Chapter 582 750 kg
On the night of July 1976, 7, Shaqiao Village, Tin Shui Wai.

Several semi-old and not new licensed cars suddenly rushed out of the night and drove towards Nanshapu Wharf at high speed.

"Hurry up." Han Chen sat in the back seat of the second car, holding a walkie-talkie in one hand and a pistol in the other.

"Yes, boss."

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I've told Ah Ren to go there ahead of time. If the windmill man's boat docks, he will notify us." Cockroach held the steering wheel forcefully and replied, licking his lips.

Han Chen was expressionless: "You call and tell Ah Ren to be careful, for a while, our car is not allowed to turn off the engine, and we have to leave one person in the car.

If the situation is wrong, immediately withdraw with me! "

"Okay, Brother Chen." Cockroach wiped off his cold sweat. Han Chen's cautiousness made him a little uneasy about receiving the goods tonight.

The distance between the two places is not far, and the three cars soon arrived near the pier.

Seeing Han Chen leading someone over, Chen Yongren, who was hiding in the dark, shook his flashlight and ran up.

"Brother Chen, Brother Qiang, you are here." Chen Yongren panted slightly, his face covered with sweat.

Han Chen took out a tissue and handed it over: "Aren, wipe it off, you look too nervous. Why, haven't they come yet?"

"No, I've been staring here, and it's been more than 10 minutes since the appointed time."

"Damn, what are these windmill guys doing?" Han Chen frowned, and decisively called Ni Yongxiao: "Ni Sheng, the other party has exceeded the time limit by 10 minutes.

According to the rules, wait another 5 minutes, if they still haven't come, can we withdraw? "

"Achen, let me call and ask Luo Tuo, don't be impatient, if there is no boat coming, you should come out and enjoy the sea breeze to relax."

"Hahaha, Ni Sheng is right, it's not bad to blow the sea breeze."

Hanging up the phone, Han Chen waited for a while before receiving a call back from Ni Yongxiao.

It turns out that the cargo ship had a small breakdown an hour ago, which has been repaired and is on its way, arriving in about 15 minutes.

"Fuck, it doesn't break early, it doesn't break late, but it broke during the delivery?" After talking on the phone, Han Chen complained.

Cockroach Qiang and Chen Yongren also breathed a sigh of relief.

The former was worried that something happened to the goods, while the latter was worried that if the news was false, he would have no way to explain it to the higher authorities.

On the other side, in a small harbor not far from Nanshapu, several marine police boats were pitch black and parked quietly on the sea.

Li Shutang, Lu Qichang, Er Xiaobao, Huang Zhicheng and others were closely watching the direction of the incoming route.

Chen Yongren broke the news in advance that the Causeway Bay Police Station and the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, except for a few civilian madams who are in charge of staying at the base camp, other police officers either set up roadblocks on land to block traffic arteries, or are armed with live ammunition, and follow Superintendent Li here, ready to participate in the next fierce battle!
Beep beep...beep beep...

The telegraph on the marine police boat slowly typed out a Morse code.

Li Shutang took a look, smiled and said to the others: "The latest information, the cargo ship from the Netherlands will arrive at the scene in 15 minutes."

"Huh..." Huang Zhicheng let out a foul breath.

For tonight's operation, not only the elites of the two major police stations were mobilized, Li Shutang also invited the Flying Tigers and asked them to wear frogman equipment and lie in ambush under the sea around the pier in advance.

In case Chen Yongren's information goes wrong, Li Shutang may be fine. As the information provider, he, Huang Zhicheng, will be blamed after the incident - he will be blamed!
Nansha Pu Wharf, about 300 meters above the sea.

A large group of Flying Tigers wore frogman equipment, showing their heads on the surface of the water, watching a speedboat sailing to the pier by riding the wind and waves.

"The target appears! The target appears!"

"Got it, got it, dive close to the dock, repeat, dive close to the dock now!"

Sitting proudly in a command car with a disguised appearance, Jane put down his headset and looked at Ding Yunfeng beside him: "If Li Shutang succeeds in capturing Han Chen this time, plus the 750 kilograms of goods, the person on the other side will be very happy." It’s going to be a big hit.”

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, if Li Sir has the ability to destroy all the drug lords in Hong Kong Island, I, Ding Yunfeng, will absolutely support him." Ding Yunfeng waved his hand with a smile.

Jane proudly gave a thumbs up: "Your realm is higher, if it were me instead, I would be so pissed off."

"Come on. Stop talking nonsense with me, the audience, the pier is about to start trading, and you still don't give orders to act?"

"Banana, he's Bara!" Jane proudly muttered depressedly: "Do you know, what kind of weird order did I receive this time?

The above text requires me to obey Li Shutang's command throughout the whole process!

Ma De, since the establishment of the Flying Tigers, this is the first time I have received such an order! "

Who made Cai Yuanqi, a brother behind him, support...

Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly, and waited until Jane had finished complaining proudly, before he began to comfort the other party: "Don't be angry, this kind of thing is a special case.

I believe that one must be the same, no matter how blind the governor's government is, they will not let them mess around. "

"I hope so." Jane sighed proudly.

When Rice was the Chief of Police, the Flying Tigers led by him were so majestic and majestic!
Now that the backer has fallen, he is really more grandson than his grandson, and has been reduced to the point where he is directed by the director of Causeway Bay.

At this time, the communication device on Jian's proud body lit up. He made a gesture of silence to Ding Yunfeng, and then lowered his head and asked, "Li Sir, I am, okay, I understand!"

Picking up the headset thrown on the table, Jane shouted proudly: "Attention everyone, take action!"

With an order, a dazzling flare was raised in the direction of the pier, followed by a loud gunshot, and Li Shutang, Lu Qichang and others led their troops to surround the pier in the outer waters.

"Do you want to go and have a look at the scene?" Jian proudly put down the headset, got up and looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing: "What am I going to do? Prove that you leaked to me about tonight's action plan?"

"That's right! Apple is a watermelon, I was so confused." Jane patted her forehead proudly, pushed open the door of the command car, took a few of her men into another car, and rushed towards the battlefield.

Ding Yunfeng silently helped him close the car door, covering the compartment containing many monitoring instruments.

Based on the knowledge he learned in the England field, Brother Feng took the opportunity to study the guy who took off the Tigers.

He found that in recent years, the Hong Kong Island Police Force has been upgrading its equipment in a timely manner.

The equipment of this command vehicle is no worse than those of the ancestors' active duty.

After playing with the internal monitoring equipment, Ding Yunfeng secretly listened to the conversation between Li Shutang, Jian Yaohao and others, and soon he discovered a dumbfounding news.

There is indeed 750 kg of powder!

However, it is not white powder, but flour.

In this operation, the police were tricked by the old fan alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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