Chapter 573

Wounded screams...

Lin Kun, who was still explaining to his disciples why the goods were made into rectangles just a second ago, was shocked and let go of the wax paper with the double lion globe mark in his hand. Regardless of the sharpness of the tip of the mixing knife, he turned his head halfway and asked loudly: " Explain it? Explain it!"

"You are a fan, I am a bad guy, that's all." Ali pulled Lin Kun back a few steps, avoiding Ma Jun who rushed in with a gun: "Brother! I am PC: 59425, my own!"

"I know!" Ma Jun hugged the magazines to several masters in the room.

It's a pity that Brother Jun's marksmanship is worse than Jia Kui's. He misses a shot, and immediately smashes out his gun in anger.

As for the remaining two people, they reacted too quickly. One opened the window and climbed down, while the other rushed into the toilet, probably trying to escape through another window.

Cao Liang got a horse, and he was a step too late to throw away the bazooka. When he entered the door, he saw a corner of his clothes disappearing by the window.

The savage bull rushed past Ma Jun with a yelp, and rushed out of the window. It seemed that he obviously forgot that Brother Feng was also deployed on the ground. Fans trying to escape by climbing the air conditioner.

Lin Kun ignored all this and stared at Ali: "Do you remember that you were penniless back then, and I lent you money so that you could have a roof over your head?"

"It's fake." Ali's complexion changed slightly, and he looked away guiltily.

Noticing that the other party loosened his arm slightly, Lin Kun was secretly happy, and asked with grief and indignation: "You lost the bet and were hunted down by usury, and I used the money to save you overnight, do you remember?"

Ali closed his eyes in pain: "It's fake..."

"Then...then I was ambushed and hacked, why did you come out to help me block it?" Lin Kun asked in a low voice with watery eyes.

"It's fake, it's all fake, and the people involved in these things are all pretended by my buddies..." At the end of the movie, Ali collapsed when faced with Lin Kun's questions.

To close the net ahead of schedule today, Ali is obviously not ready psychologically.

Realizing that Ali had broken down emotionally and had loosened his grip on his arm, Lin Kunjia added a final rage: "I...have always regarded you as my own brother, and I even want to hand over this business to you in the future. I never trusted anyone...

Explain...are you going to betray me?

What are you thinking?

If you are a bad guy, can you earn 1000 million in your lifetime? "

Amidst Lin Kun's wry laugh, the mixing knife in Ali's hand slowly moved away his artery.

At this moment, a calm voice came in from the door: "You are a fan, he is a bad guy.

If you can insert needles in the police force, we will send undercover agents by your side.

Lin Kun, you have already lost this cat-and-mouse game, put down the gun in your sleeve, and stop making unnecessary struggles. "

Ali's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and just before he clenched the guy tightly, Ding Yunfeng, who walked in from the bombed door, raised the muzzle of his gun slightly: Boom!
The flames flashed from the muzzle of the gun, and Lin Kun's ferocious expression froze instantly...

Red and white things, splashed on the cheeks.

Ali, who stood behind and grabbed Lin Kun, fell into a state of trance for an instant.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how to get downstairs. When Ali was helped into the white car, he finally came back to his senses, and with a wow sound, he turned his head and vomited loudly.

Looking at Ali who was held down by doctors and nurses on the white car, Ma Jun asked worriedly: "Brother Feng, don't you want to send someone to the hospital to take care of him?

The mental state of this 59425 seems a bit inappropriate to me. "

"Yeah, Brother Feng, why don't you let me go. I'm very good at instructing people." Chen Xiaosheng aimed at the sniper rifle for several days, but in the end it didn't come in handy, so he hurriedly strived for performance.

Ding Yunfeng took out a cigarette and scattered around: "No, I've already called his uncle.

It is better to leave this kind of matter to his family.

Besides, since he was distracted by Lin Kun's few words at the scene, he had to be reminded by an old fritter, so that he would know how to write this report. "

"As long as you make arrangements, hey, this pretty boy is still too young." Ma Jun lit a cigarette, shook his head and sighed.

Cao Liang's pectoralis major trembled, and he made a gesture with his right hand: "I am about the same age as him, but what if it were me today!

Labor and capital collapsed Lin Kun with one shot, so how could he give him a chance to slander! "

The crowd didn't bother to pay attention to him, they dispersed with cigarettes in their mouths, and led their men to clean up the scene.

Seeing Cao Liang's bewildered expression, Ding Yunfeng waved to him: "Don't be stupid, did you see the cars coming over there?

If you see me getting mad for a while, you can do it directly.

No matter what kind of person it is, even if it's the first brother, you can call me like that, can you do it?"

"Brother Feng, don't worry." Cao Li'ang patted his chest vigorously, beating up his superiors had already been done in the United States back then - small meaning.

Just as Ding Yunfeng ordered the bull, Li Shutang and Er Sir stopped the car outside the cordon.

The two got out of the car and showed their IDs. The guy in military uniform who was in charge of controlling the field today could only stand at attention and salute to let them go.

"What? What?? What???
How can I use RPG in residential areas?

Who is in charge of this operation?come out! "

Er Sir saw Ding Yunfeng when he got off the car, but since he chose to seek refuge with Li Shutang, some words had to be said through his mouth.

"Ma De, whose dog is not tied to a rope? This smell is actually worse than the sewer." Ding Yunfeng sneered and led Cao Li'ang up.

Er Sir was furious when he heard the words, but he pretended to have just discovered Ding Yunfeng: "Oh! Is Ding Sir here? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Director Li and I just got out of the car and didn't notice you."

"Which department are you from?" Ding Yunfeng asked Er Sir, but his eyes were fixed on Li Shutang.

"I am the head of the serious crime unit of the Kowloon Police Station."

"Oh, so you are from Hu Xin. I saw you came with Superintendent Li, and I thought you were from Causeway Bay." Ding Yunfeng pretended to be stunned, and Ma Jun, Cao Li'ang and others laughed.

Li Shutang's appearance is very similar to Zhong Chuxiong who has lost [-] catties, but his temperament is more than [-] times more serious than that of the humble brother Xiong.

"Ding Sir. I'm Li Shutang. I've reported Lin Kun's case to my superiors.

I believe you have read all relevant documents.

Because I found out that under Sir, an undercover police officer has been with Lin Kun for a long time, so I just asked him to cooperate with me in investigating this case, please don't misunderstand. "Li Shutang took a step forward with a straight face, watching Ding Yunfeng preach.

Ding Yunfeng let out a haha, turned around and pointed to a black car parked by the side of the road: "Lin Kun? Then there's no need to check!
Today, our Kwun Tong Police Station and Shau Kei Wan Police Station jointly conducted an operation. While breaking through this drug manufacturing den, we found that the target of Superintendent Li was also there.


The bullet has no eyes, and Lin Kun is already cold.

I'm really sorry for taking a step back, both of you. "

(End of this chapter)

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