Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 63 Master Qi wants to help Qizai stand out

Chapter 63 Master Qi wants to help Qizai stand out
Dasha took a few puffs of cigarettes to refresh himself, and finally said what he had been thinking about all night.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng smiled, stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, when you do things in the future, think about your son more.

Okay, you go back, Dongxing's supplies, I will ask Brother Xiong to let them go, just don't fight all day and make trouble for me. "

Dasha grinned when he heard the words, and kept patting his chest at Ding Yunfeng to express his loyalty.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help but get up and drive him away when he found that Dasha brother came and went with just a few words.

Dasha left Ding Yunfeng's office and returned to the prison happily. While asking Shabiao to smoke, he told his subordinates that the supplies of the club will be restored soon.


at the same time.

In Fuyi Xingtuo, Jin Yalei smashed his beloved purple sand teapot angrily: "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake? The last person Weizai contacted was Coolie Qiang from Liansheng?"

Seeing the furious sitting in the hall, several Fuyixing young and Dangerous boys who were in charge of collecting wind on the road, nodded quickly and said-this is absolutely true!
Because, beside the coolie student Zhan Mizai, they found the Hong Kong student who had escaped from the snake head Wei before.

This girl changed her name to Shi Shi, and these days, she has been accompanying Zhan Mizai, going back and forth to help out at two Dashuangkou barbecue restaurants.

"What the hell! That's right! Coolie must have fallen in love with this girl, and then she got hurt by her lust..." Jin Yalei patted the table in front of him vigorously.


The few Fu Yixing who were present at the scene curled their lips secretly. When it comes to a word of sex, who in the world can compare with you father and son?

Over the years, Snakehead Wei has often offered women to play with your golden tooth thunder, right?
There are even a few stables controlled by you, Jin Yalei, who have not left the club, and have been supplied by you, Qi Zi, all the time!

If it wasn't for your Jin Yalei's dirty ass, how would that bastard Snakehead Wei dare to use Fu Yixing's signboard to do evil things that are not even morally contemptible?
Jin Yalei naturally noticed that he had been conniving at the snake head, and many people in the gang couldn't see it.

Looking at the man sitting in the last picture on the left seat, Jin Yalei shouted: "Ah Qing!"

The brawny man, who was shirtless and only wore a sweat towel around his neck, stood up with his fists in his hands: "Grandpa, I'm here."

The history is green, and Fuyi is a red stick.

He was originally a coolie on a pier under the name of Fu Yixing.

One day, with a sweat towel soaked in water, he defeated more than a dozen thugs from other societies who came to grab the territory. Since then, he has been appreciated by Jin Yalei and accepted as a disciple.

Coolie Qiang hadn't switched gears before, so he was competing with him for the big bottom seat.

"You take my name card, go to Tuodi with Liansheng, and ask Fei Deng.

How does he want to give us Fu Yixing an explanation for this matter? "

"Okay! I'll go right away."

Han Jinqing glanced fiercely at the other Fu Yixing Dadi who didn't make a sound, and took the two leading horses, Hong in short shirt and Li in water pants, and charged aggressively at Tuodi, who was winning with Liansheng.


When Deng Bo received Jin Yalei's letter, he looked at Han Jinqing blankly: "There is no basis for what you say, the reputation of Snakehead Wei is so bad, this person will be embarrassing sooner or later.

Live without people, dead without corpses.

Just based on your one-sided words, you want me, Fat Deng, to hand over a student to deal with you?

Did Jin Yalei lose his mind?When we and Liansheng's 5 brothers are all paper? "

Compared to Jin Yalei who was always yelling and smashing things, Deng Bo didn't get angry and didn't speak loudly, but as soon as he finished speaking, Shuang Fan Dong, Huo Niu and others all pushed aside their chairs and stood up.

The full six and the pressure from Liansheng's big bottom scared the short shirt Hong and the water trousers Li to take a step forward, vigilantly protecting the big brother's historical wings.

Han Jinqing was not a single-minded reckless guy like Dasha, he pushed away two of his subordinates, clasped his fists and said, "Dun Bo, this matter must be resolved no matter what!

If the coolie has a clear conscience, then we both make an appointment at a time and a place, and explain everything clearly.

If brother Qiang was wronged, we, Fu Yixing, have the backbone to set up 66 tables and wine. Now that there is no Qizi in my restaurant, he will definitely ask us to do things.

At that time, the two clubs will fight each other, and I'm afraid it will alarm Brother Luo..."

