Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 571 I Learned From You, Uncle Cao

Chapter 571 I Learned From You, Uncle Cao
Looking at the handsome officer Ding in front of him who could fight him for [-] rounds, Ali's expression was very complicated.

We are all handsome, you are the head of the Ding Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, but I am like a mouse hiding in the shadows, I don't know when I will be able to see the light.

He had a prejudice against Ding Yunfeng, so Ali's tone of voice was naturally a little aggressive.

It doesn't matter to Ding Yunfeng, with his current status, if he argues with a small undercover agent, his price will drop.

Seeing that the other party hesitated to take the cigarette, Ding Yunfeng smiled and took it back, focusing on lighting it for himself.

Lao Wang, who was standing aside, couldn't hold back when he saw this scene.

He slapped Ali directly on the back of the head: "Push the street! It's not big or small! Your mother didn't teach you, you have to be polite when you go out!"

Seeing that Lao Wang slapped the opponent, it didn't count, and he rushed forward with his fists clenched. Ding Yunfeng reached out and held him back: "Hey, speak slowly if you have something to say, you're old..."

"No, Brother Feng, this kid is hard to discipline, he doesn't use fists, he can't understand human words..."

"You two...know each other?"

"Hey, he's my nephew, and I'm his uncle." Old Wang smiled at Ding Yunfeng, and then said with a straight face, "What are you still doing?
If your boss is reliable, he won't trick you into being an undercover agent.

If I met Brother Feng at your age, now you would either join the Flying Tigers or sit in the office blowing air-conditioning.Fuck!I have no eyesight to see..."

"Okay, okay, the child is grown up, don't swear all day long." Pulled the yellow-footed Uncle Da, put the fish into the fishing box, turned around and dragged Lao Wang to the side to smoke a stick.

Seeing Ali with an unnatural expression, Ding Yunfeng threw a folding stool to him: "Let me just say, Uncle Da is so efficient this time?

It turns out that you are Lao Wang's nephew.

That's easy to handle, we are all glued to each other.

I see that you were worried just now. Did your superior say hello to you before I came to you? "

Knowing Ding Yunfeng's so-called "Jiaojiren" is actually a step up for himself.

Ali opened the folding stool and sat down: "At noon the day before yesterday, I received a signal from my boss, Sir, asking for a connection.

You can come with him, as well as Li Shutang, Chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station, Li Sir..."

Ding Yunfeng listened while baiting the fishing rod. No wonder that with Lao Wang's relationship, Ali was still holding it in front of him. It turned out that Li Shutang had made a wish to him in advance.

After Lin Kun was eliminated, he was promoted to inspector when he returned to the team. In addition, he added a powerful position as leader of Group C of the Causeway Bay anti-gangster group. I have to say that Li Shutang's painting was quite good.

After adjusting the position of the buoy, Ding Yunfeng threw the hook into the reef nest: "The conditions offered by Li Sir are considered to be on the higher side of the market.

Let me be honest, Lin Kun's case is over, if you still want to stay in the police force.

I arranged for you almost in the same way, except that the police station you belong to is either in Kowloon or Wanchai. "

"Yeah." Ali's eyes moved slightly.

His boss, Sir, was originally the head of the serious crime team of the Kowloon Police Station.

Hu Xin, director of Kowloon, is Ding Yunfeng's staunch subordinate in front of him.

But the day before yesterday, Sir Er actually brought Li Shutang to see him, and his files as an undercover agent were in the hands of his boss, Sir Er.

Let's not mention the repulsion between the two handsome boys, just say that at that time, if he didn't agree to join Li Shutang.

I'm afraid, without waiting for his uncle to bring him over to see Brother Feng, he would be killed on the street by the guys in Causeway Bay as Lin Kun's accomplice.

As for the awkwardness of the meeting just now, Ali is indeed jealous of Ding Yunfeng's fate.

But more, he still wants to seize this opportunity today to see if he can get more benefits from the head of the Ding faction.

"But... I still say that.

With the relationship between your uncle and me, as long as you hang around in the Hong Kong Island Police Force for a day, any faction will think that you, Ali, belong to me, Ding Yunfeng! "

"Brother Feng, I am willing to help you get rid of Lin Kun, and I want to continue to return to the team as a policeman.

But I was very worried that after returning to the team, the guys would not accept me. "Ali took a deep breath, he knew that the opportunity to raise conditions came: "Besides, I don't want to be a civilian in the logistics department like my uncle. "

"Okay! If you want to be on the front line, I'll arrange it for you. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, Brother Kun, his family has treated me well these past few years..." Ali glanced tentatively at Ding Yunfeng, and made a request to cross the line.

Familiar with the plot of "The Disciple", Ding Yunfeng knew that Ali, who was not stimulated by A Fen's death, actually didn't even know it himself. His long-term undercover work made his position slightly shaken.

Therefore, Ding Yunfeng became cold when he heard the words: "There is no need to talk about this!

Whatever the judge decides at that time, what will happen to Lin Kun!
My righteous brother Wu Shihao is still squatting in Stanley. "

"I know, what I want to say is that Brother Kun has a very serious kidney disease.

Even if he doesn't collect the net this time, he won't have a good life for a few years. "Ali was taken aback by Ding Yunfeng's abrupt attitude, and quickly waved his hands: "I just think he can walk more peacefully in Stanley. "

"Little boy, I think you seem to have misunderstood me a lot."

Ding Yunfeng glanced at the buoy: "Although, I hate drug dealers deeply, and I wish I could destroy them all;
However, Hong Kong Island still uses the ancestral law. A terminally ill patient who started his ten-year sentence has only been locked up for a few days. Why are you worried that I will kill Lin Kun in Stanley? "

"Because Brother Feng, your reputation on the road is too loud..." Ali smiled inwardly while making complaints.
Your nickname, Ding Yunfeng, that hot-handed crazy policeman, was all forged with the blood of these fanboys on the road.

If I don't mention it first today, I'm afraid that on the day of the court appearance, the number of suspects in the seat: 0.

"Okay, okay, there's someone covering Li Shutang's head, and he must be moving very quickly.

You go back to speed up the progress, and you find that there is a chance to catch Lin Kun and get all the stolen goods, so you call this phone number to notify me. Ding Yunfeng took out his business card and handed it to Ali.

Ali took it and glanced at it, then put it back into the tackle box next to it: "Brother Feng, I'll go first."

"Well, be safe.

Your uncle just cares about you, don't hold grudges against him.

Because he was an old undercover agent, he knew very well which bosses were reliable and which bosses were jerks. "Ding Yunfeng didn't turn his head, but mentioned something.

Ali paused, and replied in a muffled voice: "I know, thank you."

A yellow leg wax weighing nearly two kilograms came out of the water.

Cao Dahua turned his head and looked, his tongue stretched out, and quickly pulled the air: "Wow! What a big fish!
Brother Feng is Brother Feng. It's a good luck that you didn't participate in the fishing competition. Otherwise, there would be a lot of fun for those professional fishermen? "

(End of this chapter)

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