Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 569 Cai Yuanqi said to be sincere

Chapter 569 Cai Yuanqi said to be sincere

Brother Feng said so, Huang Yaobing and the others naturally had no objection.

A few days later, Chen Shiqi came to Wong Chuk Hang with a transfer order to take up his post, and the Causeway Bay Police Station also welcomed a new commissioner-Superintendent Li Shutang.


The new official took office, and this one was airborne, and he still touched the level of the head of the Three Banners.

The Causeway Bay Police Station was very careful. Everyone saw the other party push the door and get off the car from a distance, and immediately stood at attention and saluted.

It turns out...

Be careful, there is no big mistake, the rumor that Li Sir was assigned by the higher-ups is simply nonsense.


Who the hell is assigned, and still has the treatment that the first brother personally brought to take office? ? ?

"The conditions in Causeway Bay are indeed a bit rough.

However, I assure you that it will be as short as 1 year and as long as 2 years.

I will definitely transfer you to Tai Kwun. "Cai Yuanqi and Li Shutang walked into the director's office, looking at Chen Shiqi's recently renovated room, his eyes were full of disgust.

Li Shutang took off his glasses and wiped them: "Cai Sir, no matter where you go, don't you all serve for the Queen?

I don't care, besides, Causeway Bay is not bad, just outside, I see that these guys are very energetic. "

"Hey, listening to these few words, it's obvious that you still have grudges against me..." Cai Yuanqi sat at the main seat and picked from the desktop cigar box. He finally took out one and threw it to Li Shutang: "Understandable , after all, the position of the boss is only one step away.

I advise you to take into account the overall situation, the truth, or sacrifice your personal interests. "

Li Shutang lowered his head and smiled, cut the cigar and bit it into his mouth: "Cai Sir, you have changed. Before, you wouldn't say such things to people."

"I'm not talking, but explaining." Cai Yuanqi shook his hand:

"Recently, I learned something from Ding Yunfeng.

I found that this person, his attitude towards his subordinates is completely different from me, and from our previous boss Chen Zhichao.

Sincerely, Ding Yunfeng's opponents are very sincere!

I think this is worth learning. "

"Is that so?" Li Shutang smiled with a very calm expression.

Cai Yuanqi looked at Li Shutang: "Yes, Shutang, I'm sincere and you know that it was not my intention to transfer you here this time."

"Cai Sir, everything has happened, it doesn't make sense to talk about it now.

Why don't you just tell me what kind of help you can provide me.

Ask me to overwhelm Cao Dahua and take down the Chief Superintendent of the North District.

I either have to kill the camel or capture two drug lords at the same level as Zhu Tao. This task is not particularly difficult. "Li Shutang did not follow Cai Yuanqi's tactics and directly interrupted the other party's sensational performance.


At the beginning, you and I followed the boss, Chen Zhichao, to make a living. Later, you found a way by yourself, joined the ghost and went to the intelligence department.

Strictly speaking, you are out of the Chen family.

People outside think that I, Li Shutang, is your subordinate Cai Yuanqi.

That's because Chen Sir resigned too hastily, and he didn't have time to help me take over. In addition, your dog was lucky, and you turned to the ghost to overtake and become the first brother.

I've taken a liking to your signboard, and I just want to pretend to be a tiger, so that I can successfully become the leader of the three banners.

A [-]-year-old boy, do you think I will accept you as the boss?
Cai Yuanqi twisted the swivel chair under his buttocks: "Support...of course there is.

I will send someone to send some materials over in the afternoon, and you can use any undercover agents sent by our police to the heads of the Fan League.

As for who you want to arrest for surgery, it's all up to you.

I know very well that you don't like being meddled in the case. "

Hearing this, Li Shutang looked a little better. He thought for a while: "I want the support of the Flying Tigers."

"Okay! However, Jane Proud of the Flying Tigers has a very close relationship with Ding Yunfeng, and it's still a department that Rice has run for a long time.

I can ask them to help you once with all their strength, but if there is too much, they can obediently obey. "

"This is enough." After negotiating the conditions, Li Shutang pointed to Cai Yuanqi's seat: "Cai Sir, you are sitting in the wrong seat."

"Ah! Sorry, I'm used to it."


Repulse Bay, Villa No. 36.

Salina strode towards the door, and two maids and a bodyguard followed silently.

"Hey, don't follow me."

"Miss Fang, Ding Sheng has told you that it's not peaceful outside recently, so we must protect your personal safety." The bodyguard replied with a smile.

When Shalena heard Ding Yunfeng's name, her expression changed, and she stretched out her hand to grab the handle of the door: "It's not his turn to decide my affairs."

Opening the door, Serena saw a Bentley come to a slow stop before she could go out. The one-eyed guy who was punished by her to kneel at the door ignored her and trotted forward to open the car door.

"Hmph!" Seeing Ding Yunfeng's hideously handsome face, Salina closed the door forcefully, turned around and walked up to the bedroom on the second floor.

Ding Yunfeng opened the door and came in, waved away the servants and bodyguards arranged by Zhan Mi, and walked up to the second floor alone.

Knocking on the door, and then took out the key to open the door, Ding Yunfeng ignored Salina's screams, and used the simplest way to answer back the other party's curse.

"Don't be angry, you are not allowed to go out because Zhu Tao hasn't pronounced the sentence yet, and he just doesn't want you to have an accident."


"John Gao and the one-eyed guy made their own decisions. I've already taught them a lesson. For my brother's sake, don't make things difficult for them, okay?"


"Hey! It's done. If you grit your teeth and keep silent, I'll take it as your acquiescence."


Ding Yunfeng taught Sha Lianna how to pronounce the 6 vowels, and then he lit a slag cigarette and hugged her tenderly for a while.

Salina still didn't have a good face for Ding Yunfeng, but compared to the last time when she was crying and fussing, Brother Feng was very satisfied.

After taking this girl to Manhan Tower and having an oyster feast together, Ding Yunfeng sent her back to the villa.

Watching Ding Yunfeng drive away, Salina, who was secretly worried about whether she would spend the night learning the nine compound vowels, was both disappointed and fortunate.

Just as she put the hot water on and was about to take a bath and rest, the maid knocked on the door and handed her a letter.

Holding back her doubts, she opened it, and after Selena looked carefully, her expression changed several times. The letter was written by John Gao, who forwarded it while the one-eyed man was visiting the prison.

The content in it not only persuaded her to accept the reality, but also exposed her pretending to be ignorant. In fact, she already knew that Zhu Tao coveted her beauty.

According to what John Gao said in the letter, if you are with a bad old man or a handsome guy, you will definitely choose the latter one.

Anyway, you have been mentally prepared, now I will help you choose a better one, you shouldn't hold grudges against me, you should thank me!

Not to mention!

Among the women around Ding Sheng, which one is not supported by a hill behind?

Instead of squirming and holding back, it is better for you to recognize the reality earlier and form an alliance. If you are fighting for favor in Brother Feng's harem, I will help you outside.

 Thank you so much for your concern about my body. I have been banned and I cannot reply to everyone.

Especially An Tusheng, it’s a pity that I saw your comment too late. I took the medicine yesterday and got better, and then I carelessly took a bath. The result is obvious, and I fell into embarrassment.Another dizzy day today!
(End of this chapter)

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