Chapter 57

Hanging up Coolie Qiang's call to send (cui) money (ming), Snakehead Wei excitedly summoned Ma Zai, took two cars, and rushed directly to the Saigon pier where the stowaway boat was moored.

"Made, lucky you bitch tonight.

Wait for Brother Qiang, if he takes a fancy to you, you will fly on a branch and become a phoenix!
Don’t talk about wanting to take root in Hong Kong Island, you’ll be fine with eating shark’s fin in the future! "

Snakehead Wei greedily looked at the Hong Kong student whose hands were bound and whose mouth was sealed with tape. The latter had long hair and shawls, and was pitiful, with big watery eyes constantly rolling down tears.

Swallowing his saliva, Snake Touwei struggled to look away.

If this kind of top quality was in the past, he would definitely be the first to buy it, and when he gets tired of playing it, he will send it to the stable for a good price.

But thinking of Coolie Qiang who was so popular with Liansheng, Shetouwei decided to let Coolie Qiang drink the first soup this time, and he was ranked second.

As for the rooting of Hong Kong Island and shark's fin fishing for food, these are just his rhetoric to deceive Hong Kong students.

"Hey, drive faster, I promise you, the boat will leave in half an hour..." Snakehead Wei urged, patting the horse boy who was driving.


Coolie was once Fu Yixing's candidate big bottom. Before he switched gears and won the Liansheng, his status in the arena is certainly not as good as that of the snake head Wei who is trusted by Fu Yixing's leader, Jin Yalei.

However, Feng Shui turns!

Since Lei Luo personally came forward to let Jinya Lei let him go, coupled with coolie Qiang's shift and Liansheng, he immediately worshiped Fei Deng's disciples.

In the past year, the coolie's prestige in the Jianghu has been surpassed by a few blocks.

Seeing two cars approaching in the darkness, Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mizai protected Ding Yunfeng and walked up.

Shetouwei took Ma Zai out of the car and found Coolie Qiang standing behind a young man. He was shocked and hurried over with a flashlight.

"Snakehead Wei, have you brought everyone?" Coolie put his hands on his waist, his eyes swept fiercely at the group of people opposite.

Coolie Qiang's tone was very unfriendly, I didn't know, I thought he was the boss of the boat!

But not to mention, the group of short mules on Hong Kong Island just followed his tricks, and each one of them shouted, even if the boss was caught, no one dared to blow his hair.

With a smiling face, Snakehead Wei nodded and took out a cigarette: "Brother Qiang, and these two big brothers, smoking cigarettes...

The three of you can rest assured that these are horse boys who have been with me for many years, and all of them are experts who go to sea all the year round.

Even if I encounter a typhoon of level [-], I can guarantee that nothing will happen to me! "

Coolie held a cigarette between his fingers, and almost poked Snakehead Wei in the face: "Ms. Shaote's mess! With your broken sampan, a typhoon of level [-] can be overturned, and it will be level [-]..."

Shetouwei was sprayed all over the face by the coolie, but he didn't dare to blow a fart.

Gangsheng was being escorted by two pawns. Seeing this scene, her eyes were filled with shock—is this the smuggler who drove her to nowhere?

"Hey, this is Brother Feng. Go across tonight and pick up Brother Feng's family. I don't need to introduce Zhan Mi, you must know him."

Originally, he had already guessed, but after listening to Coolie Qiang's introduction, Snakehead Wei's eyes lit up.

On the way, he was still a little surprised, why did the coolie give out a wallet of 5 yuan to go to sea?
Now, he has the answer—tonight, Boxing King Peak is going back to pick up people on the opposite side. With his status in the world, he must not allow his family to be crammed into the smelly cabin with a large number of smugglers.

Snakehead Wei showed courteousness to Ding Yunfeng, and at the same time asked Ma Zai to bring up the Hong Kong students who were originally planning to be strong coolies.

Isn't it because the coolies are strong today that they were lucky enough to climb Ding Yunfeng early?
God gave me a chance today, if I didn't seize it, I didn't regret taking the medicine afterwards.

