Chapter 62

Facing his father whom he hadn't seen for many years, Ah Xiang froze on the spot, Ding Yunfeng pushed him, and took Wang Xia to leave through the side door, leaving room for their father and son to communicate.


Taking Wang Xia around Stanley, Ding Yunfeng guessed that the visiting time was almost up, so he took her back to the visiting room.

Unexpectedly, the guard in the visiting room told me.

Just when the two left, Ah Xiang and Dasha cried through the glass. About a few minutes ago, Ah Xiang left alone.

"Brother Xiang, he really is, why didn't he wait for me?" Wang Xia frowned and muttered.

Ding Yunfeng patted her on the back of her head: "Ah Xiang wants to save face, why don't you see him crying and red eyes? All right, I'll call a car, and I'll take you home first."

Wang Xia would rather stay with Ding Yunfeng for a while longer, but she also knew that Brother Feng was at work, and she couldn't go in Stanley Prison, so she could only nod in frustration with her little face.

When they got into the car, the two let out a sigh.

However, this time it was Ding Yunfeng's turn to take the initiative. A passionate kiss made Wang Xia short of breath, and her big watery eyes were full of spring.

"Okay, stop thinking about it in the future, and I will take you out to play next time you are on vacation." Ding Yunfeng closed the car door and said with a smile.

Wang Xia nodded repeatedly with a red face, and the taxi driver, who ate a mouthful of dog food, scolded Ding Yunfeng for being a beast while stepping on the gas pedal.

The taxi door was closed, and it left Stanley quickly.

"Hey, why are you like this?"

"What is it like this!! Little sister, don't be fooled by these little white faces."

"My wife is happy, you care about me?"


the other side.

Hearing that Dasha's family members came to visit the prison, all the inmates in the same cell as him talked about it.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, be more careful, the silly brother is in a bad mood, but he will hit people."

"Choose! Want you to remind? Didn't you see that we were all lying on the bed and pretending to be dead?"

"Damn! You don't show loyalty, you pretend to be dead without notifying..."

A few prisoners who had no social background hid on the bed one after another, only Da Mi and Sha Biao were sitting with a group of younger brothers to discuss the matter.

The cell door was opened by the prison guards, Dasha walked in without saying a word, bowed his head.

Da Mi smiled coldly, and walked up with a few of his subordinates, Shabiao knew that Da Mi was going to make trouble again, so he gave a contemptuous pooh.

Dasha has a bad temper and a narrow mind. In the past, he often had conflicts with other associations. The United Association was the weakest in combat power, and he often took care of him.

Big Mi sees that Dasha is in a bad mood, and this is to take the opportunity to provoke and lure Dasha to take the initiative.

At that time, no matter whether the two sides win or lose, Stanley will definitely add a few months to Dasha's sentence.

Compared with the group of them who had to sit in prison in Stanley, Dasha was arrested by the police and locked up in order to protect the leading camel of Dongxing.

These years, Luo Tuo has been looking for someone to clear it up outside. If it wasn't for Dasha's frequent troubles here, I'm afraid his sentence would have been commuted long ago.

"Hey, Brother Dasha, are you crying? Why? There are still people in your family haha..." Da Mi led someone to stop Dasha, looked around and laughed with her hips on her hips.

Dasha buried his head and said nothing, his fists were tense.

Seeing this, Da Mi secretly took a step back. Although Dasha is stupid, his fist is not light.

After a while, just shout 'everyone go' to yourself.

If you stand in the front, even if you are a fool, you will definitely be sent to the hospital to lie in bed for a few days afterwards, and it will be too much for the loss.

Dasha stopped a few Dongxing boys, looked up and stared at Da Mi: "Why are you eating shit and not brushing your teeth?
My son met me today, I'm in a good mood, I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you gangsters of the United Association, get out! "

"Convex (艹盘哗)! Dasha, who do you think is Dansan?" Da Mi raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

He couldn't withdraw the club's signboard, otherwise, the gang behind him would no longer support him.

"What? Whoever responds will be the one!"
Da Mi, according to the rules of the world, don't treat your family.

Aren't you an old man without a mother?I just want to ask for a fight when I open my mouth, it's so under-convex. "

Dasha recognized his son, and he was worried. He would not be fooled by Da Mi, and he opened his mouth to retaliate, but he was unwilling to take the initiative.

Not to mention, Dasha's sentimental remarks did not intend to gain the sympathy of many inmates in the same warehouse!

Being in prison is very lonely, and everyone usually relies on missing relatives outside to relieve depression...

Seeing that everyone looked over with unfriendly eyes, Da Mi bit her cheek and dared not respond, but he couldn't save face if he was to bow his head like this.

At this time, Shabiao came up with a cigarette in his mouth and brought a few boys.

Pushing Da Mi away forcefully, Sha Biao pointed at his nose and cursed: "Da Mi, what the hell, I'm warning you, today is a good day for father and son to meet each other.

If you make trouble again, I will lead someone to turn you over, everyone will be sentenced to life imprisonment, who is afraid of whom! "

"Choose! Shabiao, do you want to help Dasha out? Are you confused? You were beaten by him in the cafeteria last week."

"I'll get back to the canteen sooner or later, but I'm a fool, I'm helping Daoyi today!!!

Bastard, do you think everyone is as inhuman as you?Get out, if you don't get out of the way, I'll bring someone to beat you right away! "Sha Biao stared at a pair of round eyes, pressing every step of the way.

The people from Liansheng and Liansheng clenched their fists silently, and even some people with small prints also stood up with a cold face.

"Okay, okay! You idiots, just don't regret it..." Big Mi couldn't bear the pressure, put down a few harsh words, and led the little brother back to their respective beds in desperation.

Sha Biao yelled at him, took out half a pack of cigarettes and stuffed it to Da Sha: "Today is your good day, half a pack of cigarettes is your gift."

After saying that, Sha Biao turned around and left with others, and other inmates came up one after another.

There are three or five more, and one or two less.

Dasha quickly filled his hands with cigarettes. With red eyes, he thanked everyone for the first time, and then distributed the cigarettes to everyone.

When Da Mi saw this scene, he naturally said some acid words, but at this moment, no one wanted to talk to him anymore.


Silent all night.

The next day when Ding Yunfeng went to work, his staff came to report and Dasha asked to see him.

"Okay, you go and bring him here." Ding Yunfeng helped Dasha father and son get to know each other, just waiting for this moment.

Dasha came over quickly, and he stood in front of Ding Yunfeng somewhat awkwardly.

Although he typed up a lot of drafts that night, he was not good at words, when things came to an end, he opened his mouth several times, but he was always speechless.

"Okay! If you want to thank me, then it goes without saying.

Ah Xiang and Xiaoxia know each other, and since I know about you, I gave him a few words.

Luo Tuo, he is quite nostalgic, and has been helping you move around all these years.

Starting today, don't make trouble. Normally, you will be able to go out in about five years. "Ding Yunfeng unwrapped a pack of lucky tickets, shook out one and tapped it, and threw the rest to Dasha.

Dasha hurriedly took it, he lit a cigarette and took a few puffs, finally calmed down.

"Brother Feng, the last time I fought with you at the stadium, if you hadn't stopped me, I would have been shot in the head by Sir Zhong. You don't remember villains, and this time you helped us recognize our father and son!
I will remember this friendship forever!

In the future, if you have orders, just talk, I will never refuse. "

(End of this chapter)

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