Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 615 I recognize money but not people

Chapter 615 I recognize money but not people
Coolie Qiang started a fight with the head of the Lian Sheng Ding Department, and the hall masters of all districts rushed out of the bed overnight to shake people.

"Brother Qiang is the first time to open his mouth to take us out for a ride, can you drive faster!"

"Boss, it's already the fastest. Didn't you see the traffic jam ahead?"

"Hey, Hujie from behind, I warn you not to honk your horn again, be careful when I get out of the car and kill you!"

"Brother Wei, is it you?"

"Xue Xuehua, so it's you kid?" Niu Shiwei, who stuck his head out from the skylight and cursed the street, put on a smile, opened the car door and got out: "Brother Qiang shakes people, of course I want to come."

"I am both!
Hush, Wei Ge, look, this is the first time I participated in this kind of event, and I only found two water pipes at home. Will this not be photogenic enough? Student Hua complained, pointing to the two water hoses in the back seat of the car.

Niu Shiwei took the cigarette he handed over, sneered and opened the trunk of his BMW: "Water hose?
Are you kidding me, come and pick it up and use it.

But I heard that Brother Dong, Brother Big D and Brother Jifei brought people in to fight at 10 o'clock.

All of a sudden, brother Qiang shook people in the middle of the night, and I couldn't see Hong, so I definitely wouldn't withdraw my troops.

The two of you just bring two rusty hoses for your lungs? "

"Wow! Wei Ge, these knives of yours are so beautiful!" Xue Hua threw away the water pipes in the car and chose two machetes. When he saw a box of sulfuric acid bottles next to him, he grabbed two and hung them on his belt.

"Hmph, do you think I'm your brother who joined the club later?
I, Niushiwei, have followed Brother Qiang since he was in Laofu.

Back then, Brother Luo arranged for us to shift gears and win consecutive victories. Although I have not been able to hold a job these years, I have been working with Brother Qiang, and I have bought a house and a car to get a full meal.

Hey, if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

I have prepared for such a day, not to mention a few knives, just...

By the way, do you want a lime bag? "

"Yes, I was in school, on the shot team."


Similar scenes happened in many places on this street.

Since He Liansheng has gradually turned into a regular business in the past few years, there are fewer uneducated and uneducated members who joined later.

Most of them are young people with family difficulties, who cannot afford to go to a good university, and are unwilling to work as coolies on the dock or in the fruit bar.

Most of these people are engaged in clerical work, and they say they are out to hang out, but in fact, many of them are doing white-collar jobs.

It's just that, compared to their colleagues who get off work in Central, they have to go to coolie boxing gyms to practice fighting skills after get off work, and sometimes they have to play guest managers or finances in various night shows with Streak.

To say it bluntly is not thorough, but to say it black is a bit wronged.

In Ding Yunfeng's words, this is a person in the gray way!
This group of hooligans in suits are all capable of writing and martial arts, but they lack actual combat experience.

Ding Yunfeng ordered the fight tonight, and he also had the idea of ​​training the new blood.

Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, and Chen Yaoqing stood in the lobby with cold faces.

When the hall masters or little bosses entered the door and saw the three of them, they all straightened up and stood behind the three of them with fists in their hands.

Replacing Huo Niu, he became the head of the new punishment hall master. He held a brush in one hand and a roster in the other to sketch.

"Brother Qiang, it's time." Jimmy glanced at the clock and reminded in a low voice.

Coolie turned around and looked at dozens of middle-level clubs: "There are people in Tsim Sha Tsui who want to take advantage of us and Lian Sheng. Fu Yixing's eggs are just bait, and they are really hiding behind. There are a dozen gangs, big and small. .

The above meaning, ignore the few people in front of you blocking the way.

Before dawn, if Tsim Sha Tsui is uniform, then it must be uniform.Got it! "

"Understood!" After hearing the news, Chuanbo, who rushed over first, immediately took the lead in talking.

"Whoever dares to reach out, just one word - kill!"

"Convex (艹盘哉) turn over those gangs and attack the street, and take down Tsim Sha Tsui!"

Seeing that even the half-retired Uncle Chuanbao was so brave, the others were naturally not to be outdone, and clamored loudly.

Coolie nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the big head beside him: "After the incident, the punishment hall will find out whether those people who did not come are really unable to leave."

"Well, I know what's in my heart. However, neither Zuoguan nor Changmao came..."



Leaving Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi in charge of logistics, Coolie set off with a large number of people.

For a time, there were thousands of young and Dangerous boys with guys on the street.

The police officers in charge of patrolling the streets at night in various districts were all scared pale by He Liansheng and the gang. They rushed to call the main station, asking for support from above.

On the other side, the battle situation in Tsim Sha Tsui is also heating up.

Knocking the plane away with his shoulder, Jiang Wuxiong, the number gang red stick, held Dongguan Tsai with a knife and slashed. While retreating with his strength, he also slashed the chest of the weakest big D with a knife.

Staggering back a few steps, Big D was supported by the getting up plane.

After wiping the bloody knife marks on his chest, Big D cursed in amazement: "Damn, if I hadn't avoided it in time, I wouldn't have been cut open by you?"

"Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. I am a person who recognizes money but not people." Jiang Wuxiong replied flatly.

The plane replied blankly: "Oh, you are the number gang, and you are adding money to the hidden words!"

"The pile of money is just the pile of money. I don't need anyone to cover it up for me. Anyway, I'm the only one with the whole prefix." Jiang Wuxiong looked at the plane with a shameless expression on talking about money.

Dongguan boy let out a shit, pointed at the other party with a knife and scolded: "How much money those people gave you, our big D will double it! You don't love money, so I will give you double now, and I will hire you to fuck you!" Those people..."

"I'm sorry, if you receive money to do something, you have to start well and end well!
Today I was bought by you halfway, and tomorrow no one will dare to hire me to do things. "Jiang Wuxiong thought for a moment, then shook his head decisively.

The plane came up with two daggers in hand: "Wei Wen and I will stay and deal with him, and you and Big D, Dongguan boy, will deal with the gang of Yong Zidui who are attacking the streets."

"Okay!" Glancing at his watch, Dongguan Tsai nodded in response, and rushed over with Big D.

Jia Qianwu wanted to go over to stop him, and the plane and Weiwen went up to catch him side by side, especially the latter, Jiang Wuxiong's face changed drastically as soon as he made a move.

"Made, if it wasn't for the limited time tonight, I would definitely stay here to hate Takeo Yumiko for rushing to the street!
A pile of money with the initials of one person, huh?
Pick, others love money and love it on the face, but he loves money but puts it on his head, it's not good to see it! "Dong Guanzai complained while running.

Big D followed behind him with a group of youngsters, gasping for breath: "Don't complain, save some strength to kill people.

After rushing through Carnarvon Road, it will be a real road.

That place used to be the territory of the niggers, but now it is occupied by loyal people. According to what Bai Toubin said, the ambush is over there! "

(End of this chapter)

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