Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 583 Ah Feng, you have to stand up

Chapter 583 Ah Feng, you have to stand up
Handling cases across districts!

The two police stations join forces!

In addition, two groups of elites from the Flying Tigers AB were used!

As a result, 750 kilograms of wheat flour were found?
Not to mention Huang Zhicheng, who provided the informant, almost jumped into the sea on the spot, even Ding Yunfeng, who secretly listened to the scene through the command vehicle of the Flying Tigers, was also speechless.

Nansha Pu Wharf...

Han Chen, Cockroach Qiang, Chen Yongren and others, about a dozen of them, all put their heads in their hands and squatted in a row on the simple pier.

A few minutes ago, when the frogmen of the Flying Tigers came out of the sea with their Micro Chargers in their hands, they were so scared that they almost blew shit and pissed.

But, who would have thought,
After Brother Chen ordered everyone to raise their hands and surrender...

The situation unexpectedly took a shocking turn. The wooden box sent up by several speedboats was opened by the police force, revealing that there were bags of waterproof transparent plastic bags that looked like Miss Bai.

With the volume of goods this time, even if you come out to make soy sauce, it will take at least 10 years to start.


Brother Chen, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he squatted on the ground and made fun of the leader—why did such a big battle suddenly come out just to arrest him, an innocent citizen?
"Li Sir, every packet has been inspected. It is really the most common flour on the market. It is not from drugs." Er Xiaobao ran over sweating profusely, avoiding Li Shutang's staring eyes, and replied dejectedly.

Li Shutang glared at Huang Zhicheng, who was smoking a cigarette with his head down, with an equally embarrassed expression.

Jane snorted proudly: "Hey, I just obey orders tonight.

People, I caught it for you;

Report, I will write truthfully.

As for the black pot?

Don't expect me to help you carry it!
I suggest you guys, take advantage of the fact that the leaders of the two police stations are here, and discuss how to explain to the higher-ups tomorrow. "

With a gun and a stick, Jane proudly took the opportunity to fire a map cannon, then waved her right hand and announced to the Flying Tigers present to close the team.

Watching Jane Proudly leading his men away without turning his head, Li Shutang took a deep breath, and when he looked at Huang Zhicheng, Han Chen, who was squatting on the ground, asked with a drake voice: "Hey, how many times?" This is Sir.

If buying and selling wheat flour is not illegal on Hong Kong Island, can you help us unlock these locks first?I don't specifically want to embarrass you, but I'm worried that when my lawyer comes to see it, it will probably be even more detrimental to you! "

"Shut up, shorty Chen!
Where exactly did you disembark this batch of goods tonight, I advise you to be honest, otherwise..." Huang Zhicheng kicked Han Chen over, and Lu Qichang hurried forward to pull him away.

Han Chen struggled to get up, turned his head and spat bloody saliva: "Torture to extract a confession?
Huang Sir, this is not the era of the four major detectives, are you still playing this game? "

"Convex (响盘哒)! You bastard, don't be too arrogant!" Huang Zhicheng's eyes were like fire.

"Wheat flour is not illegal, nor is arrogance."

Seeing that Huang Zhicheng was provoked by Han Chen, several people around him couldn't hold him back.

Li Shutang strode forward and slapped him hard: "Enough! Don't you think it's not shameful enough?"

This loud slap even suppressed the sound of waves hitting the rocks.

Huang Zhicheng staggered from the beating, his cheeks became red and swollen rapidly.

Lu Qichang stopped several Tsim Sha Tsui police officers who approached angrily. Someone must be responsible for this operation.

All the information was given by Huang Zhicheng. During the operation, he patted his chest several times to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

At this moment, she became angry from embarrassment and wanted to hit someone?

If Li Shutang is not allowed to suppress him, once Han Chen asks his lawyer to pursue him, maybe the skin on Lao Huang's body will be stripped off.

"Sir, before our police have clarified the incident, I would like to ask you to go to the police station and take a statement."

Li Shutang gave Huang Zhicheng a look, and went over to help Han Chen unlock the lock: "Of course.

In my capacity as the Chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station, I guarantee that you will not be treated unreasonably during this period of time.

If you are worried, we can wait for your lawyer to come and go back to the police station together. "

Han Chen rubbed his red and swollen wrists, "Oh, what Sir said is still human!
Okay, now the TV programs are promoting the cooperation between the police and the people every day, we can cooperate, but my loss tonight..."

Seeing Han Chen smiling playfully and pointing at the powder packets scattered on the ground, Li Shutang held back his anger and replied calmly: "When the investigation of this matter is clear, we will send a special person to contact you to discuss the amount of compensation."

"That's good, that's good! Sigh, the family's conditions are difficult, and they only make a living by selling fans. It makes you laugh, Sir."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you this time."

Listening to the conversation coming from the monitoring earphones, Ding Yunfeng's complexion became more and more ugly.

A Han Chen actually made you, Li Shutang, lower your head to such an extent. If it was Ni Yongxiao or a camel, wouldn't you kneel on the spot?
"Made! Aren't you very majestic when you smoke Huang Zhicheng? Can't you just push him out to carry the pot?" Throwing away the headset, Ding Yunfeng pushed the car door and got out.

Just at this time, Jane Proud brought Anan and other members of the Flying Tigers back, and took the cigarettes from Ding Yunfeng. Jane Sir also complained non-stop.

Although the Flying Tigers were not to be blamed this time, they worked hard and got nothing in the end, which would also add a stain to the Flying Tigers.

"Banana, hell, Ah Feng, think back to the past when the two of us cooperated, how often did we not arrange the opposite side properly?

This time, all the members of the Flying Tigers were dispatched to arrange a frogman team in advance, but they found 750 kilograms of flour, and were even mocked by a fan?
No need to think about it, I know, next time I go to participate in overseas special warfare exchange activities, this operation of the Hong Kong Island Flying Tigers will definitely become a negative case..."

Jane was so proud that his lips trembled when he spoke. If the action went well, he would admit it, but the on-site action failed. Even if Li Shutang did not dare to push the Flying Tigers out to take the blame, after this time, the reputation of the Flying Tigers was ruined.

After all, you can't just confess directly that the command of this operation is not in the hands of the Flying Tigers while being laughed at.

Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if you lost your command right?
"It's alright, it's alright, everyone has been tired all day, go back to wash up and go to bed, we'll talk about things tomorrow." Ding Yunfeng patted Jane's proud shoulder and comforted him.

Jian proudly cursed and took a few steps, then suddenly turned around and looked at Ding Yunfeng: "These fans are too rampant!
Ah Feng, I think you should stand up and clean up some of them.

If you need help, you are welcome, our Flying Tigers will definitely support you! "

(End of this chapter)

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