Chapter 64
How to carry it?
Use your two lives to carry it?

Brother Qiang, you transferred to Liansheng from another club. I was a street vendor a year ago.

At the beginning, Fat Deng looked at Brother Luo and accepted you as a student on the surface, which indeed gave you status in the world.

However, in just one year, your background as a coolie is too weak, and there are not enough [-] underlings who dare to fight and kill!
If the talks are settled tomorrow, it's okay if the two sides can't fight...

In case the conversation fails, the 600 bad boys hired by the six members of the club at the expense of money will surely disperse if the other side charges.

What's more, the string of explosions just now has been released: this time, the association could have pushed Fu Yixing back.

It's just that Fat Deng took a fancy to Fu Yixing's pier in Yuen Long, so he took advantage of this conflict to take the pier from the other party's hands.

Jimmy smiled wryly while lighting a cigarette.

Coolie Qiang saw that he was standing still, and asked with staring eyes, "What's the matter? Don't you have any money?"

After saying that, Coolie opened the drawer and put seven stacks of banknotes on the table.

Seeing this, Zhan Mi was speechless, and waved his hand in annoyance: "Brother Qiang, we have to face this time, but Fu Yixing, who has nearly ten thousand people.

It's okay if you don't fight, you really want to start fighting.

No matter how much money you spend to win people, those people are unreliable. No one is so stupid as to risk their lives for 30 yuan. "

"Don't be afraid! Didn't the club send three big bosses to support us?
Chuanbao, Feihua, and Lenglao all spared their lives, and they would definitely bring the winner and the worst beater to go there. Coolie patted his chest, full of confidence.

Called Zhan Mi Yaoren, Coolie is strong only for the sake of safety, he himself does not believe that Fu Yixing will start a war with himself because of an embarrassing smuggler.

Explosive, fat and cold?
These three eggs are scattered at the bottom, just blow water and fart them.

The last time he got drunk in Tuodi, he also said that he would lead the gang to the moon!
The bosses are all eggs, and the younger brothers are even more unreliable.

Now Fat Dengbupai and Liansheng can really fight Shuangfandong, Huoxingu and Shuaigou, but throw these three pieces of useless firewood.

here! ! !
If there is no calculation, I, Zhan Mi, will never do business again.

Finding it difficult for him to communicate with Coolie, Zhan Mi was too lazy to say anything, and planned to send Shi Shi back to Ding Yunfeng's home, and then go to Stanley to find Brother Feng to discuss a proper solution.

"Zhan Mizai, if you dare to tell Brother Feng secretly about this matter, you and I will have nothing to do in the future." Coolie yelled at the backs of the two of them.

Zhan Mi paused, turned around and smiled wryly at Coolie Qiang: "Okay, Brother Qiang, since you've made up your mind, I'll think about what to do after I send my sister-in-law home."

"Good brother, I knew it, you must support me!!!" Coolie Qiang grinned.

He quickly picked up the money on the table, put it in a sack, caught up with Zhan Mi, and forced it to him: "Here is 7 yuan, you use it first.

You tell those people that if the fight starts tomorrow.

We promise to pay enough for soup and medicine,

Those who die will get pensions, and those who are injured will get bonuses! "

Zhan Mi had no choice but to accept it.

Coolie Qiang had finished talking here, and he couldn't do anything if he didn't agree.

Fortunately, He Liansheng's side is not strong enough, Hong Xing still has two acquaintances who can help.

Regardless of Han Bin or dinosaurs, this time through the cooperation of Dashuangkou BBQ.

Zhan Mi got along well with these two Hongxing sub-district talkers. If the money is in place and Brother Feng's face is added, these two will definitely not die!
Time was running out, so Zhan Mi drove Shi Shi back to Ding Yunfeng's newly bought apartment.

Before Shi Shi got out of the car, he said worriedly: "Zhan Mi, I think it's best to tell Brother Feng about this matter."

"Sister-in-law, you have seen it all. Brother Qiang has become determined after eating the weight." Zhan Mi shook his head with a wry smile.

Waving his hand to stop Shi Shi who wanted to speak, Zhan Mi explained in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, you don't know that Brother Qiang is able to get to where he is today, almost all because of Brother Feng behind his back.

Recently, Brother Feng is also planning to help Brother Qiang open another Dashuangkou barbecue restaurant in Mong Kok.

These days, if you are watching by my side, you must know how much money Han Bin and Dinosaur made with Dashangkou.

To be honest, Brother Qiang owes Brother Feng too much, and he is no better than me who can help Brother Feng manage his business all day long.

Even if he doesn't say anything, I can still see that he is very stressed. He is afraid that if he doesn't do something, he won't even be qualified to stand beside Brother Feng. "

When Shi Shi heard this, she stopped talking.

Comparing her heart with her heart, just like she followed Ding Yunfeng, isn't she trying to follow Zhan Mi to learn how to do business these days, striving for a man who can help her earlier?

Coolie Qiang is He Liansheng's red stick, a figure at the level of a big brother in the world.

Being unable to repay Ding Yunfeng's kindness all the time, the coolie is embarrassing enough, if he can't even handle the snake head this time, he will probably look down on himself.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Brother Qiang and I will find a way to solve this matter.

Brother Feng, don't tell him unless it is absolutely necessary. "Zhan Mi gave Shi Shi some instructions, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and turned to Kwai Tsing.


And Lianshengtuodi.

Deng Bo bowed his head and drank his tea. Shuang Fan Dong, Huo Niu and Shan Gou sat opposite him in a fan shape.

"Do you want to ask why I didn't send you to help Ah Qiang?" Putting down the teacup, Deng Bo said lightly.

"Sit in the restaurant! This time, it's obvious that Fu Yixing is making trouble for no reason!
Let me see, what a fart, if you want to hit, hit it!
Coolie Qiang was able to switch files back then, but Brother Luo came forward in person.

Once things get serious, Luo Ge will definitely stand with us and Liansheng! "Shuangfandong's temperament is like a fire, he may not be used to coolie strong, but he is even more upset about being stepped on by Fu Yixing.

Fire Bull is wearing a black Tang shirt, with a running mad cow tattooed on its majestic chest: "A Dong is right, a medium-sized society with less than 2 people has no evidence, and if you send a red stick, you dare to step on it." come to your door?
Rushing to the street, Jin Yalei, he really thinks that we and Liansheng [-] brothers are blowing it up?

Grandpa, if you want the pier in Yuen Long, everyone just fight over and grab it!

You were here just now, so it's not good for everyone to question you, but in my opinion, this time we agreed to talk about numbers, which will make the Taoists think that we and Liansheng are timid. "

"The two big brothers are right, Grandpa, we really can't figure it out." Shuaigou nodded repeatedly.

After hearing the complaints from the three generals under his command, Fat Deng said calmly, "Associations need balance!

Who are A Qiang and Zhan Mi? I believe they had the backbone last time, and everyone can see it. "

"This..." The three of Shuangfandong froze upon hearing this.

Bad Dog murmured in a low voice: "Although I said that, Coolie Qiang usually doesn't feel sorry for the society. He didn't shirk once..."

"I know, but I still want to emphasize that the association must be balanced and cannot be dominated by one family.

He Liansheng will change every two years. I am in this position, and I am confident that I can overwhelm Aqiang.

But when I retire next year, with the coolies backed by Zhan Mi and Boxing King Peak, can the six of you hold him back?

Don't forget, to a certain extent, behind Ah Qiang, it can even be said that there is a big Buddha named Luo Ge! "

(End of this chapter)

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