Chapter 61 Her name is Shi Shi
Zhong Chuxiong's distribution of the money was fairly fair, and after giving some money to the leaders present, he handed the biggest share to the shit-eating dogs.

"Here, when you share the money, remember to tell the fellows.

This month, Dongxing and Lianhe have come to dredge more times. If everyone gets it, there will be a little more, and it may return to the original number next month. "

The shit-eating dog hugged the kraft paper bag tightly: "Don't worry brother Xiong, even if I don't say it, the guys will understand.

By the way, Brother Feng, on behalf of everyone, thank you.

Since you came to Stanley, everyone eats and drinks with you, and this month has raised your income..."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's puzzled face, Zhong Chuxiong waved his hand at the shit-eating dog: "Okay, okay, Ah Feng, I'll explain it for you here, you hurry down and share the money, everyone must be waiting impatiently."

To drive away the shit-eating dogs and the four heavenly kings, Zhong Chuxiong swept Ding Yunfeng down from the three major clubs last time, and later Lei Luo and Li Hao helped him out.

Now that Dongxing and the Lianhe News Agency are in charge, they can't even send in a few packs of cigarettes, so they can only send people over to dredge him up and give a rough account of the matter.

"Choose! For 3 yuan, Luotuo wants to buy me Killer Xiong?

Ah Feng, don't worry, your business is my business. If Luo Ge doesn't nod his head for a day, I will always be stuck with Dongxing and Lianhe.

It's a pity that no one in the big circle paid any attention to Han Kun's life and death.

Otherwise, we can take the opportunity to earn more..." Zhong Chuxiong let out a cheap laugh while helping Ding Yunfeng light a cigarette.

Ding Yunfeng was speechless. It turned out that the 2000 yuan he was allocated this time was still in time for a bumper harvest!

No wonder Lei Luo almost sent him to Chongguang Mental Hospital for examination when he heard that he was coming to Stanley.

But think about it carefully, in the movie, Zhong Chuxiong won the lottery and won 10 yuan, so he happily ran to Liu Yaozu's place to pretend to be aggressive.

One can imagine how poor these prison guards are.

After taking a look at this guy who is still a decent person, Ding Yunfeng suddenly opened his mouth when he thought that he would work under the other party's subordinates in the near future.

"This month, I started a small business with some friends outside. Is Brother Xiong interested in getting involved?"

"Business?" Zhong Chuxiong's eyes lit up, he quickly closed the door, then pushed Ding Yunfeng onto his seat, and massaged his shoulders with both hands.

Ding Yunfeng was already very familiar with this guy, so naturally he didn't bother to be polite to him.

While enjoying Zhong Chuxiong's massage, he talked about how he partnered with Han Bin Dinosaur, bought the secret barbecue recipe from Ou Zhaofeng who was discharged from the hospital, and opened two barbecue beer restaurants in Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing.

"Wow! The 'Da Shuang Kou Barbecue Restaurant' which has become a huge hit these days is your work again?" Zhong Chuxiong exclaimed after hearing this.

The price of civilians, spicy taste, cold beer.

The recently opened Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant in Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing has become a holy place for late-night snacks for young and Dangerous people on Hong Kong Island these days.

Zhong Chuxiong is famous to have been there several times, and saw with his own eyes the prosperous scene of nearly a hundred tables filled from the inside of the store to the roadbed outside.

"That's right! It's the Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant. Due to the booming business, Han Bin and Dinosaur are already too busy.

Coolie Qiang recently took over Long Gen's business, one of which is in Mong Kok, and I plan to partner with him to open a new store, 20 or [-].

I'll help you put in some money to save the house price from rising in the future. The dignified Stanley Correctional Officer doesn't even have the money to buy a building. "

"Okay! Brother Feng is willing to give me a chance. I'm a killer, so I'm going to take this bus anyway!" Zhong Chuxiong made a decision on the spot.

His old man opened a store near Stanley, and he mortgaged it to make up for it, and there is still a hundred thousand or so.

Seeing Zhong Chuxiong who couldn't sit still and immediately rushed home to raise money, Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly.

In the movie, Zhong Chuxiong and Qian Wendi cooperated and went through untold hardships to finally help Robinson bring down Liu Yaozu. In the end, he actually got a check that was postponed for four years?

Isn't this bullying the honest person?

With Zhong Chuxiong's IQ, after four years, can he find Qian Wendi, a group of cheaters?

What's more, the check extension can only be extended for a maximum of 10 days...

Ding Yunfeng walked out of his office while thinking about interesting things related to Zhong Chuxiong. He was about to go to the prison area for inspection, but was stopped by a shit-eating dog on the way.

"Brother Feng. There is a girl named Wang Xia outside, and a big stupid man named A Xiang came to look for you. The two said that they had made an appointment with you in advance."

"That's right, I know him. Brother Gou, that Ah Xiang is Dasha's son, please come and ask Dasha to come over to meet him in the visiting room." Ding Yunfeng nodded and said.

"Dasha still has family members? All right, Brother Feng, I'll call someone right now."


Ding Yunfeng came to the visiting room first, and saw Wang Xia wearing a dress sitting on a wooden chair by the wall. A Xiang was anxious and paced back and forth in front of her.

"Brother Feng!" Seeing Ding Yunfeng, Wang Xia stood up happily, but when she remembered something, she bit her lip aggrievedly, and stopped in her tracks.

Ding Yunfeng walked through the iron gate next to him, hugged Wang Xia and said with a smile, "What? Why are you suddenly angry?"

"No, no." Wang Xia was a little flustered. Seeing this, Ah Xiang shouted angrily, "You already have Xiaoxia, why is there still a mainland girl named Shi Shi living at home?"

Ding Yunfeng was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. When he set the direction of the smuggling boat, he brought Hong Kong Sheng, Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi back from swimming.

Although they each carried the lifebuoy on the boat before they dived, Hong Kong students started to run out of energy halfway through the swim.

In that situation, Ding Yunfeng, as a sympathetic handsome boy, naturally couldn't just leave him dead.

In the process of saving lives, there will be a series of plots that will be scolded by the readers once they are written, which is naturally very reasonable!
Back on the shore, homeless, and in the water again, Gang Sheng, who had practiced flirtatious swords and affectionate knives with Ding Yunfeng, naturally lived in his home.

As for why the Hong Kong student changed his name to Shi Shi, it was the next day that Man Han Lou Ou Zhaofeng was discharged from the hospital.

Ou Zhaofeng, who thought he couldn't offend Han Bin, immediately sent Zhao Gangsheng a secret barbecue recipe.

Seeing two Hong Kong students, a man and a woman, Ding Yunfeng, who was about to apply for a Hong Kong identity certificate for his girlfriend, immediately suggested that she change her name.

There is no other reason, the same boys, some handsome boys are so handsome that they can bend people, Ding Yunfeng is afraid that his sexual orientation will cause problems.

However, to Ding Yunfeng's surprise, Hong Kong student actually gave himself the name Shi Shi...

"Brother Xiang, don't talk nonsense. No one has ever blamed Brother Feng..." Wang Xia mumbled, interrupting Ding Yunfeng's recollection.

Ah Xiang scratched his head angrily when he heard this, but when he met Ding Yunfeng's cold gaze, this guy immediately gave up.

At this time, opposite the glass of the visiting room, Dasha was happily brought over by the shit-eating dog.

Seeing a young man whose appearance was [-]% similar to himself standing in front of Ding Yunfeng with his head bowed, he hurried to the viewing window, picked up the receiver and shouted in horror.

"Boxing King Peak, what's the matter, you come at me! The grievances in the world, don't reach your family, don't mess with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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