Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 572 Sorry, I'm Undercover

Chapter 572 Sorry, I'm Undercover
Facing Uncle Da's exaggerated flattery, Ding Yunfeng glared at him: "Stop flattering, hurry up and help me pick the fishhook!"

"Come on, come on!" Cao Dahua left Lao Wang behind and ran over.

Passing by this senior in his [-]s and [-]s, Ali's eyes flashed with disdain as he watched Ding Yunfeng who was licking Ding Yunfeng who was a few years older than him.

Before the pussy was in place, a big pussy pocket slapped Ali and staggered.

Lao Wang rolled his sleeves and cursed: "What eyes do you have, kid? Don't look at your uncle Cao's tricks, he is a man enough for you to learn for a lifetime, pick it."


A week later, Baptist Hospital.

Lin Kun walked out of the dialysis room, clutching his lower back, with a painful expression on his face. He leaned half of his body on Ali, the horse, and struggled to move his steps.

"Hey, I'm at home. Congenital diabetes is bad enough, and now it's been found that the kidneys are broken." Lin Kun sat on a wooden bench in the hospital corridor and let out a foul breath.

Ali looked at him with concern: "Brother Kun, the kidney problem should not be underestimated. How about I accompany you to go abroad for surgery?"

"Oh, how can I leave at this time?" Lin Kun pinched the bridge of his nose, and when the nurse pushed the iron cart over, he said in a low voice: "I can't leave either, you forget, there will be a big sweep this month! Okay? It’s easy to stay until the end of the month, if I leave Hong Kong Island now, won’t this place have 300 taels of silver?”

"Yes." Ali smiled.

Lin Kun gave him a blank stare: "Remember, in our business, be careful, be careful."

"Understood, Brother Kun."

"Come on, help me up, go back and talk about it."

"By the way, Brother Kun. I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"I have a source of customers, and I want to make a batch of goods by myself."

Lin Kun, who had just gotten into the car and sat firmly, changed his complexion visibly when he heard this.

Pulling the front seat, Lin Kun approached Ali in the driver's seat: "What did you say?"

"I want to ship the goods myself." Ali swallowed, and pulled out the pendant on his neck, "I want to buy a house!
Yesterday, I confessed my love to Ah Tian.

Men, you can’t use my rented room to talk about the future with girls, can you?”

Seeing his sister-in-law's headshot embedded in the pendant, Lin Kun, who had always wanted to match the two, immediately let go of his guard: "Haha, you finally got the hang of it. As I said earlier, marrying my sister-in-law is not the same as making me grow up." Dude? By the way, you just said to buy a house, right? How much does it cost?”

Seeing Lin Kun's expression through the rearview mirror, Ali suppressed the guilt of cheating Xiaotian: "Four sets of Hong Kong papers."

"Choose, I'm asking how much you want to buy a house, can I just give it to you?"

"Boss, let me earn my own money, you don't have to pay back the borrowed money? I can't rely on you to help me raise my wife in the future?"

Now that we've reached this point, Lin Kun let go of the back of his chair and sat back: "Let me think about it, I'm so tired today, I'll talk about it in a few days."

"Okay." Seeing this, Ali didn't dare to mention it again, and stepped on the accelerator honestly.

the other side.

Ding Yunfeng, who had already found out the location of the Lin Kun Group's kitchen (flour milling factory) by recalling the plot of the movie, took the first step to rent two units on the upper floor, and arranged for Cao Li'ang and Ma Jun to take one of them to stand by.

And he took Chen Xiaosheng himself, hiding in a room on the opposite building, one set up a telescope, the other set up a sniper rifle, and watched from a distance.

"Tou, these fans ship out every day, when will we close the net?" Chen Xiaosheng stared at the entrance of Lin Kun's kitchen through the multi-fold mirror.

Ding Yunfeng took a puff of a cigarette, and replied calmly: "Now that the net is closed, at most we can get a few 'masters' inside, and the warehouses, channels, up-homes, and down-homes in the back are all cut off.

What's more, Lin Kun himself has mastered the milling process. If these 'masters' are arrested, he will soon be able to train another group, which is meaningless. "

"That's right!" Chen Xiaosheng nodded, stopped talking, and continued to stare at the kitchen entrance.

There was no movement for several days, and Ali felt a little anxious, because Ding Yunfeng still had patience, but Li Shutang urged him several times through Er Sir.

"Ali, help me this time!

I'm in my early forties and still a senior inspector.

This time, you help me and entrust me to be a superintendent. Before I retire, I hope to get the position of chief superintendent.

If you help me today, I will never forget you, and it will definitely benefit you in the future. "

Er Sir frequently met with Ali, and his tone became more and more tough, which made the latter more sure of the judgment of Ding Yunfeng and his uncle Lao Wang.

Thinking of going on like this, even if he doesn't show his feet in front of Lin Kun, he will be forced out by Li Shutang and Er Sir.

Ali finally decided to use his most powerful weapon - the beauty trap.

After sacrificing lust several times, Ali's silly and sweet girlfriend mustered up the courage to find her brother-in-law, and she couldn't sleep all night after talking about her boyfriend's lack of money to buy a house.

Lin Kun——finally let go.

A few days later, in the middle of the night, Ali suddenly received a call from Lin Kun. Based on his intuition, he thought it was an opportunity.

He decisively dialed the number given by Ding Yunfeng, and after getting a reply, he put on his clothes and went out. When he got downstairs, he saw Lin Kun standing by the side of the road leaning on his car.

"Get in the car." Lin Kun threw the key to the winning horse, pulled the co-pilot away and sat in.

Ali endured his excitement, got in the car and stepped on the gas, and the unremarkable half-old Volkswagen drove slowly into the night.

"I've thought about it for a long time. Anyway, sooner or later, I will let you get in touch. It's better to get in touch as soon as possible." Lin Kun took the initiative to start the conversation.

Ali responded with an excited expression: "Thank you, Brother Kun."

"Hey, look at you, your expression has changed for such a trivial matter! Be calm and cautious, I say it every day."

"Hey." Ali scratched his head.

Lin Kun made a joke, and soon got into the topic in the car, took Ali to an old industrial building, and contacted the person in charge of the kitchen through the agreed code.

Ding Yunfeng, who had received the call in advance, was already on the 27th floor of the building next door, and used his binoculars to lock on Lin Kun's thin figure holding his waist: "Here we come."

"Brother Feng, I'm watching!" Chen Xiaosheng moved the muzzle of the gun, and with just a movement of his finger, Brother Kun could drink blood and shoot it down!
"Hold on, wait until he enters the kitchen. Your task is not to let anyone escape. It is the job of Ma Jun and Cao Leon to break through." Ding Yunfeng smiled softly and took out the walkie-talkie: "The target appears, 10 minutes Break through the door and start moving!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Ma Jun and Cao Li'ang responded in unison, leading the men and horses out of the two upstairs rooms.

Ten minutes later, the three of Lin Kun, who had verified their identities, finally walked into the kitchen.

Ding Yunfeng looked down at his watch, pinched it for 10 minutes, and shouted decisively: "Kill!"

Stuck in the dead corner of the entrance monitoring, Cao Liang, carrying a small bazooka on his shoulder, decisively pulled the trigger.

The thick steel door was blasted open instantly, and the whole building shook violently.

Ali, who was by Lin Kun's side, picked up a mixing knife found at the door, grabbed Lin Kun's neck with one hand, and put the tip of the knife against his throat with the other: "Brother Kun, I'm sorry, I'm an undercover agent!"

 My friend's new book is a scoop of the past, super high quality and good writing! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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