Isn't it now? Let's be more specific."

"Hey, if it's convenient, can you arrange for me to work as a prison guard in Stanley?"

Ding Yunfeng looked at John Gao in surprise: "You actually want to be a prison guard?"

"Brother Feng, I have been with Zhu Tao all these years, and he has always treated me like a dog.

This time he will be imprisoned in Stanley until he dies. If I can go to work as a prison guard, wouldn't I be able to pay him back the insults I have received in front of him all these years? "Gao Yuehan stroked his chin and smiled wickedly, almost writing the words "Little Man Dezhi" on his forehead.

Ding Yunfeng was speechless. Before coming here, he was still wondering whether this John Gao would take the opportunity to open his mouth, such as asking to take over Zhu Tao's power...

Unexpectedly, this guy just wanted to be aggressive in front of his former boss and get back the face he lost all these years.

"Okay, I see, you can wait for the arrangement." Ding Yunfeng readily agreed, and then walked out of the detention room while Gao Yuehan bowed to thank him.

At this time, lawyer Zhang negotiated the terms with Zhu Tao, opened the door and walked out from the opposite room.

"Ding Sheng, I am Bao Dashu Law Firm..." Of course Zhang Zhirong recognized Ding Yunfeng, a big man who straddled the police and business circles. He forced a smile and was ready to come over to shake hands.

Ding Yunfeng was not interested in the litigator who repeatedly gave Zhu Tao a blow in the movie, so he glanced at him, turned around and left, leaving him where he was.

Zhang Zhirong's face turned cold quickly. He withdrew his half-outstretched right hand and walked to the detention room where John Gao was: "Sir, please open the door. I am Mr. Gao's lawyer."


Ding Yunfeng was able to brush his face at the Central District Police Station and meet Gao Yuehan alone. It can be seen that the Central District Police Station has been managed like an iron bucket by Uncle Hua.

Zhang Zhirong didn't like Brother Feng, so the two military uniforms guarding the door naturally didn't give him a good face.

In the end, Zhang Zhirong still couldn't meet John Gao.

At this time, after Ding Yunfeng met Uncle Hua, John Gao received a job application form.

"Name: Gao Darui, English name: John..."

 I still only have 1 chapter tonight. I found a doctor in the afternoon and prescribed medicine. Normally, it will get better tomorrow and I can resume updating. I apologize again.

(End of this chapter)

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