Chapter 568

That night, there was a backbone restaurant.

Chen Shiqi was drunk, and as a neutral faction, since he had chosen a position, he had a premonition that he would be punished.

But he really didn't expect Cai Yuanqi to strike so quickly!

Today, he just brought someone to cooperate with Uncle Hua in a show, and before he got off work in the evening, he received the distribution paperwork.

"Raymond, Lao Huang, you take him to the bathroom and take a shower, don't let him continue to drink!
Didn't Ma De just get suppressed?Look at this promising..." Seeing that Chen Shiqi couldn't stand still, and wanted to drive a centaur, Ding Yunfeng couldn't help but get mad.

Lei Meng and Huang Yaobing hurriedly stood up, one left and one right, and forked Chen Shiqi down.

Uncle Hua took out the lighter and lit it for Brother Feng: "Old Chen has been cautious all his life, now that he is old, his psychological endurance is naturally not as good as Brother Feng, you, a brother who has been fighting for a long time."

"Huh, according to me, Brother Feng is right. This f*cking thing is embarrassing. May I ask, who has never sat on the bench?" Chen Jianxin knocked on the dining table and shouted: "As long as Brother Feng doesn't fall, we There is the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the back, and sooner or later there will be a chance to go back."

I rely on!

Old Chen, you big-eyed guy.

He actually learned how to flatter him shamelessly? ? ?
Hu Xin looked at Chen Jianxin in astonishment, and he suddenly felt aggrieved by others being preempted in his lines.

Ding Yunfeng stopped Hu Xin from wanting to drink more wine for himself: "Remove the wine, wait for the three of them to come back, let's discuss business together."

Chen Shiqi fell into Huang Yaobing's hands, and it was useless to go crazy with alcohol. Once he stepped on the scissors, he collapsed directly, like a puppet being held down by Lin Leimeng on the washbasin to calm down for a few minutes.

Spitting out half of his drink, Chen Shiqi, with the help of the two of them, washed up a bit, and walked back with a erratic footstep.

"No... I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I've... embarrassed you." Thinking of receiving a transfer order in the afternoon and getting himself half drunk in Causeway Bay, the fragmented Chen Shiqi felt very ashamed.

Ding Yunfeng looked at him and shook his head: "I'm not dead yet, so what the hell are you worried about?
Afraid of not getting promoted?

In order to squeeze you away this time, didn't the ghost refer you to the Chief Inspector?
In the next step, you will become a superintendent, and you don't even think about it. When the police force was restructured, Uncle Hua was the only chief inspector in our group.

At that time, we were so happy that we almost did the shirt-removing dance together! "

"Yes, yes, at that time, if Brother Feng hadn't pulled him, Lao Huang's underwear would have been removed." Uncle Hua answered with a smile.

Ding Yunfeng tossed a cigarette to Chen Shiqi: "If you are worried that if you go to the Huangzhukeng Police Academy, you will have no water...

Well, I personally don't go through written forms, I will directly lend you 1000 million, and then A goods luxury goods, real estate, catering, and media!
Which of the four industries I control, which one do you like, I will exchange all the 1000 million into shares for your family members. After that, your annual dividends will be more than if you cowered in Causeway Bay and made more money from ICAC without telling the truth. "

"Brother Feng! How is this possible? I am not with you for money..."

"Come on, old Chen!

Brother Feng gives it to you, and you accept it.

Not for money, but to maintain world peace?
Let me tell you frankly, it's not just you, the group of people present, all of us were given bonus shares by Brother Feng!

Brother Feng's words made a lot of sense back then, so I'll pass them on to you today.Stand clear, keep your loyalty in mind, and keep your job secure! "Uncle Hua pulled Chen Shiqi to sit down, and raised three fingers one after another.

Seeing that Lin Leimeng and the others should eat and drink, even Ding Yunfeng had no objection to this old speech.

Chen Shiqi blushed and raised his wine glass: "Brother Feng! I will do whatever you say! I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again."

"That's right!" Ding Yunfeng stretched out his hand and pressed it falsely: "You vomited just now, and drinking alcohol hurts your body now, Lao Huang, help him to fill a bowl of fish soup."

After drinking the sobering soup, Chen Shiqi's alcohol smell dissipated.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng spoke directly: "Actually, this time you were thrown to Huangzhukeng by the ghost, but it was the other party who unintentionally helped us.

Because, according to my idea, the police academy is also a key department that must be controlled by its own people. "

"Brother Feng, I will do whatever you say!"

Chen Shiqi's mind is now full of choosing the bonus shares of that industry after the event, and he is afraid that Ding Yunfeng would dare to buy Cai Yuanqi if he told him to hate him.

Ding Yunfeng thought for a few minutes before making a final decision: "Within 5 years, I want you to be the principal of Wong Chuk Hang!
During this period of time, you must use your position as the vice principal to gradually seize power, and replace the first-line instructors, second-line instructors, and even the logistics department with our people as much as possible. "

"Hiss, Brother Feng, you want to control..." Uncle Hua closed his mouth vigilantly, halfway through.

At this time, Huang Yaobing and the others were in private, and their eyes had been exchanged for dozens of rounds.

"If you want people, I'll give you people. If you want money, I'll give you money. Do you have the confidence to complete this task?" Ding Yunfeng ignored Uncle Hua, but stared into Chen Shiqi's eyes and asked.

Chen Shiqi got up and patted his chest: "Brother Feng, don't worry!
Over the years, I have been able to have both sides, and to be the director of Causeway Bay, I am best at communicating with people.I promise, within the time limit, I will arrange for those rookies wearing hats to take whatever classes you want! "

"Okay, I remember your words." Ding Yunfeng smiled and took the lead to pick up the chopsticks: "Come on, everyone, eat quickly, the food is cold."


In about an hour.

Uncle Hua, who had just left with the backbone, drove back alone. He hurriedly grabbed Uncle Chicken and asked a few words, then got on the elevator and knocked on a room.

Ding Yunfeng, who was making tea, pointed to the chair beside him: "Uncle Hua, I knew that you would definitely come back, sit down."

"Brother Feng, I..." Uncle Hua opened his mouth to speak, but Zhan Mi had already handed him a cup of tea with a tea clip: "Don't worry, try Brother Feng's tea first, and talk about it when everyone is together."

Seeing what Zhan Mi said, Uncle Hua could only hold back and drink tea in a hurry.

Fortunately, Huang Yaobing and the others didn't make him wait too long.

In less than 3 minutes, all five Chinese policemen arrived.

"Are you worried that I trust Chen Shiqi too much?" Ding Yunfeng spoke first after finishing a round of tea.

Huang Yaobing chuckled: "Brother Feng, Lao Chen has just come here for refuge, and based on his reaction during the day, the few of us are a little worried, he can't carry this burden."

"Hehe, don't worry, Chen Shiqi's loyalty is fine!

Moreover, as you said, with this person's abilities, he is actually not suitable to be placed in a front-line department like the police station, and the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy is, on the contrary, a place where he can show his skills. "

Ding Yunfeng raised his teacup, he couldn't say, before entrusting him with a heavy responsibility, he secretly checked it with the system.

Chen Shiqi's personal information and goodwill column are almost 80% full.

(End of this chapter)

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