Chapter 570
In the original plot of "Police Story 1", Salina not only saw through Ka-kui's tricks, but also reacted on the spot, turning it around and embarrassing Ka-kui in court.

It can be seen that Salina is much smarter than Ka Kui's girlfriend Xiaomei who is reduced to a vase in the movie.

After reading the "Alliance Letter" Gao Yuehan asked the one-eyed guy to bring, after a few minutes of anger at the beginning, Salina quickly calmed down.

Thinking about it carefully, John Gao, a scumbag, has some truths in what he said...

He has been devoured by Ding Yunfeng, so instead of living or dying, he should think about how to get back the loss.


Ding Yunfeng gave him a villa and arranged for bodyguards and nannies, which was infinitely better than Zhu Tao who coveted himself and never made any promises.

After calming down, Salina pulled down the silk nightgown with hanging shoulders, and stepped into the bath with floating foam with her slender legs. The steam was steaming, and the skin that was kneaded by Brother Feng was quickly stained with blush.

Thinking of the process of someone teaching her Mandarin Pinyin, Salina snorted: "Animals..."



Ding Yunfeng walked out of the bathroom and suddenly sneezed.

Shi Shi was sitting on the sofa, flipping through a Siamese ladyboy fashion magazine, holding a pair of scissors in his hand.

Zhao Su stood at the dining table, holding flower scissors, and trimmed a gladiolus that did not need to be trimmed.

Wang Xia smiled playfully, Brother Feng has many women, and among them, she doesn't care the most.

"Master~" BOBO took Bobo and rubbed Brother Feng's heartbeat: "These two days are free, why don't you bring your new sister over, and let's have a light meal together."

You're the chick with the most scheming.

If you are cute and coquettish, recognize your sister first, right?

With great perseverance, Ding Yunfeng pushed away BOBO who was almost rubbed into his arms: "Okay, be good, go and help Sister Su arrange flowers, don't be naughty."

"Oh." BOBO squinted his eyes, stood on tiptoe, touched Ding Yunfeng's cheek with his lips, then twisted Tao Zi, and ran to harass Zhao Su.

Seeing Zhao Su, who originally cut the flowers so that they made a rattling sound, was quickly messed up by BOBO's few words, and angrily started arguing with her.

Ding Yunfeng walked up to Shi Shi and sat down. Before he could speak, Shi Shi had put down the magazine and got up: "The new store opened this month still needs someone to watch over it. I'll go first."

"Sister Shi Shi, I'm going to Chow Tai Fook to pick up the accessories I ordered last time. I happen to be on the way. I'll give you a ride."

"no need……"

"Oh, are you still being polite to me?" Wang Xia pulled Shi Shi and pushed the door out.

Taking advantage of the other party's inattention, she winked at Ding Yunfeng - leave it to me.

Brother Feng returned a thumbs up, with a smile on his face that made even the servants in the villa roll their eyes.

The next morning, Kwun Tong Police Station.

Cao Li'ang and the others discovered that brother Feng's eye bags are not small today, and he walks erratically, as if he had been squeezed dry by a female ghost.

"Brother Feng, your complexion is very bad."

"Old Zhu, yesterday I fought all over the world at night, and this morning I got up and climbed three flights of stairs to the office, which is considered a superman of physical strength."

"Wow! It's hard work, I admire it." Zhu listened so that the corners of his eyes twitched, and when Ding Yunfeng finished making wolfberry water, he quickly put the documents in his hand in front of the other party: "Brother Feng, this morning, upload the documents that came out of your hair. "

"Oh, it's the same as before, you can deal with it." Ding Yunfeng blew on the thermos and replied slowly.

Zhu Jian looked heavy, and pushed the document: "Before this difference, I think you'd better look at it yourself."

When Ding Yunfeng heard this, he immediately put away his smile.

After opening the document and looking at it, Ding Yunfeng found that it was a document issued by the Taiguan to various police stations.

It says:

The Causeway Bay Police Station has submitted an application report against the fan Xiao Lin Kun.

Now inform all units, if you encounter the guys from the Causeway Bay Police Station taking action, please actively cooperate with Yunyun...

"Haha, our first brother is quite small-minded.

He suddenly sent out such a thing. Could it be that he wanted to tell us - Lin Kun!Is Li Shutang determined? "Ding Yunfeng sneered and dropped the document, picked up the thermos cup and blew on it.

Supervisor Zhu put away the documents, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Feng, I heard people say.

Yesterday, when I saw Li Sir taking office, he was accompanied by an elder brother, the head of the criminal and serious crime divisions in Causeway Bay, and he pledged his allegiance to the new director on the spot. "

"Chen Shiqi was an idiot before, and I expected this reaction from the people he brought out." Ding Yunfeng smiled calmly.

Seeing this, Supervisor Zhu relaxed a little. He was Ding Yunfeng's deputy, and he was naturally branded with the Ding family, so he was naturally worried that the boss would be embarrassing.

Telling Supervisor Zhu not to worry, Ding Yunfeng sent him out to do something, then grabbed the phone and called the Wanchai Serious Crime Squad: "Hello, I'm Ding Yunfeng, ask the serious crime tiger to come and answer the phone."

"Brother Feng, don't embarrass me. What is your order?" Cao Dahua had just come out of Yu Suqiu's office, and the gold card hadn't been confiscated yet.

"Activate your relationship in Erwuzaiquan, and help me contact someone..."

"Oh oh oh, I'm listening, Brother Feng, tell me." Cao Dahua grabbed the receiver and nodded repeatedly. His years of undercover experience allowed him to memorize Ding Yunfeng's message without using a pen or paper.

Asking Ding Yunfeng to repeat it again, Cao Dahua replied in a low voice: "Brother Feng, don't worry, if there is such a person, I will definitely ask him/her out for you in these two days."

"Well, the other side has already issued a challenge to us, you must act quickly."

Thinking of the documents he just saw on his concubine's desk, Cao Dahua's heart shuddered: "Got it! There are too many people in the police station, so I'll close the line first."

Just as he put down the receiver, Yu Suqiu walked over on catwalks: "Ada, are you calling from the same side?"

"Who? My friend! Wow, you even want to take care of me when I answer the phone?"

"No, you are so upright, am I surprised that you have been cheated by others?"

"I choose! Everyone in the police station knows that I, Cao Dahua, am an upright person. So the people who have dealings with me are scum or scum?"

"It's not like that, like Zhou Xingxing."

"Don't speak ill of my friend in front of me!"


Two days later, Lantau Island.

A good-looking boy who is often used as a self-proclaimed appearance in later generations, followed two middle-aged greasy men with a vigilant expression, and walked behind a man standing on the reef to fish in the sea.

"Brother Feng, someone brought it here." Uncle Da walked to Ding Yunfeng and said.

Ding Yunfeng handed him the fishing rod in his hand, turned around and took out the cigarette case, knocked out two Marlboros, handed one to the old Wang and the other to the young man with a vigilant face.

"Ali, right? Who am I? I don't need an introduction. Everyone knows me. Lin Kun's case, where have you been?"

"Ding Sir, if you do this, it is against the rules..."

(End of this chapter)

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