Ding Yunfeng dealt with Snakehead Wei perfunctorily, focusing all his attention on Gangsheng, not only amazed by Wang Xiaoqian Zuxian's beauty, but also surprised that this woman has successfully completed the system task.


Name: Hong Kong student

Identity: A lonely and helpless stowaway who actually possesses an excellent talent for cultivation

Relevant tasks: Help Hong Kong students beat snakeheads with their hands
Task reward: a beautiful and capable female assistant, what else do you want?

Resolutely leading the task, Ding Yunfeng nodded at Gang Sheng, who was afraid to avoid his gaze, while Snakehead Wei stood beside him secretly delighted.

"Brother Feng, I have a place on the boat, everyone get on the boat first, the night is long, I'll let you do things, hehehe..."

Snakehead Wei showed a smile that a man could understand, and many horse boys echoed with obscene smiles.

Zhan Mi and Coolie hate looking at this group of people, they know Ding Yunfeng very well, and know that our brother Feng is not a lustful idiot.

"Very good, you have a bright future." Ding Yunfeng suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and patted Shetouwei on the shoulder.

Snakehead Wei thought it was Ding Yunfeng's itching, so he immediately patted his chest and promised that if Brother Feng liked it, he would immediately send someone to invite Brother Feng to try it if he had the goods in hand.

Facing the moonlight, Zhan Mi saw Ding Yunfeng's two temples beating slightly.

He hastily opened his mouth to interrupt the smuggler who was crazily trying to kill him: "It's not early, and Brother Feng's family is still waiting on the opposite side."


The stowaway boat transformed from a small diesel fishing boat quickly chugs away from the shore.

Coolie pulled Snakehead Wei like a curious baby and kept asking him questions about the rudder and direction of the boat.

Jamie scattered smoke everywhere, and soon Snakehead Wei and his gang kept calling Brother Jimmy.

As for Ding Yunfeng...

He took a box of raincoats from the Snakehead Fortress, took Shang Hongsheng into the cabin to do serious business.

After tearing off the tape and untying the rope, Ding Yunfeng calmly avoided a slap in the face, grabbed Gang Sheng's white wrist, and the latter let out an ah from the cabin.

"Brother Feng is really a hero!" Shetouwei raised his brows at Coolie Qiang, with a cheeky smile comparable to that of a certain Charlie.

Coolie slapped him hard on the shoulder: "Choose! How dare you listen to Brother Feng's corner? If you don't teach me how to sail a boat before landing, I promise to throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

"Brother Qiang, stop joking, how can you learn how to sail a boat in a few hours?"

"Convex (哉盘哉)! Can't you even teach me how to steer?"

"Well, forward and backward and turning left and right are easy to learn. Brother Qiang, look, this rudder, you turn it like this..." Can't afford to offend the coolie Snakehead Wei, in desperation, had to teach him a few simple moves.

As long as the coolie can get stuck in the direction, he listened carefully and tried a few times.

Fighting the wind and waves is of course impossible, but once the boat sails to the shore where the wind and waves are gentle, how to fix the rudder and adjust the propeller, Coolie Qiang has already learned a lot.

At the same time, in the cabin, Ding Yunfeng finally won the trust of Hong Kong students.

"Brother Feng, thank you for your willingness to save me..." Gang Sheng covered his mouth and broke down in sobs.

Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette, and said lightly: "We are going out to sea this time, not to go back to the opposite side to pick up people, but to have more important things to do. It is easy to save you, but why should I believe that you will not betray me afterwards? us?"

"Brother Feng...then, what do you have to do to believe me? Don't tell me, do you want to..." Looking at the box of raincoats that Ding Yunfeng threw aside, Gang Sheng blushed.

Everyone has the same face value, she is a little embarrassed, but she is not very resistant.

Ding Yunfeng didn't know that Gangsheng had misunderstood, he took out the gun and stuffed it in: "You want to join the gang, just submit a nomination certificate later."

(End of this chapter)

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