Chapter 616 Can't beat it
Lian Haodong would look in the direction of the street every 10 seconds or so, Ah Zou was standing behind him smoking a cigarette silently, dropping a lot of cigarette butts at his feet.

Compared to laying down the nigger territory, the little brothers who think they are bad, and are now busy blowing water.

The two leaders knew very well in their hearts how much pressure Lian Haolong had to bear when Zhong Xinyi took the lead this time.

Don't look at the fact that half of Tsim Sha Tsui is not a big place, this is fighting for meat in the bowl of Streak!

With the momentum of the past few years and the winning streak on the road, if it weren't for the camels giving too much this time, Zhong Xinyi really didn't want to be a gunman for the Fan League.

"Brother Dong, and Lian Sheng's people have taken back the territory of Guohua and Gandhi.

Now the plane was stopped by Jia Qianwu, leaving Dongguan Zai and Big D with dozens of people to kill us. "A boy in charge of the lookout quickly rushed to Lian Haodong and said.

Lian Haodong straightened his face, grabbed his collar and asked, "Have you seen it clearly? Just the two of them with dozens of people?"

"Brother Dong, I watched very carefully. There are at most 40 people, and except for Dongguan Tsai, the hall master in Tsim Sha Tsui, everyone else looks very tired."

"Okay!" Lian Haodong finally let go of what he had been worrying all night.

Patting Ma Tsai on the cheek, he turned around and smiled at Ah Wu, "We have 100 people on the table, and Dongguan Boy only brought 40 people.

Counting a big D who was holding back, there were 39 real combat power left, and they were all tired soldiers who had fought bloody battles all the way.

In my opinion, there is no need to use ambushes. With the two of us working together, it is enough to turn the opposite side. "

Ah Wu frowned: "This is not good...

Before we came here, the eldest brother had given orders.

We are loyal and loyal. Will we be able to do business in Tsim Sha Tsui in the future?

One does not rely on the promises of the camel, and the other does not rely on whether it can hold the territory tonight!
Instead, it depends on whether we can capture a few hall masters like Dongguan Boy alive tonight, so that he will have the cards to talk to Ding Yunfeng..."

"Cut! My elder brother's cautious temperament, is it the first day you know him?
Hey, now 100Vs39!
In this way, we need to use ambushes, how will you and I go out to hang out in the future?" Lian Haodong interrupted Ah Wu impatiently.

Ah Wu was a little dissatisfied, but thinking of Lian Haolong's indulgence to Lian Haodong, he swallowed his rebuttal, and sighed helplessly: "I'm also worried that I will be blamed by the elder brother for making my own decisions afterwards."

"Afterwards, I'm a big boss, you blame me, so it's okay for the head office?" Lian Haodong wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a name for himself by stepping on Dongguan Boy and Big D, and patted his chest on the spot.

Seeing that Ah Wu was agitated, Lian Haodong put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Okay, help me once.

Let me do something to show my big brother, and at the same time prove to the Tao that I, A Dong, did not rely on my big brother to get into the position..."

Having said that, there was a lot of killing on the street, Lian Haodong didn't care about talking to A Zou, he grabbed the machete in his hand and led others to meet him.

Seeing that Lian Haodong had already stopped Dongguan Boy, Ah Chao could only grab him and lead someone up to help, as for notifying the ambush...

Seeing that there were indeed only a few dozen people who had won consecutive victories, Ah Wu also felt that I had the advantage!

Not only Lian Haodong, but he is also very excited to have the opportunity to step on Dongguan Tsai and Big D.


Signal Hill Park, where the Anti-Ding Allied Forces ambushed.

Luo Tianhong held the Eight-faced Han sword in his right hand, and slapped his left hand on his neck, killing the 101st mosquito tonight.

"It's almost 1 o'clock...

Isn't it said that Dongguan boy is very poor?
How many streets will it take so long?
A Dong and A Zou are also bastards, they didn't send anyone over all night to find out..." Rubbing the mosquito corpse with his fingers, Luo Tianhong blew his side bangs and walked restlessly under the street lamp.

The three hundred loyal elites, those who slapped their thighs, and those who touched their necks, obviously also suffered from mosquito bites.

A little boss with a more mature appearance walked over cautiously: "Brother Tianhong, the person from Xiaozidui, the number gang, is also here. I think the leader of the other party has been on the phone all night. There should be news from outside..."

"Damn, didn't you say it earlier???" Luo Tianhong glared at the little boss, and walked towards the person with the characters of filial piety, carrying the eight-faced Han sword.

This time the action against Tsim Sha Tsui was led by Dongxing Camel, followed by a few fan prefixes of Number Gang, and Lian Haolong, who was persuaded by Camel with the price of fans and had long coveted Ni's land.

Because everyone knows that there is Ding Yunfeng standing behind He Liansheng!

So before the fight started, the leaders of Camel all met for a small meeting and reached a consensus to seek peace.

According to Luo Tuo's original words, if they don't fight this time, everyone's living space will definitely become smaller and smaller in the future, but if the fight is too extreme, Ding Yunfeng will not be able to let Liang Kun bring Hong Xing into the arena!

The best ending is to seize the middle-level Ding family at the level of Dongguan Tsai and force Ding Yunfeng to send Zhan Mi or Chen Yaoqing to the negotiating table.

It doesn't matter whether it is a street or two venues.

In short, we must take advantage of the good opportunity of the Ni family's attack on the street and the big reshuffle in Tsim Sha Tsui, leave a bulk cargo hall in Tsim Sha Tsui, and break the iron rules that Ding's sphere of influence cannot be followed.

It can be seen from here that although Dongxing Luotuo is old, his vision is still very vicious.

Luo Tuo saw earlier than others that if Dongguan Tsai were to make Tsim Sha Tsui uniform and implement Ding Yunfeng's rule of not being fans.

In the past, Tsim Sha Tsui, a paradise for Taoists, is bound to become a drug-free zone!

This matter will not only shrink the fan market in Hong Kong Island again, but also give the fan circle a non-toxic impression.

If fans want to make money, they cannot do without the market.

According to Lin Kun, if someone buys it, I will sell it, and I am not forcing you to buy it.

But according to Ding's approach, it is an open and aboveboard announcement that no one is allowed to sell fans within our sphere of influence.

In the past, frogs were stewed in warm water. Seeing that the sites of Lian Sheng and Hong Xing were not available for sale, those fellow Taoists gradually went to other places to buy them.

At first, Luo Tuo and others were very happy with this situation.

Everyone secretly joked that Coolie Qiang and Liang Kun were idiots and drove the God of Wealth on their territory to them.

But as time goes by...

Luo Tuo and others discovered that this situation is not good.

A fellow daoist is not a human being, but a consumable product. If you drink it for a long time, you will die.

In the past, everyone could send horses all over the world to drag people into the water, but now you can only develop new customers on your own territory.

Whoever's pony used to pollinate on the ground of the Ding family, once caught, he will be evaporated on the same day, and the other party will not even give you a chance to redeem someone with a drink.

If you don't curb this momentum, no matter where you are labeled as uniform by D-type people, the fan circle will definitely default that there is no fan to buy or attract.

Not to mention whether you can call back, things like consumer attitudes have been changed silently, and it is not something that can be changed in a few words.

What's more, buying fans and selling fans is inherently shady!

You, a fan, talk to a fellow Taoist, brother, we have snatched back this site, you can buy it with confidence, and buy it with confidence.

Do you think people can believe it?
 There is another chapter after 12 o'clock. I went out today and came back a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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