Chapter 575 So It Was A Water Gun
Older gingers are more spicy.

Even if Uncle Hua was drunk by Ding Yunfeng and Huang Yaobing, he still kept his mouth shut and did not reveal any news about his poker friends.

"This old guy..."

Arranging people to take the old man home, Ding Yunfeng was not angry but happy, standing outside Fulinmen, lighting a cigarette.

It's a good thing that Uncle Hua has a strict mouth!
Because of the special geographical location of the North District, the most convenient way for Ding Yunfeng to communicate with his hometown in the future is to go to the North District.

Therefore, this place must not be in the hands of the enemy, even at the expense of giving up the prosperous central area, Ding Yunfeng still wants to hold it in his hands.

In fact, if there are other candidates, it would be more appropriate to arrange Huang Yaobing or Lin Leimeng as the Chief Superintendent of the North District this time.

after all……

Regardless of what Ding Yunfeng saw in the many Hong Kong films that Cao Dahua starred in, or in this world.

This old fox is too close to the ghost above.

Helpless, time is running out!
The Ding camp is qualified to compete for the chief superintendent of the North District, and he is the only old player.

Ding Yunfeng can still take a look at the invisible entry of goodwill through the system.

But Uncle Hua's mouth is not strict, whether he will not be tight-lipped on certain occasions in the future and leak a terrible secret, Ding Yunfeng decided to be a villain once, taking advantage of the other party's promotion banquet, secretly try it.

Luckily, the results are pretty good.


Some are happy, some are worried.

Last night, Ding hosted a banquet at Fulinmen;
Guan Jiaxuan served wine at Jumbo Seafood Square.

These two places are full of big scenes full of guests.

But for Er Sir, his future in the police force is bleak.

Because, he thought that if he betrayed Hu Xin and took refuge in Li Shutang this time, he could sneak into the Cai family or the Li family.

But that night he dressed up at home, and when it was 21 o'clock, no one invited him to the Guan family's banquet! ! !

Er Sir panicked, he found that he didn't help Li Shutang eat Lin Kun this time, and he seemed to be angered by the other party.

Going to the rooftop alone to smoke and drink until the light of day...

Sir made a difficult decision. After freshening up, he went downstairs to buy a fruit basket and drove to St. Teresa's Hospital by himself.

"Hello, Miss Nurse, what room is this patient living in? I'm his boss, and I'm here to visit him."

"Oh, pretty boy. Mr. walked into the second ward, his bed number is 25."

Thanks to the nurse, Sir went to Ward 2.

First choose one of the kindest smiles in your heart and put it on your face, push open the door, and shout happily: "Ali! I'm here to see you..."

Before the opening remark was finished, the smile that he had been brewing for a long time had froze on his face!
"Ding...Ding Sir, Director...why are you all here..."

Hu Xin snorted: "Why can't you be here? The guy below was injured and admitted to the hospital. As the director, I can't come and visit for a while?"

"No, no, no! I'm also here to visit Ali, he is..."

"What is it?

The files of the undercover police officers are all confidential!
Even if I, the director, want to see it, I have to go through the application process. Now I am very curious. I don’t know that there is a 59425 undercover under my command. How can Li Shutang know?
and!Calling an undercover operation across police stations, you, as the direct supervisor of 59425, don't you even have to say hello to me?
Er Xiaobao, let me ask you now, do you still have the concept of police regulations in your heart, do you still have me as the director in your eyes? "

Hu Xin's tone was serious, and he asked questions one after another, forcing Sir to sweat profusely.

Lao Wang rolled up his sleeves and went over, grabbed the other party's collar, and slapped him twice: "Fuck, sell my nephew to exchange for the official hat on my head, labor and capital are just getting old, what the hell are you thinking of me as dead!"

Not counting the beating and scolding, Lao Wang pulled out the .[-] from his lower back.

The cold muzzle of the gun picked up Sir's chin, and the old Wang who had been a coward for half his life was stunned this time.

"You want to climb high, I can understand.

But if you dare to drag our uncle and nephew as stepping stones, then don't blame labor and capital for exchanging one with you.

Brother Feng, Sir Hu, you two should not have seen this matter, and Ali will entrust the two of you to take care of it from now on. "

After finishing speaking, Lao Wang put his thumb on the revolver trigger, and Er Sir's eyes twitched in fright: "Wang Sir, please speak slowly, please calm down, I didn't know that Ali is your nephew!

Hey, Brother Feng, Hu Sir, you two don't light cigarettes, please have a word..."

"What's the matter?" Ding Yunfeng handed the lighter to Ali who was lying on the bed, and raised his head impatiently.

"Hijacking! Old Wang is going crazy, he's about to pull the trigger!"

"What's the buckle?" Ding Yunfeng walked over calmly, snatched the fruit basket from him, put it on Ali's bedside table, and then picked a banana to peel: "It's normal for this broken gun to go off. .”

"Hey, I've already approved the report on Lao Wang's misfire with a gun." Hu Xin took out an envelope and patted it on: "However, everyone is a colleague, and I will personally present a wreath. It is not a pity to write it dead. You deserve to die, you choose yourself."

"No! Guys, I was wrong, spare my life, spare my life..." After Ding Yunfeng finished speaking with Hu Xin, he really pulled the trigger slowly, and Sir was terrified.

Just when he couldn't hold back the urge to urinate, the door behind him was suddenly opened by a nurse: "Gentlemen, this is a hospital, please be quiet and don't make any noise, okay?"

"Miss Nurse, Miss Nurse, hurry up and call the police for me..." Er Sir seemed to see a savior.

The little nurse took a look at Ding Yunfeng and the others, and found that all three of them were eating plantains and watching a show. She rolled her cute eyes: "Sheng Wang, can you give us back this toy gun? The patient next door is clamoring for his toy gun." The guy is robbing."

Lao Wang pulled the trigger and sprayed a jet of water, which made Sir's expensive shirt wet. Then, under Sir's shocked gaze, he handed the short dog that he had just taken out of the gun bag to the little nurse: "Enough is enough!" Yes, I'll give it back to you."

"It's difficult to take care of the mentally ill here. You family members, stop being playful and increase our workload." The nurse grabbed the water gun, shook her head, turned around, opened the door and left: "Oh, I'm really tired..."

It turned out to be a water gun.

Sir breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could wipe off his cold sweat.

With a snap, Old Wang pulled out the real thing from his belt.

"Guys, I have something to talk about.

I agree to any conditions, the .[-] is a broken gun, it is really easy to go off! ! ! "Admitting decisively, Er Sir stepped back while shaking his hand.

Old Wang received Ding Yunfeng's wink, he inserted his guy back, and pulled Sir back: "My nephew's file must be placed with the director, so I can rest assured."

"No problem, the director and I will go through the procedure immediately when we go back." Er Sir knew very well that Ali would definitely not continue to follow him until now.

Knowing that Lao Wang's side is just an appetizer, Er Sir looked up at Ding Yunfeng and Hu Xin, the latter shrugged his shoulders: "After solving Ali's file, you should make a report yourself, apply for transfer to other departments, and hand over the Kowloon serious case." This is the team leader!"

"I know." Sir replied dejectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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