Chapter 574
How fast! ! !

Li Shutang smiled dumbly, and slowly stretched out his right hand: "Brother Feng is Brother Feng, I admire, admire."

Ding Yunfeng extended his hand with a smile, and shook hands with the old bean who was the protagonist of "Chill": "Superintendent Li actually gave up your business in the old country for many years for the sake of the Chief Superintendent of the North District. Ding also admires it very much."

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed in unison.

Just when their respective subordinates couldn't figure out the situation, and didn't know whether to cooperate with the two bosses and laughed.

Li Shutang suddenly moved closer to Ding Yunfeng's ear: "Brother Feng, don't you want to promote Uncle Hua as the Chief Superintendent of the North District?
Now Lin Kun died in Dongwei Building, which is the boundary of Shau Kei Wan, but there is no way to count it on the head of the Central District Police Station. "

"I know that taking action here, there is no way to put the credit on Uncle Hua.

However, I am more aware that if Lin Kun is not settled now, with Ali's concentration, maybe he will be dragged by you soon.

In that way, the score becomes 1:1. "Ding Yunfeng also lowered his voice and replied.

Li Shutang nodded: "Very good, it's still 0:1. Brother Feng, I still have a chance. I can score fast, and I may not have the last laugh."

"Superintendent Li, there are 4 days left to pass the month, and we don't have much time left." Ding Yunfeng knocked on his watch, and the diamond inlaid on the Patek Philippe case given by BOBO made Li Shutang squint his eyes slightly.


Seeing Li Shutang who allowed himself to be provocative and turned away in the end, Ding Yunfeng put away the deliberately domineering expression.

No wonder Li Wenbin is so difficult to deal with in "Chill". It turns out that his forbearance skills were passed down from his old bean Li Shutang.


"what happened?"

"Do you want to move?"

"Are you stupid? You don't want to be fooled, but you still want to do it?

Beating up the boss, at least one has to find a reason.

This is Hong Kong Island, you think America is still free! "


Lin Kun, who was following him, was suddenly intercepted by Ding Yunfeng.

Li Shutang's heart is far from the calmness he pretended in front of Ding Yunfeng.

Ignoring Sir Er, who was chasing after him and shouting, Li Shutang quickly got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight to the police headquarters.

Cai Yuanqi, who was flipping through a book on monitoring tools in the office, saw Li Shutang running over without saying a word, and immediately knew something was going on.

10 minute later.

Cai Yuanqi's complexion completely darkened, he smoked 3 cigarettes in succession, raised his head and said to Li Shutang: "Thinking about the good, Lin Kun's head is not counted on Cao Dahua.

As you and Ding Yunfeng said, the score is now 0:1, not 0:2;

On the downside, there are only 4 days left, and if you want to overwhelm the opponent, you can only attack the camel. "

"It's impossible. Luo Tuo is the leader of Dongxing. Even if we have enough evidence to arrest him now, we don't have a plan for how to stabilize the tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys in Dongxing afterwards. The timing and conditions are not ripe." Li Shutang thought for a moment, then shook his head decisively.

Cai Yuanqi also felt that it was not worth risking the underworld chaos for the sake of a chief police superintendent of the North District, so he resolutely withdrew the proposal: "Then what do you think?
Even if you are willing to admit defeat in this round, it is not convenient for me to transfer you back to the old country for the time being.

Because, that way, everyone's face will be even uglier. "

"I won't go back, my creed in life is to get up from where I fell.

Now I am very interested in Ding Yunfeng, and I want to find him too many moves. Li Shutang put on his hat, stood at attention, turned around and opened the door to go out.

Seeing that the old man finally got serious, Cai Yuanqi finally couldn't help laughing after he left: "I've known you for 20 years, and I still don't know you?

If you want to be strong for half your life, I don't believe that you can bear this breath! "

Thinking of finally being able to arrange an opponent for Ding Yunfeng, Cai Yuanqi's mood improved a lot.

However, when he thought of Li Shutang's pawn, this time he was forced to use it in advance by the ghost.

Cai Sir withdrew his three-point smile, opened the half-read reference book, and continued to chew on the obscure professional terms in the book.


Lin Kun was embarrassed.

The happiest thing is that the Shau Kei Wan Police Station went up and down.

Because the crime happened within their jurisdiction, and Brother Feng, who led the team, had made it clear that he didn't want to claim credit.

Therefore, nearly 6% of the credit for this contribution fell to Shau Kei Wan, 3% was distributed by the Kwun Tong Police Station, which contributed the most, and the last 1% was finally Ali's turn.

Don't think this is unfair to Ali! ! !

In fact, it was for his own sake that he had the opportunity to own two paragraphs in the final action report.

If according to the original plot, Ali wants to share 1 success from Er Sir?
how is this possible! ! !

You even betrayed the boss you have been with for eight years, who would dare to believe you!
Anyway, after you return to the team, you will have to do a clerical job in logistics until you retire.

If the boss can arrange a free seat for you, it is considered a good man.

What do you need so much credit for?
You can't go up...

Four days passed quickly.

Li Shutang feinted a shot that day.

But on Ding Yunfeng's side, he still ordered to be on alert, requiring 24 hours, someone must be watching the camel.

There are only a few people with a little weight in the Fan League.

Now Zhu Tao was captured by Uncle Hua, and Lin Kun was shot dead by Ding Yunfeng.

For the remaining camels and Ni Yongxiao, if Li Shutang still wants to fight, he will definitely catch the camels, because with Ni Yongxiao, the score can be at most 1:1.
Uncle Hua endured it for several days without daring to look at the results. This morning, he secretly inquired about it, and immediately smiled happily.

That morning.

It was rare for Cai Yuanqi to show up. He looked deeply at Ding Yunfeng, and then announced the document in public.

Cao Dahua, director of the Central District, was promoted to Chief Superintendent of the North District, and Guan Chun will fill the vacated seat.

Guan Chun, the Patriarch of the Guan family, watched Uncle Hua take over the transfer order from Cai Yuanqi, he was almost jealous and almost lost control.

Chief Superintendent of the North District.

For this seat, the Guan family spent countless favors, money and contacts!

Who would have thought that the ladder was erected in the end, but Uncle Hua was fulfilled, and he was not angry and vomited blood, which was considered a good state of mind.

"Everyone applaud, congratulations, Sir Cao!" Cai Yuanqi pulled Cao Dahua and smiled at the crowd.

Everyone cheered and applauded vigorously, especially those from Ding Department.

In comparison, the other group of people who bickered in class last time had much lower personal qualities.

Not only did they all have coffin faces, they even looked at Ding Yunfeng with hostility.

Ding Yunfeng's six senses are very keen now.

Suddenly receiving so many malicious looks, he thought about it for a while, and probably knew where the source was.

Cai Yuanqi and Li Shutang liked to watch Ding Yunfeng burn out, but they were disappointed, Ding Yunfeng was very calm.

Today is Uncle Hua's big day, Brother Feng still wants to try, see if he can get some rumors about the high-level discord out of his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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