"Convex (哉盘哉)! Brother Luo came out to suppress us? Lai Touwei is on the street, it is his fate, based on these rumors, you want to ask our red stick to come out and talk?"

"There is no physical evidence, no witnesses, not even a corpse! History, we will not agree to your request."

Chuan Bao and Fei Hua also shook their heads in objection.

Everyone can fight whatever they want at home, but at this moment when innocent people step on the door, He Liansheng must always be open to the outside world, otherwise people's hearts will be scattered.

"Deng Bo, what do you always say? If you and Lian Sheng decide not to talk, then I will truthfully reply to my house?" Han Jinqing threw the problem to Deng Bo.

Deng Bo squinted a pair of fierce eyes, stared at the scarf, and said with a sudden smile: "We can talk, but we have to talk on my terms!"

"Grandpa!" Shuangfandong and the others were taken aback.

Deng Bo waved his hand to stop a few people, looked at the vigilant Han Jinqing and said slowly: "With just a little suspicion, you want our red stick to tell you, Fu Yixing must show some sincerity first, right? "

"Dun Bo, tell me, Ah Qing, listen."

"Okay! If Ah Qiang really did this, we will definitely give you an explanation.

But if he is wronged by you, He Liansheng doesn't need Fu Yi Xing for the first drink, but you have to use the wharf in Yuen Long to make an apology to Ah Qiang. "

As soon as Deng Bo's words fell, Chuanbao and others all applauded.

From their point of view, coolie has no motive at all to get rid of a smuggler who ran away from a stowaway!
If you have the opportunity to earn a pier in Fu Yixing for free, you can count on it!

Big deal, on the day of the negotiation, the six present and Liansheng Dadi all sent some horse boys out to help the coolies hold on to the situation.

It costs 30 yuan per head, and everyone pays 100 people, and the maximum is only 3000 yuan. A total of 600 horses are collected for the coolies to be strong and powerful, super majestic.

"Dun Bo, your condition is not something I can decide. I have to ask my family."

"Please go ahead, there is a telephone downstairs, we will wait for you for 5 minutes."

"it is good!"


Han Jinqing quickly contacted Jin Yalei, who hesitated for a moment.

At this time, there was a sycophant who wanted to take advantage of the smuggler's prestige to get on the street. He seized the opportunity to brag in Jin Yalei's ear how beautiful that Shi Shi who was by Jamie's side was.

For the sake of face and the woman, Jin Yalei gritted his teeth and agreed.

The bosses of the two parties reached an agreement, and agreed to have a lecture at Yunlai Tea House at noon the next day, but the coolie forced the party to receive the notice at last.

"Ah Qiang, don't worry, the association will definitely support you in this matter!

After discussing with everyone, a total of 600 horses will be sent to give you a strong reputation!

Tomorrow, I, Fei Hua and Leng Lao will come out with the top horse and my subordinates to challenge you.

At that time, everyone, in front of Fu Yixing's group of people rushing to the street, explain exactly where you have been these few days!

With a few of us here, Jin Yalei won't be able to wrong you if he comes here! "

Chuan Bao slapped his chest loudly, but did not notice Coolie Qiang's increasingly ugly complexion.

Zhan Mi hastily pressed Coolie Qiang's shoulder, and took up the conversation with a smile: "Thank you, Uncle Chuanbao, thank you uncles.

My big brother is not afraid of the slanting shadow, but I would like to trouble all the uncles, don't let the group of eggs on the opposite side turn their fingers into a horse. "

While talking, Jimmy took out the banknotes...

"If it wasn't for that pier, I've been thinking about it for a long time. This time, we don't even need to talk to them.
Uncle is leaving first, and tomorrow I will definitely bring the best fighters there.

If we can't reach an agreement then, if we want to fight, we will fight, and I will be happy for the mother-in-law's blessing! "

While selling Dun Bo, Chuan Bao put away the banknotes from Zhan Misai, his face was more excited than that of coolie Qiang.

Sending off Chuanbao, Zhanmi came back with a serious expression.

Shi Shi stood up nervously: "What should I do? Things are getting so big now, do you want to tell Brother Feng?"

"No need!" Coolie stood up with his fists clenched, "I have to find Brother Feng for everything, aren't we all useless?
Zhan Mi, take the money and go shake people.

This matter, I have worked hard to carry it! "

 Thanks to Gaoye readers 1464190212798582784 Qian Ren Chen Yingjun 12121 I can’t write down the reward titles here.
(End of this chapter)

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