58 The Return
Ding Yunfeng suddenly stuffed a handful of black stars into the palm of his hand, and Gang Sheng stood up in fright.

"Brother Feng, I, I haven't killed anyone..." With a cry, Gang Sheng held Black Star in both hands, trembling.

Ding Yunfeng smoked slowly: "I've given you a chance. Either you kill the snakehead to win our trust, or I tie you up before going out. At that time, you can take this boat back to the other side."

"No! I don't want to go back!"

Hong Kong Sheng was terrified when he heard the words, felt the cold touch from the black star, and thought about Snakehead Wei's previous scheme against him, his trembling little hands slowly stabilized.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng smiled secretly. In the original plot, after being bullied by the snake head Wei, Hong Kong finally rose up to resist and killed him with a gun.


This girl has an extremely strong side hidden in her temper.

It took about half an hour for Ding Yunfeng to teach Gangsheng how to shoot.

At that time, he will capture the smuggler's head and let Hong Kong students shoot at close range. He only needs to hold the gun firmly and pull the trigger.

Afterwards, while looking at his watch, Ding Yunfeng urged Hong Kong students to pretend to scream in order to confuse people outside.

Hong Kong Sheng was a little embarrassed at first, but after she yelled for a while, she found that she had to yell in a melodious manner, and her voice could be protected in a gentle way.

Ding Yunfeng cursed the goblin inwardly, bowed his waist and moved his buttocks, quietly sat a few meters away, then raised his legs and smoked a dull cigarette one by one.

Gang Sheng glanced at someone suspiciously, and shouted harder.

Snakehead Wei sent the two boys who were in charge of guarding the cabin door, their ears were almost pricked up.

"Brother Feng is so powerful, he got rid of this chick so quickly."

"Hey, don't even think about it. Boxing King Peak's previous nickname was Pretty Boy Peak. And what was our boss' name before?"

"Hey, who on the road doesn't know that Snakehead Wei used to be called Laitouwei..."

"Shh, you're going to die, speaking so loudly..."

The two bad guys hooked their shoulders and leaned against the cabin door, uttering a few obscenities.

However, they were soon called by Jamie to smoke and blow water.

Inside the cabin, Ding Yunfeng heard footsteps leaving, he hurriedly jumped to Hong Kong's side, covering her little mouth that shouted "addiction".

"Grandma, keep your voice down, it will take more than an hour, save your energy..."

"Well, ah...you asked me to shout, ah..." Gang Sheng rolled his eyes at Ding Yunfeng, and his face turned slightly red as he glanced somewhere out of the corner of his eye.

The corner of Ding Yunfeng's mouth twitched, if he didn't have business to do tonight, he would definitely be a beast.

Good thing...

Gangsheng was very obedient, and then she deliberately lowered the volume, which made Ding Yunfeng feel much more relaxed.

Looking at his watch, Ding Yunfeng pinched the time he had made appointments with Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi in advance, and it would be more than an hour.

Ding Yunfeng held a cigarette sideways, pushed open the cabin door, and walked out slowly.

Zhan Mi, who was asking a sailor for advice on how to tie a cable, received a wink from Ding Yunfeng, and while shaking out a cigarette, he reached into his arms.

This sailor is strong and taller than Jamie by a head.

Just as he took the cigarette, Jimmy took out a dagger with his other hand and stabbed him hard in the chest.

puff puff...

Zhan Mi, who had a friendly smile on his face before, was ruthless and dark once he decided to strike.

The sailor, who was a head taller than him, only had time to let out a half cry before he stabbed him four or five times, and then pushed him into the sea with his arms around his waist.

"Kill, kill, Zhan Mizai killed!"

Seeing his companion fall into the water, the rest of the Fu Yixing boys on the deck rushed over while picking up the guy.

Shetouwei's face suddenly changed when he heard the commotion outside.

but!Coolie Qiang had already grinned and kicked Shetouwei's fat waist, kicking him out of the control room.

After jumping up to catch up, Coolie kicked the pistol that Snake Touwei took out with his left foot, and quickly kicked with his right foot several times, breaking the lower leg bones of this scumbag's legs.

At the same time, on the deck, Ding Yunfeng has dealt with the other bad boys neatly.

With a blank expression on his face, Zhan Mi dragged a Fu Yi Xing mazai who had lost his arms and legs to the side of the boat.

Before being pushed into the sea, Zhan Mi would use a dagger to stab the opponent's spleen and heart.

He watched helplessly as these confidantes who had followed him for many years were pushed into the dark sea after being bloodletted by Zhan Mi.

Snakehead Wei dragged his two broken legs and struggled to climb towards Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, what did you do wrong? For my master Qi Jin Yalei's sake, please forgive me once!"

Ding Yunfeng stared down at Snakehead Wei with cold eyes. From the content shown in the movie, he could know that the hands of this person in front of him were covered with the blood of the compatriots on the other side!

His life is now spared just so that Hong Kong students can do it themselves.

Pfft! !

Pfft! ! !
Hearing the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, the snake head threatened to pee. After so many years of wandering around, what kind of villain has he never met?

He is a smuggler, and he is a notorious villain in the world!

But this is the first time Ding Yunfeng has met a vicious person like Ding Yunfeng who turns his face when he talks about it, and doesn't even want to know the reason...

"Brother Feng, there are seven bad guys from Fu Yixing, and now only this bastard is left." Zhan Mi panted slightly, and took the cigarette from Ding Yunfeng.

Coolie stood guard in the control room with folded arms: "Brother Feng, I have already asked him. At the current speed of the ship, the ship will be able to dock in about 10 to [-] minutes."

"Yes." Ding Yunfeng nodded.

The smuggler's mighty dead souls were terrified, lying on the deck and begging for mercy.

He even did not hesitate to explode several secret stories related to Jin Yalei, the leader of Fuyi Xing, in an attempt to show his own value, and begged Ding Yunfeng to let him go.

Zhan Mi smiled disdainfully, and wanted to do something with the dagger in his hand, but was stopped by Ding Yunfeng: "Gang Sheng, remember what I taught you, come out, and send this bastard on his way."

Hearing Ding Yunfeng's words, Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi were a little surprised, until they saw Gang Sheng who was slowly walking up from the cabin holding the black star.

Zhan Mi walked to Coolie Qiang, and said with a low laugh, "Brother Qiang, after today, we will probably have an extra sister-in-law."

"I remember you told me last time that there was a little girl named Wang Xia following Brother Feng?" Coolie scratched his head.

"Hey, it's not something we should worry about.

However, compared to the younger sister Xia, if this girl dares to shoot Snakehead Wei on the road, I would prefer her to be our sister-in-law. "

"You're right, so am I!"


Ding Yunfeng's black star was loaded this time.

Gangsheng shot Shetouwei in the head, and seeing the red and white thing exploded in front of her eyes, she vomited instantly.

Ding Yunfeng put away the black star with a smile, and Zhan Mi and Coolie Qiang hurried over to wash the floor.

The two lifted Snake Wei's body and walked to the edge of the boat. Passing by the Hong Kong student who was squatting on the deck and vomiting, they both laughed and called "Sister-in-law".

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng was so angry that he cursed and rushed to the street.

After a while, seeing that Gangsheng had almost recovered, Ding Yunfeng drew an obvious arrow on the deck with the blood on the ground, pointing directly at a wooden box wrapped in tarpaulin in the cabin.

Looking at the fishing lights ahead, Ding Yunfeng took a deep breath, jumped into the sea with the three of them, and swam towards the opposite direction of the stowaway...

(End of this chapter)

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